Alright, alright. Before this thread becomes a "I'm right, you're wrong" one, I'll say this. Yes, there were a lot of ways I could've done that part of the story, but that's the one I went with. Now, I'm not one to live in my own world and do what I want, so I ask everyone here. Would you like for me to write a different outcome to the Tower scene, and if yes, tell me what you didn't like from the original. I don't plan on touching the rest of the chapter or the game. It's just for that scene because I also would've like to write it differently. It also adds more choice to the player, which is something I want to keep adding.
If this is regarding the Veil stuff, I say stay the course. You are clearly building the MC up over time, and it's important to operate under the laws of the world and setup you have created. So the MC has some degree of morals, even if her opposition does not. She sees Veil utterly terrified at the prospect of being violated and turned into a baby making machine, and opts to try and be the bigger person. This is shown by her outright refusal to go rape beast, and really, when it's all said and done, you have her bend her concepts and ideals, but not outright break them.
Veil, as messed up as she is, is being built up to be a lover, not a tool.
Sure, the MC walks into a trap. (A
hot trap!) But hilariously, you have her wear Veil down even in *that* condition. And Veil is a necessary catalyst that pushes the whole romance with the fam situation forward, besides.
By the time the (quite large) Chap 3 has ended, the PC has asserted herself, now in a full on romance with the sis type, and is clearly making headway with her mother/guardian. She's growing confident in her skills, shown to be a prodigy regarding magic, and has a mysterious entity trying to guide or corrupt her path. Also, you don't shy away from our futa protagonist enjoying each and every aspect of her body, which is really damned refreshing, let me tell you! (Though her new size is starting to border on absurd. You may need her to cast that healing magic if and when she uses it with her 'human' lovers.)
You've shown the sister to have her own motivations and clear desires, and potential for growth there as well beyond a manipulative pain in the ass. Heck, she even calls out her own behavior, and apologizes. (The moment of casual bickering regarding her stubbornness to refuse changing the hair color of her characters in her 'story' is adorable.)
Anyway. I was a fan before, and I'm a fan now, if not moreso. For whatever it's worth, you have one weird internet rando on a pirate themed lewd forum giving you a enthusiastic thumbs up. Nice work!
If I were to suggest anything, I'd say it'd be nice to look in on Mog or the Cat (or both) and catch up with them, however briefly, just to reinforce their existence and meaning to the PC.
(Regarding the sis and the non existent daughter fantasy within a fantasy, it was fun, and it was hot. I don't understand, are we supposed to complain about bonus content? Heck, you even alluded that the sis may also get a dong at some point, which opens up even more fun options of debauchery in the future.)