RPGM Tower of Trample [v1.18.0.4 + Standalone Floor 10] [Bo Wei/Koda]

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
I would assume because the codebase of ToT is super cluttered and Koda just missed removing that. There's a huge swath of Scarlett code in Koda's main helper script, for example, which I thought was legit but later discovered it's older than Yvonne and isn't used. I could take a look but I suspect the skill books and their actions are defined all over the place and it was easy to miss

EDIT: I checked it out, Quick Tongue has its effect wiped from the database but Reburn does not, looks more like Reburn is the bugged one here since these are meant to be disabled. I'll bring it up to Koda next time I talk to him and see which it is
Ask him what he's even doing currently while you're at it. No matter what he says we'll get a chuckle out of it.
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Incognito Guy

totally not zazzaro
Jan 5, 2019
I would assume because the codebase of ToT is super cluttered and Koda just missed removing that. There's a huge swath of Scarlett code in Koda's main helper script, for example, which I thought was legit but later discovered it's older than Yvonne and isn't used. I could take a look but I suspect the skill books and their actions are defined all over the place and it was easy to miss

EDIT: I checked it out, Quick Tongue has its effect wiped from the database but Reburn does not, looks more like Reburn is the bugged one here since these are meant to be disabled. I'll bring it up to Koda next time I talk to him and see which it is
Tell him to add Quick Tongue instead. It's cute to have this vintage stuff in your save files.
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Sylph Phoenix

Sep 24, 2018
Ask him what he's even doing currently while you're at it. No matter what he says we'll get a chuckle out of it.
I actually asked him about what he was up to on WG earlier today since I know he's been working consistently enough that the 0.01 of a version should've been done, surely. He's working on a lot more than I expected. WG is getting a fair bit of attention with some new stuff from Bo and that seems like it's very far along, and there's some significant Bo + Koda thing on ToT they're trying to coordinate with and get done but I don't know the specifics of that or its progress. I don't want to give any of the details on the WG stuff just because I think it's inappropriate to share details from PMs when he clearly was just satisfying my curiosity for my help.

I'd said to him that it probably isn't a good idea to put so much into WG since it isn't as popular, but I kinda get it. ToT's systems are part Bo, part beginner-level Koda, and part actually-competent Koda. WG by comparison was so small to begin with that it's almost only competent-Koda-coded, which I think is why Koda talked about it being a good staging ground for new features - less shit in the way. I expect it's a horrible experience going over that old script code and trying to do shit with it. I've worked with similar stuff and I feel some sympathy because it really is a bloody nightmare. That's my guess, but grain of salt and all that.

Tell him too Quick Tongue instead. It cute to have this vintage stuff in your save files.
Lmao, true


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
I actually asked him about what he was up to on WG earlier today since I know he's been working consistently enough that the 0.01 of a version should've been done, surely. He's working on a lot more than I expected. WG is getting a fair bit of attention with some new stuff from Bo and that seems like it's very far along, and there's some significant Bo + Koda thing on ToT they're trying to coordinate with and get done but I don't know the specifics of that or its progress. I don't want to give any of the details on the WG stuff just because I think it's inappropriate to share details from PMs when he clearly was just satisfying my curiosity for my help.

I'd said to him that it probably isn't a good idea to put so much into WG since it isn't as popular, but I kinda get it. ToT's systems are part Bo, part beginner-level Koda, and part actually-competent Koda. WG by comparison was so small to begin with that it's almost only competent-Koda-coded, which I think is why Koda talked about it being a good staging ground for new features - less shit in the way. I expect it's a horrible experience going over that old script code and trying to do shit with it. I've worked with similar stuff and I feel some sympathy because it really is a bloody nightmare. That's my guess, but grain of salt and all that.
Hey, at least you tried. The few times I talked to Koda he seemed reasonable enough (compared to Bo at least) but at the same time stubborn. It's hard to reconcile the Koda that's willing to talk to people with the Koda that delays the same update 30 times. I feel like we'd all be one step closer to having stable development for this game if the guy just admitted he has some issues.

Sylph Phoenix

Sep 24, 2018
Hey, at least you tried. The few times I talked to Koda he seemed reasonable enough (compared to Bo at least) but at the same time stubborn. It's hard to reconcile the Koda that's willing to talk to people with the Koda that delays the same update 30 times. I feel like we'd all be one step closer to having stable development for this game if the guy just admitted he has some issues.
Koda's a really pleasant guy to chat to, truly. His issue is that he's not a professional; not as a scripter, not as a project manager, and not as a spokesman. I'd argue he is as a writer, but we can agree to disagree. As he's said to me on many occasions, he just wants to write lewds. And believe me when I say, RPG Maker + Ruby do not make this stuff easy. The project I completed for him yesterday was a GUI, and jesus christ man... I've been programming for the better part of a decade, and this one godforsaken GUI took me probably 12 hours total. If he asks me to do another GUI I'll ask for money lol.

For what it's worth, I can confirm that the trip, the illness, all that stuff is legit. He's on the other side of the world as me and yet his waking hours have suddenly lined up with mine thanks to getting sick. Very convenient for me, probably not for him


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2018
Koda's a really pleasant guy to chat to, truly. His issue is that he's not a professional; not as a scripter, not as a project manager, and not as a spokesman. I'd argue he is as a writer, but we can agree to disagree. As he's said to me on many occasions, he just wants to write lewds. And believe me when I say, RPG Maker + Ruby do not make this stuff easy. The project I completed for him yesterday was a GUI, and jesus christ man... I've been programming for the better part of a decade, and this one godforsaken GUI took me probably 12 hours total. If he asks me to do another GUI I'll ask for money lol.

For what it's worth, I can confirm that the trip, the illness, all that stuff is legit. He's on the other side of the world as me and yet his waking hours have suddenly lined up with mine thanks to getting sick. Very convenient for me, probably not for him
I'm a writer and deadlines are king in the business, you don't get hired unless you respect them


New Member
Feb 5, 2019
I actually asked him about what he was up to on WG earlier today since I know he's been working consistently enough that the 0.01 of a version should've been done, surely. He's working on a lot more than I expected. WG is getting a fair bit of attention with some new stuff from Bo and that seems like it's very far along, and there's some significant Bo + Koda thing on ToT they're trying to coordinate with and get done but I don't know the specifics of that or its progress. I don't want to give any of the details on the WG stuff just because I think it's inappropriate to share details from PMs when he clearly was just satisfying my curiosity for my help.

I'd said to him that it probably isn't a good idea to put so much into WG since it isn't as popular, but I kinda get it. ToT's systems are part Bo, part beginner-level Koda, and part actually-competent Koda. WG by comparison was so small to begin with that it's almost only competent-Koda-coded, which I think is why Koda talked about it being a good staging ground for new features - less shit in the way. I expect it's a horrible experience going over that old script code and trying to do shit with it. I've worked with similar stuff and I feel some sympathy because it really is a bloody nightmare. That's my guess, but grain of salt and all that.

Lmao, true
Still no news for any updates WG or ToT :)


Jan 6, 2019
And what game do they have in priority? ToT or WG. Well here comes the 7th floor with additions for the characters and WG 1.0. What's next? ToT go by the wayside?

Sylph Phoenix

Sep 24, 2018
Incognito Guy I mentioned the Quick Tongue skill book during my chat with Koda yesterday. He didn't reply to it since he was busy busy and was only asking for my opinion on a scripting thing he was doing but we'll see what happens.

And what game do they have in priority? ToT or WG. Well here comes the 7th floor with additions for the characters and WG 1.0. What's next? ToT go by the wayside?
Koda is mucking around with WG mostly but that will change when Bo Wei finally finishes 7F. After that I'm confident it'll be pretty much exclusively ToT since they're going back to the short floor model. Thank god for that.

I'm a writer and deadlines are king in the business, you don't get hired unless you respect them
All I said was that I think he's good at writing, not that he's got all the extra skills that make you employable. I'm not being particularly controversial, I'm not silly enough to deny that his time management is shit and his project management is about as good. Though it's worth mentioning he doesn't just write, he has to do all the mechanical crap and scripting as well. That's where the time consumption really rears up. It's not like it's going to take him hours to just write lewd dialogue, especially with the bulk dialogue tool I made. Nah he'd be burning time trying to do more elaborate script stuff and not really knowing what he's doing.
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Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
All I said was that I think he's good at writing, not that he's got all the extra skills that make you employable. I'm not being particularly controversial, I'm not silly enough to deny that his time management is shit and his project management is about as good.
I don't think anyone can make a case for Koda being a good writer. You can say you like him as an erotica writer, but I think he'd have to show us that he doesn't lack some basic writing skills (like being able to write complex and interesting characters or settings), before you can say he's good at writing in general. I think that just like it's possible for someone to be bad at drawing and still be a good caricaturist, it's possible for Koda to be bad at writing and still be a good erotica writer. But even the people who like his erotic writing have to admit he has some VERY bad bits... I mean... 'FOOTNOSIS'... That should be enough for everyone to understand.
But anyways, originally you said that you believed Koda to be a professional in his writing, and there's just nothing professional about him.

LeonOne994 Just curious, would you say Koda's a good erotica writer? What about a good writer in general?
Though it's worth mentioning he doesn't just write, he has to do all the mechanical crap and scripting as well. That's where the time consumption really rears up. It's not like it's going to take him hours to just write lewd dialogue, especially with the bulk dialogue tool I made. Nah he'd be burning time trying to do more elaborate script stuff and not really knowing what he's doing.
But there's just so much about what Koda's doing that doesn't make any sense. What's the point of all this elaborate scripting? If it's stuff that he knows most people won't notice, if it's making people angry because it's taking so long, if it's even making Bo have to reach out and say he has OCD, what's the point? If he really has OCD then he should go see a therapist already, and more people should be telling him that.
He says he's waiting on Bo to finish F7, as if that's the only way he has of working on ToT stuff, completely ignoring the fact that he's had this massive update for the game in the works, with tons of content and which was supposed to drop more than 4 months ago.
People have been saying for ages that we should give him time so that he'll become a competent programmer, but functionally he's become even more incompetent than he was at the beginning.
And then there's the WG contradiction. When the discussion is about why Koda even chose to start working on WG, the reason is that it's smaller than ToT, so there's less stuff in the way. But when the discussion is about why it's taking Koda so long to do anything in WG, the reason is that the code is old? You can't have it both ways. And if the real reason is that he's working on a lot of stuff, then how come there's never been a lot of stuff in his updates? Just remember what was promised in the spring cleaning update versus what we got.

What I'm getting at is this, we can spend forever arguing whether Koda is actually hard-working and well-meaning or the opposite, no one outside of Koda will know for sure whether it's one or the other. But Koda being incompetent? By this point that's a fact, and it's clear as day.
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Sylph Phoenix

Sep 24, 2018
Hey I never said WG was taking long because the code was old. If it ever seemed that way, then I phrased it poorly. Reason why WG is taking so long is because he doesn't know when to put a pin in his ideas and do what he originally set out to do. That's bad project management.
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In any case, I'm not really trying to fight with you guys, especially since we mostly agree in the first place. But a lot more good comes from using what you know to help things along. If you are a writer, see if he'll let you write sections of dialogue for the existing characters or something. If you're an artist, there's a 110% chance he'll hear you out on cleaning up WG art or doing those POV CGs for Heide or some extra stuff for Scarlett, best waifu. As you said, Joe, he's very reasonable when you talk to him. He's just an unmitigated disaster at planning. Eventually he'll learn, like Bo did, but until then I'm going to keep coding whatever speeds him along.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
Hey I never said WG was taking long because the code was old. If it ever seemed that way, then I phrased it poorly. Reason why WG is taking so long is because he doesn't know when to put a pin in his ideas and do what he originally set out to do. That's bad project management.
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In any case, I'm not really trying to fight with you guys, especially since we mostly agree in the first place. But a lot more good comes from using what you know to help things along. If you are a writer, see if he'll let you write sections of dialogue for the existing characters or something. If you're an artist, there's a 110% chance he'll hear you out on cleaning up WG art or doing those POV CGs for Heide or some extra stuff for Scarlett, best waifu. As you said, Joe, he's very reasonable when you talk to him. He's just an unmitigated disaster at planning. Eventually he'll learn, like Bo did, but until then I'm going to keep coding whatever speeds him along.
Yeah, I know we're pretty much on the same page. Sorry if I come off too standoffish sometimes.
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4.30 star(s) 55 Votes