I'm finally back to this thread after a five month absence, and I am absolutely elated to find that I'm less than two full days away from the next delay announcement. This is exciting news for me personally because the original plan was one floor per month--and the project started in late 2017, which means we're just slightly ahead of schedule in regards to staying on the timeline. Shareholders will be pleased to know that we've cleanly passed through the hopeful, communicative veneer phase and are not even half-way through the expected length of Discord sycophancy and the producer's quietly-seething resentment of excitable fans and their very smart, marketable, and especially practical ideas for future content development. The synergy is excellent and, dare I say, unique in the entire history of the Patreon porn game development industry. Better still, the inevitable constantly-sick phase is nowhere to be seen, and we have already easily passed the initial random-absence, hard-drive-failure, and abruptly-moving-to-a-new-city phases unexpectedly (but not unpleasantly!) early in the timeline. And of course, the distribution-of-workload-to-reliable-fans process is going swimmingly, as everyone knows. I'd say that about leaves us with only the continuation of the overambition, the burnout, the family/pet dying, the apologism by mob, moved goalposts, another wave or two or random absence, and either cut content/abandonment or (more ideally) token goals technically if not practically fulfilled.
All working as intended in the Patreon cycle, because you get both payment and affirmation whether you do the work or not. In fact, you're better off NOT doing the work, because getting shit done means no longer being rewarded for your honey. Dragging your feet is all well and good, merely a testament to standard human work ethics. I just wish the dance were more interesting and graceful, as opposed to the banal and pathetic little half-assed jig I've already seen a dozen fucking times. Indie porn games development is still on the rise, and I look forward to being done with this awkward transitional period where it's old enough for the novelty to fail and young enough to be insulting and tedious. It's all so tiresome.