I was talking about my message I had sent to them, but yeah that too. It's honestly one of the reasons I'm not a patron. I feel like the community isn't updated enough on what's going on or development. That doesn't mean I think there aren't enough game updates put out, but rather the supporters who are giving money to help the development end up in the dark for quite some time. The last update did come out around this time last month I believe, and I think they're normally to be expected between the 5th to 10th of a month. Again, I understand that developing a game can be tough, let alone a
good game like this, and that the developers do have their own lives, but since people are giving money for this, I feel they are somewhat obligated to know what's going on, even if that isn't necessarily part of the agreement.
I was going through the community page on Bo's patreon, and I saw that someone had asked for an update on the progress of the latest update, like if it was coming along ok and a possible release date. Bo Wei had replied to the post with, "Nah, I'm not telling anyone

That just rubs me wrong. I understand he's not required to do so, but I feel like there should be some sort of sense of responsibility in updating the people who financially support what you are doing. Maybe it was in light-hearted fun, but I think my point still stands.
Not to try and say who's better than the other or anything, but a good example of developers keeping their financial supporters and basic fans updated would be the team at Fenoxo's Blog. Yes, there are more people who are part of development, and yes, part of their thing is that one of their games is open to the public to help develop, so if someone had an idea and they posted it in their forums and worked it into a great addition to the game, they could become a part of the team, which would lead to more updates from more people. Granted, the guys over there have been developing games
way longer than Bo Wei & Koda have, so they have more experience in this sort of thing.
Alas, I'm just a hopeful fan, and this may even upset Bo Wei if he reads this, which isn't my intent. I would just like to bring to his attention that the fans would like to hear more about the game. It could be an every day thing, where he just briefly talks about any progress made, if at all, and possibly include how his day was going or and special events he plans to go to. It would definitely get the community interacting with him more.