RPGM Tower of Trample [v1.18.0.4 + Standalone Floor 10] [Bo Wei/Koda]

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Dec 27, 2018
guys i ll give you my tactic. (dont take risk)FOR 2 MONTHS just forget this game 4head, come back as you ve earned this update... i really did this before and it works wow ;) waiting day by day for an update is bad for your health. Or try to find bugs from the start and enjoy again...:devilish:
To be honest, yeah. This feels sort of accurate. If we were going with a serious overhaul of mechanics, then no problem. But this is pretty formulaic. Even with a floor as interesting as the nun's, its still essentially 4 staging points times 3 scenes, plus the boss fight scenes, plus an interactive trigger scene (hiding), and the cage (2 more events). And once you have that process down, you really should be able to stage events all over a floor. So not sure what the hold up really is? They have the art on point. The boss fights down. Multiple floor events down. Throw in the in-fight extras of Khulan or the mechanics of the snake lady (its been that long since ive played the game now i cant remember names). Even the Ms Claus event gave us ridiculously silly mini games that felt annoying and challenging.

Honestly after this floor, the next one needs to be a consolidation. No pushing the envelope. Take the events you know (multiple triggering, mini games (claus, boot hunting), throw in a fail ending like Yvonne/khulan, and test the player on their multiple skills over the course of the game thusfar. Basically just whop it out on time and dont try to be ambitious. A couple of on schedule releases and all will be forgiven.

With darktoz im always happy to sub because i know he's constantly trying to push himself. And i know you guys are too. But its so under the hood that i cant quite see it well enough. Take lady cobra (i knew it was snakes!), i know you likely switched up a lot of design elements but i still see (as a player), the boss fights. The same with Karen. I know the things you learned from that are pushing you forward as designers, but i (as a player) see a few mini quests, and an unbeatable boss battle thats pretty much the exact same as a normal boss battle (in this case the health bar = the number of rounds you need to survive, its basically the same to be honest)) along with a save the monks mini game). I dont really know whats different? Which is great because your game has a core identity to it, but might make you guys irritated because i dont recognise the deep changes youre making justifying the increasing delays. Point is, maybe just a couple of floors to consolidate and then move forward. Youve got stacks of mini game play mechanics that are fine (hidden rooms, mini games, boss story arcs, events with consequences). Maybe just roll out a floor or two using what you already know before trying to push things again would keep your subs happy? I promise, they want you to get better but they also just want to replay the game a bit once a month or so instead of once every three months when you figure out the direction you want to go in.

PS. just go in the direction that gave you howevere many undisclosed subs. Last update by the way, Jan 3rd at 1.23pm. Come on dudes. Unless you're building your own engine, this is a bit mental. Its fekkin april. And that wasnt even a real update. It was a mini tide-the-subs-over update. Honestly, and im not trying to hate on you, but... well, its April, dudes. This is a bit silly. I know you need artistic integrity, but im also making an obvious calculation. This calculations is as follows: I could just unsub, let someone else new to the game carry that sub and keep development going, and in 6 months pay 2 bucks and have access to the past 6 months of content... i dont want to get all Adam Smith here, but as a shareholder, im ready to let the next noob buy me out and carry the can until they too realise the nonsense, let their sub lapse and wait for someone else to randomaly stumble on the game and sub to your patreon whike you update floor eleven (sorry guys, bowei has some amazing new ideas so its going to be 2021 before theyre realised...'

This is an attrition business model. You dont have the kind of monopoly required to make it do anything other than contract and lose trust in your user base with your next project. ESPECIALLY should you abandon this clear labour of love (which your fans actually want - jings, the distrust should you just abandon this project - you better have a renpy out your ass to compensate; i mean full on fd foot-worship game (i cant stand footworship by the way, but even i know what your patreons want)). Basically your patreons want ToT content to infinity. And why shouldnt they you lunatics. Man, Do i honestly need to bring Gordon Ramsay (season 18 Hell's kitchen) into this? Why replace your mackerel with sea bass? "Stop running away from success!"

Okay, now im smashed on half a bottle of whiskey, so i'll be blunt ( i just taught a lesson on direct versus informal indirect language - isnt life cute). Get your shit together chaps. This delay is utter bullshit. Make a damn decision on your game. If youve hit the limits, no problem. Tell your subs, and then PRODUCE CONTENT extending it piece by piece every month (see my post below - this is a way after the event drunk edit). Work on your new shit (RPG MAKER is a bag of dicks, any game i download with rpg maker always feels like crap as a gameplaying experience by the way, renpy and even unity feels more immersive). But make sure that every month or so you have some updates to this game because its fucking great. But you keep trying to 'improve it' when you already invented the wheel. Its not getting more circular, chaps. You really have something so brilliant. Just crank out cheap unimaginative updates, we, your fans, will love them. And if you want more money, just create another patreon account, develop something more for your ego and let us sub to that as well. Im sure if its decent, we probably will. Or if you want to be a jerk, put it under bo wei and then have us ToT super fans panic every month when you decide Tot is beneath you and you want to work on your new renpy project.

To be clear, and i know you dont want to spiritually and creatively be restricted, but ToT lower floors (1-3) is art. ToT upper floors is beta. Mechanics and gameplay are kind of secondary. Its YOUR passion project, not your subs. Sure... if it means more efficient, less intrusive and faster updates with your improved skill set, no problem. But if it means 5 month delays while you get your shit together following a 2 month delay to deliver something only people like me want... i dunno, man?

I know this is a passion project and all, but my passion projects make me fuck all money/month. Yours makes you a fes thousand bucks. Not enough to retire on, but its literally free money whilst you learn a new skill. If i had even a tenth of your collective imagination, id... i dunno, design a game? ... would i? Probably not. People are jerks. I might make it for myself, but thats it (you really are amazing for putting this shit in public, and as someone with a death metal demotape in the ether from 1994, it takes heart to put this shit out there, and fuck me, you went viral! and reached people like me in korea. In English. In Korea. This is petty global, eh? Youre getting money from me. Almost nothing i warrant, but its still more than im giving the rest of the planet. Perhaps its not selling out listening to your audience when your audience are pretty much in sync with your own vision and just want what you want (a solid femdom game) and a decent update schedule.

To (mis)quote angryjoe, 'youre doing fucking it up'. You aint done yet. But youre kinda close. This is a bit close to abandonware... Ive played about 40 games waiting for you and darktoz since i found this site, and though you both have the content i crave (and i genuinely trust darktoz because EVERY release is more ambitious than his last one) , i reckon theres a few developers out there biting at your snatch. Femdom isnt quite so niche... or perhaps tired of the lack of games, people in our community are starting to produce shit. Right now youre way ahead. But this time next year... we're niche, sure, but we're also kind of passionate and exacting. But perhaps other people will fill the void. Im seeing games crop up now and again back in the alpha cycle but with genuine solid hc femdom potential. So maybe get your shit together? You can coast on those first few floors for only so long. Soon enough people are going to unsub, and that will lead to you losing interest. Leading to fewer subs. Leading to less interest. Wouldnt it be more exciting to make people want your damn game?


Dec 27, 2018
Also, why not stagger release a floor? You have bosses down pat. Bang that out, then half a month later open up the mini games, or vice versa. Actually now i think about it, shouldnt this be your release schedule. Focus on the boss, let koda then go back and look at building up the floor between patches? Two releases for the price of one. And just to remind you, that price of one is insanely good.

Actually, i love to balance the force... You guys deliver something absolutely unique. Your fans love it, thats why we're all bitching. We also really want you to be creative and push the envelope a bit. But every floor doesnt have to trump the previous one. I think almost everyone here would be ecstatic with a floor 1-3 cycle with new art work. You could do that and youd have subs to the end of time so long as the creativity was in the scenes. But youre also artists and need to be proud of your releases and move forward as designers. I think your fans want that too. But just not every floor is all? In fact, extending the bosses we already love would be a worthy update to be honest. Four new scenes with Khulan, two new scarlet story events, yvonnes ending is no longer a dead end, mommy now has a couple of new quests on the floors above (with a couple of new scenes)... etc etc. Youve got 6 floors of narrative to play with. Maybe you could prioritise your queen and help her rank up? Now youve got lezdom battles on your hands... These can all be worked between major updates (think a blizzard 8.1.5 versus the big event 8.2).
Point isnt that these ideas are perfect and exactly what you should do, but rather that some minor updates fostering relationships with your special princess might make these delays less obvious... and may also make the game actually involving as a narrative (giving choices like these creates replayability - what if i chose Scarlett instead of Yvonne? guess i have to do this shit again - think rpg class and make the queens the avatar you put points into - want to build around scarlett exclusively, no problem, want to balance in the hope that future updates cater to your greedy playstyle? Isnt this cool? Now you have a meta mini game playing out completely outside the main storyline (youre still grinding those floors - but choosing to do so, i just made a post on the deluca thread about this, spoiler: its a positive thing when you let players choose, They feel more involved and emotional about their decisions - duh!))... ). As a player, youre emotionally involved. I want Karen to win. Some people for whatever weird reason like Lilly. And now you as designers also have invaluable telemetry from your subs. Yikes!
Dammit. What i mean is i love your game. Really love it. Right now youre in a class of two (you and darktoz). The last thing i want is for you guys to be discouraged. I want you feeling creative, passionate, and fired up. But this is a heck of a delay dudes... you sort of know it, right? So maybe you need to justify it a little.


Jul 10, 2018
Reading all the comments after having been away for a while, I have to say, people vastly overestimate how often new games get released. New games getting released daily on DLsite? The only developer which might produce different works daily are the ones who do voice works.

Good games take a whole lot more and do tend to have a lot of delays too. For instance I like the works of tower of desire and somme work, and I remember reading the expected release dates for their latest games being somewhere around late 2016/ early 2017 and when they finally got them out it was January 2019. And even after delays, games might still have problems. For example somme work's latest game was their only one where the endings weren't intuitive while it also took really long to get to the end even when skipping everything (no dedicated skip button sucks), and at least the ending I got was bugged so I never got to actually see an actual ending.

And while I remembered them of the top of my head because of the long delays, long development times aren't something new. Looking at some other of my favorite femdom game developers Bosabosa Project also took 3 years to release their latest project, and Msize releases a game every 2 years even though he makes visual novels so he doesn't have to worry about gameplay stuff. Girl beats hero by boko877 which is usually the game most mentioned when talking about another good femdom game in english which is also in development, actually started to be developed about a year earlier than tower off trample (it's tough to remember with all the delays but this game isn't even 18 months old) and I don't know if it even has more content and even if it has, it's not by much.

I know that the delays are frustrating (which is why I hadn't even looked at the forums the past couple weeks) but anyone who thinks that good game can be churned out like they are nothing is seriously underestimating the amount of work that needs to go in them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2018
To be honest, yeah. This feels sort of accurate. If we were going with a serious overhaul of mechanics, then no problem. But this is pretty formulaic. Even with a floor as interesting as the nun's, its still essentially 4 staging points times 3 scenes, plus the boss fight scenes, plus an interactive trigger scene (hiding), and the cage (2 more events). And once you have that process down, you really should be able to stage events all over a floor. So not sure what the hold up really is? They have the art on point. The boss fights down. Multiple floor events down. Throw in the in-fight extras of Khulan or the mechanics of the snake lady (its been that long since ive played the game now i cant remember names). Even the Ms Claus event gave us ridiculously silly mini games that felt annoying and challenging.

Honestly after this floor, the next one needs to be a consolidation. No pushing the envelope. Take the events you know (multiple triggering, mini games (claus, boot hunting), throw in a fail ending like Yvonne/khulan, and test the player on their multiple skills over the course of the game thusfar. Basically just whop it out on time and dont try to be ambitious. A couple of on schedule releases and all will be forgiven.

With darktoz im always happy to sub because i know he's constantly trying to push himself. And i know you guys are too. But its so under the hood that i cant quite see it well enough. Take lady cobra (i knew it was snakes!), i know you likely switched up a lot of design elements but i still see (as a player), the boss fights. The same with Karen. I know the things you learned from that are pushing you forward as designers, but i (as a player) see a few mini quests, and an unbeatable boss battle thats pretty much the exact same as a normal boss battle (in this case the health bar = the number of rounds you need to survive, its basically the same to be honest)) along with a save the monks mini game). I dont really know whats different? Which is great because your game has a core identity to it, but might make you guys irritated because i dont recognise the deep changes youre making justifying the increasing delays. Point is, maybe just a couple of floors to consolidate and then move forward. Youve got stacks of mini game play mechanics that are fine (hidden rooms, mini games, boss story arcs, events with consequences). Maybe just roll out a floor or two using what you already know before trying to push things again would keep your subs happy? I promise, they want you to get better but they also just want to replay the game a bit once a month or so instead of once every three months when you figure out the direction you want to go in.

PS. just go in the direction that gave you howevere many undisclosed subs. Last update by the way, Jan 3rd at 1.23pm. Come on dudes. Unless you're building your own engine, this is a bit mental. Its fekkin april. And that wasnt even a real update. It was a mini tide-the-subs-over update. Honestly, and im not trying to hate on you, but... well, its April, dudes. This is a bit silly. I know you need artistic integrity, but im also making an obvious calculation. This calculations is as follows: I could just unsub, let someone else new to the game carry that sub and keep development going, and in 6 months pay 2 bucks and have access to the past 6 months of content... i dont want to get all Adam Smith here, but as a shareholder, im ready to let the next noob buy me out and carry the can until they too realise the nonsense, let their sub lapse and wait for someone else to randomaly stumble on the game and sub to your patreon whike you update floor eleven (sorry guys, bowei has some amazing new ideas so its going to be 2021 before theyre realised...'

This is an attrition business model. You dont have the kind of monopoly required to make it do anything other than contract and lose trust in your user base with your next project. ESPECIALLY should you abandon this clear labour of love (which your fans actually want - jings, the distrust should you just abandon this project - you better have a renpy out your ass to compensate; i mean full on fd foot-worship game (i cant stand footworship by the way, but even i know what your patreons want)). Basically your patreons want ToT content to infinity. And why shouldnt they you lunatics. Man, Do i honestly need to bring Gordon Ramsay (season 18 Hell's kitchen) into this? Why replace your mackerel with sea bass? "Stop running away from success!"

Okay, now im smashed on half a bottle of whiskey, so i'll be blunt ( i just taught a lesson on direct versus informal indirect language - isnt life cute). Get your shit together chaps. This delay is utter bullshit. Make a damn decision on your game. If youve hit the limits, no problem. Tell your subs, and then PRODUCE CONTENT extending it piece by piece every month (see my post below - this is a way after the event drunk edit). Work on your new shit (RPG MAKER is a bag of dicks, any game i download with rpg maker always feels like crap as a gameplaying experience by the way, renpy and even unity feels more immersive). But make sure that every month or so you have some updates to this game because its fucking great. But you keep trying to 'improve it' when you already invented the wheel. Its not getting more circular, chaps. You really have something so brilliant. Just crank out cheap unimaginative updates, we, your fans, will love them. And if you want more money, just create another patreon account, develop something more for your ego and let us sub to that as well. Im sure if its decent, we probably will. Or if you want to be a jerk, put it under bo wei and then have us ToT super fans panic every month when you decide Tot is beneath you and you want to work on your new renpy project.

To be clear, and i know you dont want to spiritually and creatively be restricted, but ToT lower floors (1-3) is art. ToT upper floors is beta. Mechanics and gameplay are kind of secondary. Its YOUR passion project, not your subs. Sure... if it means more efficient, less intrusive and faster updates with your improved skill set, no problem. But if it means 5 month delays while you get your shit together following a 2 month delay to deliver something only people like me want... i dunno, man?

I know this is a passion project and all, but my passion projects make me fuck all money/month. Yours makes you a fes thousand bucks. Not enough to retire on, but its literally free money whilst you learn a new skill. If i had even a tenth of your collective imagination, id... i dunno, design a game? ... would i? Probably not. People are jerks. I might make it for myself, but thats it (you really are amazing for putting this shit in public, and as someone with a death metal demotape in the ether from 1994, it takes heart to put this shit out there, and fuck me, you went viral! and reached people like me in korea. In English. In Korea. This is petty global, eh? Youre getting money from me. Almost nothing i warrant, but its still more than im giving the rest of the planet. Perhaps its not selling out listening to your audience when your audience are pretty much in sync with your own vision and just want what you want (a solid femdom game) and a decent update schedule.

To (mis)quote angryjoe, 'youre doing fucking it up'. You aint done yet. But youre kinda close. This is a bit close to abandonware... Ive played about 40 games waiting for you and darktoz since i found this site, and though you both have the content i crave (and i genuinely trust darktoz because EVERY release is more ambitious than his last one) , i reckon theres a few developers out there biting at your snatch. Femdom isnt quite so niche... or perhaps tired of the lack of games, people in our community are starting to produce shit. Right now youre way ahead. But this time next year... we're niche, sure, but we're also kind of passionate and exacting. But perhaps other people will fill the void. Im seeing games crop up now and again back in the alpha cycle but with genuine solid hc femdom potential. So maybe get your shit together? You can coast on those first few floors for only so long. Soon enough people are going to unsub, and that will lead to you losing interest. Leading to fewer subs. Leading to less interest. Wouldnt it be more exciting to make people want your damn game?
Agreed <3


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
Reading all the comments after having been away for a while, I have to say, people vastly overestimate how often new games get released. New games getting released daily on DLsite? The only developer which might produce different works daily are the ones who do voice works.

Good games take a whole lot more and do tend to have a lot of delays too. For instance I like the works of tower of desire and somme work, and I remember reading the expected release dates for their latest games being somewhere around late 2016/ early 2017 and when they finally got them out it was January 2019. And even after delays, games might still have problems. For example somme work's latest game was their only one where the endings weren't intuitive while it also took really long to get to the end even when skipping everything (no dedicated skip button sucks), and at least the ending I got was bugged so I never got to actually see an actual ending.

And while I remembered them of the top of my head because of the long delays, long development times aren't something new. Looking at some other of my favorite femdom game developers Bosabosa Project also took 3 years to release their latest project, and Msize releases a game every 2 years even though he makes visual novels so he doesn't have to worry about gameplay stuff. Girl beats hero by boko877 which is usually the game most mentioned when talking about another good femdom game in english which is also in development, actually started to be developed about a year earlier than tower off trample (it's tough to remember with all the delays but this game isn't even 18 months old) and I don't know if it even has more content and even if it has, it's not by much.

I know that the delays are frustrating (which is why I hadn't even looked at the forums the past couple weeks) but anyone who thinks that good game can be churned out like they are nothing is seriously underestimating the amount of work that needs to go in them.
There's two problems with what you're saying:
First, no one is holding the devs to an unrealistic standard, people asking for shorter development cycles want a return to the old days of ToT, when updates only took 1-2 months, and not 4-5. The devs have already churned out content at that frequency, so why would you assume it's unreasonable to ask them to go back to that? If anything they should be more adept at it now that they have more experience under their belt.
Second, the devs themselves said they would try to make this change. For a brief moment, they seemed to acknowledge the community's complaints, and so they announced a return to small floors with shorter dev cycles... but then they said they tried it and "it didn't feel right" to them. Ultimately it's their game and they can do whatever they want with it, but to me that's a lousy explanation, especially when Santa's floor was small and had a pretty good reception (maybe better than Karen's, ironically).

I don't know whether Bo is more in touch with the asian part of his game's community or what (some had said so here iirc) , but Koda shows glimpses of wanting to understand this community and give it what it wants, like when he comes to this forum (even though some of us are just filthy pirates) to explain some of the games mechanics, or that one time he explained the reason for some of the delays. But other times, Bo and Koda seem to completely forget about the community's existence, and usually it's on the back of some delay like right now... I don't know about you, but to me that seems like the worst moment to leave your game's fandom in the dark :cautious:
It's more than understandable that people would complain given the circumstances, just ignore the few who are trolls like edoitachi


Game Developer
Apr 10, 2018
Update will be up "early" May according to discord.
We never said this; there is no set date at the moment. Please don't spread release info that doesn't come from Bo or myself.

Re. everything else: as previous reports have said in more detail: 7F will speak for itself. If people don't trust us and want to cancel their pledges in the interim (or even after the release, if they don't feel it was worth the wait), that's their call.

As someone pointed out a few pages back: Bo and I would make more money in (far) fewer hours at any random part-time job. We would also make more money if we catered to certain kinks (GTS, Furry, Futa, etc.), a different medium (eg. monthly CG-sets with some light story/text for ~$5-10 similar to a lot of JP circles), or even just returned to the simpler floors/girls like 1-4F.

But we'd prefer to develop (and show everyone) our vision of "peak ToT" -- and that's what our patrons are funding. If it turns out that not enough people want to fund that type of the development, then we'll probably have to reevaluate our approach, but we're hoping 7F will convince everyone (and we appreciate that 1-6F seem to have convinced enough people to stick with us for as long as they have already).


Jul 24, 2018
Can you name 3?
LOL EASILY my man, i can name you 10 first that comes in mind:
Sexy beach 1\2\3,
Artificial girl 1\2\,
Custom maid 3d 1\2,
Honey Select
Artificial Academy2
Katawa Shoujo
Mirror <<< @Koda and BO take NOTE OF this 2d puzzle game ABSOLUTLEY FANTASTIC AND SHORT (thats how games are MADE) NOONE NEEDS freaking floors - ppl need CONTENT GIRLS+ SCENES(a LOT OF SCENES)

And many MANY MORE!!! Basicly you can google ANY Illusion 3d Hentai game after 2010y and it will give you 50+ COOL games fully moded 3d chars (mod anyone you LIKE any COSTUME\GENDER\BODY CHANGES\YURI\FUTA\YAOI\TREESOME\HAREM\FEET\FEMDOM\LEZDOM\ETC) and many MANY OPTIONS (practicly limitless)
And you say name 3 - what planet you live on guys????? These game above i mentioned are 1000000000 better than TOT Here (no offence) have better stories\graphics\hentai variations + girls customizations - OMG and you SERIOUSLY will argue with me that im wrong REALLY ? =))))) Just download those from pornolab or any other resource torrents and ENJOY YOUR LIFE!! Yes those games are 10-50+ GB and require normal pc to function (you cant play them on potato) if you have wood pc sorry not my problems..

Oh btw about games on THIS site there are like 40+ here as well
Ill list some below from my mind:
All (Pink Tea) games >> he has cool flash games great quality and story ESPECIALLY >Slave lords of Galaxy< !
Succubus prison house
Harem Hotel
Bell master
Noxian Nights
Gladiators of Elmia <<<nice fighting femdom bitchy rpg
Spiral clicker
Claires quest
Hypno sex
Dungeon buster
Kobold's knight of lifestock
All Kamikadze OUKA games (fighting with submission and bad ends)
Nano Controll
Girl beats hero << Amazing SUBMISSION\HUMILIATION flash game as well
HS Tutor
Kings exit
Yorna <<<nice Corruption game
Insult Order <<<< COOL as FUK ^_^

AND MANY MAAAANY more (juts use browser here GADAMIT ) search by tags you like feet\femdom\submission\ etc dont be so lazy >_>
PS i have played ALL of these and SOO much more games of Hentai stuff and fetishes - just believe me dudes TOT is not so great as "fanboys" write here so PLEASE GODDAMIT STOP FKING SAYING THAT !!!!!!!!!!!! I am 100% right because i have games i played to COMPARE it with.. i have EXPERIENCE TONS of it so dont even start to argue and doubt my opinion.
Thanks all have a nice time playing ^_^
Hentai Sempai has left the chat :3


Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
LOL EASILY my man, i can name you 10 first that comes in mind:
Sexy beach 1\2\3,
Artificial girl 1\2\,
Custom maid 3d 1\2,
Honey Select
Artificial Academy2
Katawa Shoujo
Mirror <<< @Koda and BO take NOTE OF this 2d puzzle game ABSOLUTLEY FANTASTIC AND SHORT (thats how games are MADE) NOONE NEEDS freaking floors - ppl need CONTENT GIRLS+ SCENES(a LOT OF SCENES)

And many MANY MORE!!! Basicly you can google ANY Illusion 3d Hentai game after 2010y and it will give you 50+ COOL games fully moded 3d chars (mod anyone you LIKE any COSTUME\GENDER\BODY CHANGES\YURI\FUTA\YAOI\TREESOME\HAREM\FEET\FEMDOM\LEZDOM\ETC) and many MANY OPTIONS (practicly limitless)
And you say name 3 - what planet you live on guys????? These game above i mentioned are 1000000000 better than TOT Here (no offence) have better stories\graphics\hentai variations + girls customizations - OMG and you SERIOUSLY will argue with me that im wrong REALLY ? =))))) Just download those from pornolab or any other resource torrents and ENJOY YOUR LIFE!! Yes those games are 10-50+ GB and require normal pc to function (you cant play them on potato) if you have wood pc sorry not my problems..

Oh btw about games on THIS site there are like 40+ here as well
Ill list some below from my mind:
All (Pink Tea) games >> he has cool flash games great quality and story ESPECIALLY >Slave lords of Galaxy< !
Succubus prison house
Harem Hotel
Bell master
Noxian Nights
Gladiators of Elmia <<<nice fighting femdom bitchy rpg
Spiral clicker
Claires quest
Hypno sex
Dungeon buster
Kobold's knight of lifestock
All Kamikadze OUKA games (fighting with submission and bad ends)
Nano Controll
Girl beats hero << Amazing SUBMISSION\HUMILIATION flash game as well
HS Tutor
Kings exit
Yorna <<<nice Corruption game
Insult Order <<<< COOL as FUK ^_^

AND MANY MAAAANY more (juts use browser here GADAMIT ) search by tags you like feet\femdom\submission\ etc dont be so lazy >_>
PS i have played ALL of these and SOO much more games of Hentai stuff and fetishes - just believe me dudes TOT is not so great as "fanboys" write here so PLEASE GODDAMIT STOP FKING SAYING THAT !!!!!!!!!!!! I am 100% right because i have games i played to COMPARE it with.. i have EXPERIENCE TONS of it so dont even start to argue and doubt my opinion.
Thanks all have a nice time playing ^_^
Hentai Sempai has left the chat :3
copy pasted ur list to test some of the games since mods will delete this offtopic poste but... yeah u got some nice titles there but others are really far fetched ? :eek: honey select is not aimed @ femdom just has the ability to show some optional submissive positions :p at this rate you could trow the elder scrolls skyrim into this lot :D u should see my skyrim :devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish: any way gona try some of the titles you typed that i never heard of i just hope that insult order has any thing promessing among others o.o


Jul 10, 2018
There's two problems with what you're saying:
First, no one is holding the devs to an unrealistic standard, people asking for shorter development cycles want a return to the old days of ToT, when updates only took 1-2 months, and not 4-5. The devs have already churned out content at that frequency, so why would you assume it's unreasonable to ask them to go back to that? If anything they should be more adept at it now that they have more experience under their belt.
Second, the devs themselves said they would try to make this change. For a brief moment, they seemed to acknowledge the community's complaints, and so they announced a return to small floors with shorter dev cycles... but then they said they tried it and "it didn't feel right" to them. Ultimately it's their game and they can do whatever they want with it, but to me that's a lousy explanation, especially when Santa's floor was small and had a pretty good reception (maybe better than Karen's, ironically).

I don't know whether Bo is more in touch with the asian part of his game's community or what (some had said so here iirc) , but Koda shows glimpses of wanting to understand this community and give it what it wants, like when he comes to this forum (even though some of us are just filthy pirates) to explain some of the games mechanics, or that one time he explained the reason for some of the delays. But other times, Bo and Koda seem to completely forget about the community's existence, and usually it's on the back of some delay like right now... I don't know about you, but to me that seems like the worst moment to leave your game's fandom in the dark :cautious:
It's more than understandable that people would complain given the circumstances, just ignore the few who are trolls like edoitachi
Well you're kinda addressing a different point than what I want to make though. While the Karen stuff I wasn't the biggest fan of myself (mainly because the image of when Karen gives you a headlock kinda made her look like she was transgendered to me and that kinda ruined it even though I know Bo Wei would never do that and that she had some excellent scenes too). So I can certainly appreciate how if someone waited for months and got something that wasn't his cup of tea, he'd want the frequent updates. Personally I don't think I would care too much for most floors, but if let's say Rose's floor was a 1 month project I'd be disappointed and if they have inspirations about stuff that they want to try out so they'll have refined tools when it's time for the really important floors, I don't mind waiting.

And returning to topic, the people I wanted to address before, are all those who keep saying that the devs are lazy. Even if you didn't enjoy the Karen content, I don't think you can realistically deny the fact that it a pretty long floor which wouldn't have been created if they just did the work that they used to do in 1-2 months and then just lazed about the rest of the time. Neither I not anyone else can say anything on whether someone wants more short floors or less bigger ones as that is a matter of preference. People though who say though that the developers are just lazing around so they can milk the patrons and if they were diligent they would make more money aren't expressing a preference (and unfortunately they seem to be considerably more than just edoitachi). They are straight up throwing insults and reading through all of them while catching up made me feel bad even though they weren't directed to me, I can't imagine how bad I'd feel if I were in their shoes.


Dec 6, 2018
LOL EASILY my man, i can name you 10 first that comes in mind:
Sexy beach 1\2\3,
Artificial girl 1\2\,
Custom maid 3d 1\2,
Honey Select
Artificial Academy2
Katawa Shoujo
Mirror <<< @Koda and BO take NOTE OF this 2d puzzle game ABSOLUTLEY FANTASTIC AND SHORT (thats how games are MADE) NOONE NEEDS freaking floors - ppl need CONTENT GIRLS+ SCENES(a LOT OF SCENES)

And many MANY MORE!!! Basicly you can google ANY Illusion 3d Hentai game after 2010y and it will give you 50+ COOL games fully moded 3d chars (mod anyone you LIKE any COSTUME\GENDER\BODY CHANGES\YURI\FUTA\YAOI\TREESOME\HAREM\FEET\FEMDOM\LEZDOM\ETC) and many MANY OPTIONS (practicly limitless)
And you say name 3 - what planet you live on guys????? These game above i mentioned are 1000000000 better than TOT Here (no offence) have better stories\graphics\hentai variations + girls customizations - OMG and you SERIOUSLY will argue with me that im wrong REALLY ? =))))) Just download those from pornolab or any other resource torrents and ENJOY YOUR LIFE!! Yes those games are 10-50+ GB and require normal pc to function (you cant play them on potato) if you have wood pc sorry not my problems..

Oh btw about games on THIS site there are like 40+ here as well
Ill list some below from my mind:
All (Pink Tea) games >> he has cool flash games great quality and story ESPECIALLY >Slave lords of Galaxy< !
Succubus prison house
Harem Hotel
Bell master
Noxian Nights
Gladiators of Elmia <<<nice fighting femdom bitchy rpg
Spiral clicker
Claires quest
Hypno sex
Dungeon buster
Kobold's knight of lifestock
All Kamikadze OUKA games (fighting with submission and bad ends)
Nano Controll
Girl beats hero << Amazing SUBMISSION\HUMILIATION flash game as well
HS Tutor
Kings exit
Yorna <<<nice Corruption game
Insult Order <<<< COOL as FUK ^_^

AND MANY MAAAANY more (juts use browser here GADAMIT ) search by tags you like feet\femdom\submission\ etc dont be so lazy >_>
PS i have played ALL of these and SOO much more games of Hentai stuff and fetishes - just believe me dudes TOT is not so great as "fanboys" write here so PLEASE GODDAMIT STOP FKING SAYING THAT !!!!!!!!!!!! I am 100% right because i have games i played to COMPARE it with.. i have EXPERIENCE TONS of it so dont even start to argue and doubt my opinion.
Thanks all have a nice time playing ^_^
Hentai Sempai has left the chat :3
Trust me, I've tried searching by those tags. Any game that is otherwise vanilla or even maledom but has one single femdom scene (which is like, the vast majority of your list) will get tagged with femdom. Searching by feet will basically run a gauntlet of vanilla footjob scenes, and submission will 99.9% of the time be female submission. If you're going to link these types of games then you might as well should just provide a link to dlsite/vndb for a list of upwards of thousands of games that all hit these "tags" but are absolutely nothing like ToT or the precious few femdom games that actually exist on f95.

Virtually all of the games you listed can be described as I have above. The only game from that list that could be remotely compared to ToT is girl beats hero, but quite frankly it is otherwise nothing like it. Succubus Prison House and Gladiators of Elmia are also long shots. As far as I'm concerned you have yet to name one, let alone barely three.


Apr 20, 2018
@edoitachi I mean, from that list the only femdom games are gladiators of elma (which is not a bad game but is poorly traslated) succubus prison house and girl beats hero which doesn't have as much content as ToT and updates even less than it.
But if you put a clicker game above ToT i guess we just have very diferent tastes


Dec 4, 2017
4-5 months is a long time to wait but it might be worth it, we dont know what the devs have cooked up.. i dont know about you guys but i prefer a good amount of well made new content per 4 months then a little content per month... if we can wait a whole damn year for game of thrones then what is 4 months? LOL :p


Dec 31, 2018
Footjobs aren't inherently femdom, it's just a specific form of foot fetishism. Frankly, footjobs have become pretty vanilla outside of foot fetishism too -- in terms of mainstream porn anyways. Your definition of femdom via a footjob would essentially include any act of manual stimulation by a woman to a man, and 50% of all main stream porn would be "femdom." Femdom requires situational context and isn't really defined by specific sexual acts, though some are more common in femdom than without. I'd debate this with you further, but demanding my age doesn't give me any reassurance you're arguing in good faith, lol.

That still doesn't make those games a "femdom/foot" game. They might contain femdom/feet scenes, but as I said in my first post, all you need is 1 scene comprising 1% of the total content of a game to have femdom, and an otherwise vanilla/maledom game can be tagged as a femdom game. Why you would think anyone waiting for a ToT update would want to play those games I haven't the foggiest idea.
Can't quote more.
Sadly, there are an absurd number of hentai games and animes, but very VERy few of them have actual female domination in there.
Most have a 10 second scene, and are tagged as that. Same thing goes for foot related stuff, 99.9% of the stuff you find is related to foot worship, but few titltes have ACTUAL foot worship/domination.
This is why this game is a little gem, and it's the best femdom e-content out there hands down


New Member
Nov 5, 2018
LOL EASILY my man, i can name you 10 first that comes in mind:
Sexy beach 1\2\3,
Artificial girl 1\2\,
Custom maid 3d 1\2,
Honey Select
Artificial Academy2
Katawa Shoujo
Mirror <<< @Koda and BO take NOTE OF this 2d puzzle game ABSOLUTLEY FANTASTIC AND SHORT (thats how games are MADE) NOONE NEEDS freaking floors - ppl need CONTENT GIRLS+ SCENES(a LOT OF SCENES)

And many MANY MORE!!! Basicly you can google ANY Illusion 3d Hentai game after 2010y and it will give you 50+ COOL games fully moded 3d chars (mod anyone you LIKE any COSTUME\GENDER\BODY CHANGES\YURI\FUTA\YAOI\TREESOME\HAREM\FEET\FEMDOM\LEZDOM\ETC) and many MANY OPTIONS (practicly limitless)
And you say name 3 - what planet you live on guys????? These game above i mentioned are 1000000000 better than TOT Here (no offence) have better stories\graphics\hentai variations + girls customizations - OMG and you SERIOUSLY will argue with me that im wrong REALLY ? =))))) Just download those from pornolab or any other resource torrents and ENJOY YOUR LIFE!! Yes those games are 10-50+ GB and require normal pc to function (you cant play them on potato) if you have wood pc sorry not my problems..

Oh btw about games on THIS site there are like 40+ here as well
Ill list some below from my mind:
All (Pink Tea) games >> he has cool flash games great quality and story ESPECIALLY >Slave lords of Galaxy< !
Succubus prison house
Harem Hotel
Bell master
Noxian Nights
Gladiators of Elmia <<<nice fighting femdom bitchy rpg
Spiral clicker
Claires quest
Hypno sex
Dungeon buster
Kobold's knight of lifestock
All Kamikadze OUKA games (fighting with submission and bad ends)
Nano Controll
Girl beats hero << Amazing SUBMISSION\HUMILIATION flash game as well
HS Tutor
Kings exit
Yorna <<<nice Corruption game
Insult Order <<<< COOL as FUK ^_^

AND MANY MAAAANY more (juts use browser here GADAMIT ) search by tags you like feet\femdom\submission\ etc dont be so lazy >_>
PS i have played ALL of these and SOO much more games of Hentai stuff and fetishes - just believe me dudes TOT is not so great as "fanboys" write here so PLEASE GODDAMIT STOP FKING SAYING THAT !!!!!!!!!!!! I am 100% right because i have games i played to COMPARE it with.. i have EXPERIENCE TONS of it so dont even start to argue and doubt my opinion.
Thanks all have a nice time playing ^_^
Hentai Sempai has left the chat :3
You were asked to name 3 femdom/feet related games... A simple "no" would have sufficed.
Slave lords of the galaxy is a fucking maledom game, mirror is generic hentai, insult order is mostly vanilla with some more maledom, custom maid is completely vanilla, sexy beach looks like a clone of DOA xtreme, and i can't tell if artificial girl is even an adult game. I don't think it would be worth the effort to look at the other games you've listed.

You know, i really feel terrible for bo and koda after reading through this thread. They're really working hard trying to make this game the best it can be, they're trying something unique and interesting and most likely amazing, but recently it seems like there is barely anything but toxicity over here. Not just this comment, half of the people here are whining. Can we stop begging for replacements, stop rushing them, stop bitching, stop insulting them, and show a little bit of compassion for the PEOPLE making this?
They need time to create something more unique and in depth than usual, they have told us that, and they're keeping us posted on how it's going. They've even been showing some of the art they've made. This couldn't be further from a dead project. Relax a little, grow something that somewhat resembles a shred of patience, and you'll realise how petty and silly it is to be complaining over what's happening right now.

This game is a godsend for us femdom lovers. Stop demanding quantity over quality, when some quality femdom is exactly what sets this game apart from the rest. It would be a tragedy if all this hate actually has an impact on the game at all. The total lack of any constructive input (aside from one comment), with nothing but demands for content, is exactly why rushed releases and buggy garbage flood the gaming market.
Sorry for the rant, but it would be heartbreaking to see this game ruined from the pressure of so many people begging for updates before they're ready. At least wait to see what comes from it.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
You know, i really feel terrible for bo and koda after reading through this thread. They're really working hard trying to make this game the best it can be, they're trying something unique and interesting and most likely amazing, but recently it seems like there is barely anything but toxicity over here. Not just this comment, half of the people here are whining. Can we stop begging for replacements, stop rushing them, stop bitching, stop insulting them, and show a little bit of compassion for the PEOPLE making this?
They need time to create something more unique and in depth than usual, they have told us that, and they're keeping us posted on how it's going. They've even been showing some of the art they've made. This couldn't be further from a dead project. Relax a little, grow something that somewhat resembles a shred of patience, and you'll realise how petty and silly it is to be complaining over what's happening right now.

This game is a godsend for us femdom lovers. Stop demanding quantity over quality, when some quality femdom is exactly what sets this game apart from the rest. It would be a tragedy if all this hate actually has an impact on the game at all. The total lack of any constructive input (aside from one comment), with nothing but demands for content, is exactly why rushed releases and buggy garbage flood the gaming market.
Sorry for the rant, but it would be heartbreaking to see this game ruined from the pressure of so many people begging for updates before they're ready. At least wait to see what comes from it.
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Sep 15, 2018
I really do visit here once per 2 month so i wouldn't call it waiting for update.I do play my games and lot more every day TY for your concern about my life but i think ill decide where to go and what to play + whom to post.
PS im not bitching about his game not at all i think this game is ok. I just wrote an answer to guys who said that TOT has no concurents and no similar games. I posted list of games that are far superior.Wishing for all of you to open up your eyes and leave this narrow minded world of your "exceptional" game and try out other far greater games.

Im not saying your wrong, cos my computer is a potato and I haven’t played almost all of the games you suggested but I have played succubus prison and Girl beats hero.

Succubus prison is a completely different genre to tower of trample and, while it is femdom, is not the kind of femdom shown in ToT.

Girl beats hero is a great game and does have some femdom content involving feet, but nothing on the scale of ToT and are only a couple seconds long.

Tbf these games are quite similar to ToT but, in my opinion, are still different and should not be compared to this game, cos this is feet-femdom whereas both of those games are femdom-femdom. Im not sure about the rest of the games on the list but when people asked to name 3 games that were similar to ToT they meant primarily feet-femdom games, as that is what people are here for. So when you say that those games are “far superior” they are probably just better for you and your kinks.
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