Now, I'd be lying if I said I never procrastinate, so the old style of delays, which went from e.g. a month delay to half a month to a week to a couple days to a day to some hours, I may find excessive, but I can understand how it could happen. What genuinely baffles me is how you could say something will be ready tomorrow, then you say tomorrow again, then you say in 2-3 days, then tomorrow again, then in 2-3 days again. I mean after the first time you delay haven't you seen that in a day's work you've done less than 10% of the work remaining? How can it be that after a string of delays the duration of future delays gets increased when compared the extension asked during past delays?
P.S. I wish to extend my sincere condolences to the families of the people who decided to make a drinking game out of my post and take a shot every time I say the world delay.
P.P.S. Please delete their hard drive and clear their browsing history.