- Jul 15, 2018
- 106
- 97
The delays suck but in my opinion the lack of transparency and communication from the devs is the main problem here. The only thing we have heard from them the last months are "we need to delay it".You were asked to name 3 femdom/feet related games... A simple "no" would have sufficed.
Slave lords of the galaxy is a fucking maledom game, mirror is generic hentai, insult order is mostly vanilla with some more maledom, custom maid is completely vanilla, sexy beach looks like a clone of DOA xtreme, and i can't tell if artificial girl is even an adult game. I don't think it would be worth the effort to look at the other games you've listed.
You know, i really feel terrible for bo and koda after reading through this thread. They're really working hard trying to make this game the best it can be, they're trying something unique and interesting and most likely amazing, but recently it seems like there is barely anything but toxicity over here. Not just this comment, half of the people here are whining. Can we stop begging for replacements, stop rushing them, stop bitching, stop insulting them, and show a little bit of compassion for the PEOPLE making this?
They need time to create something more unique and in depth than usual, they have told us that, and they're keeping us posted on how it's going. They've even been showing some of the art they've made. This couldn't be further from a dead project. Relax a little, grow something that somewhat resembles a shred of patience, and you'll realise how petty and silly it is to be complaining over what's happening right now.
This game is a godsend for us femdom lovers. Stop demanding quantity over quality, when some quality femdom is exactly what sets this game apart from the rest. It would be a tragedy if all this hate actually has an impact on the game at all. The total lack of any constructive input (aside from one comment), with nothing but demands for content, is exactly why rushed releases and buggy garbage flood the gaming market.
Sorry for the rant, but it would be heartbreaking to see this game ruined from the pressure of so many people begging for updates before they're ready. At least wait to see what comes from it.
The Quality of the game is great but they really need to make an effort to communicate more. They can 't really expect that people show understanding for the delays if they don't explain the cause.