not new here just wanna say the game is cool and its a shame kooda and bowei keep making money off people who shoulda caught on years ago. the way the devs ropadope their supporters w no updates and delays is more impressive than the game at this point. maybe 4 years ago? i played it for the first time and it really set the standard for what i expect from rpg maker smut and its just unfortunate it has a community that wouldnt let it die after the first year and a half of shady shit. like the game would look real different if yall pulled your support and let kooda and bowei run on the treadmil for your dollars, the way goods and services are supposed to work. if you still back this game youre beyond being reasoned with and all i ask is that you touch some grass. its ironic, supporters help things get built and now yall are the wrench lodged in that shit, kooda and bowei are to blame but yall are right there next to them. matter fact google accountability as well after youre done touching that grass