Hmmmm. I get it, from a certain point of view. I disagree, but I could see how it would come across that way. If you look at Eliza, for example, who has undoubtedly the most content, and compare her to Khulan, who has far less, and then cobra and Lily, who in their incomplete state have even less than Khulan (currently), it adds up. But Eliza was a dev favorite, and Khulan was expanded on already. Even Scarlett has a comparative ton of content.
It think cobra is gonna get a ton more content though, surpassing Khulan for sure, and Lily will likely get a sizeable boost too. Maybe not eliza big, but she was, again, a dev favorite. It could be misunderstood as less effort though, especially if you weren't around during the Bo only days when all we had was battle stuff and nothing extra.