RPGM - Completed - Town of Passion [v1.1] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    this game is a good pastime, as the puzzles are varied and interesting, so if you play it for that reason ok.

    Otherwise it is a game from a graphic style unappealing, of course personal opinion, where the interactions with the different characters are few and rushed, which eliminates any empathy.

    with many characters the whole thing is limited 2-3 missions, success in each mission gives access to a scene lewd then repeatable, but none of these characters stand out over the others, they bore more than distract.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    first of all I am not a fan of monster girl but this game have decent story, interesting main quest and Extras like DLCs and Costumes so it can open new scenes for the characters but don't expect much for graphic (this game came from 2017). Thanks Siren
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Well made game for a RPG one. Unlike most of the rpg games, here the quests and the gameplay map are's easy to navigate and complete and you don't get into wandering and confusion what to do next or where to go to trigger something new, how's often happen in this game's style. There is also some moan voice at some h-scenes, which is always welcome ... :sneaky: There is not scary amount of grind.

    I dislike that there isn't enough text, also that some of the girls hop onto you after the first favour( quest) you make for em.
    The girls looks very much identical to me as both body shapes and faces. There is some kinda personality for each one, but how i said with the lack of text you literally notice and get to know them before the "real deal".
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    TBH, great game, love the art, plot-twists and whole story . Non-animated scenes are slightly in the way, but the look of characters make up. Little DLCs and costumes available to find are nice addictions. The developer created a great world, good game, awesome characters and pulled out max potencial of the RPG maker
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Siren's domain is the best mother/son game creator. Hands down, no contest, they have the relationship building, anticipation building, sexual tension building crown and I don't think anyone will be able to take it away from them. I've never been so invested in a relationship as I have been with the MC and his 'maid' Mary, and it's the only game I've ever bought merch of.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Guys, you made me believe that it was a great game for such a good rating but... it is barely acceptable for an ero-rpg. The animations are bad, MC feels out of place but, overall, the game itself is fine. At parts you don't have a clue about what to do (you have to open inventory to use key items out of nowhere, something you don't have to in 98% of the gameplay so it gets really confusing). Anyways, 3 stars at tops.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Before you do really step up into the story grab some of the popcorn and something to drink. Game has interesting story and dialogues to read, to see to think about. Just the style of arts is something special here. It will take you many time of gameplay.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2596230

    Great use of the RPG Maker engine, and great art as well! Love all the storylines, and Siren does a great job of updating periodically, adding more content. I've replayed it about 3 times so far just because I love it so much.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the higher quality games around here. Turns out you can make an RPGM game that isn't a pain in the ass to play! Amazing animations, fun characters, loads of fetishes covered. Only complaint would be you can only butt-fuck one character, but hey, that's a minor personal gripe at best. Their other game is good, too.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very nicely done. It's real bright and happy. The main story is not creepy at all. Just a boy with *big magic* and hot milfs near. What can go wrong? I'm glad i spent time on it. And author still adding more stuff in it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    This is THE first adult RPGM game that I truly enjoyed playing

    Art style is pretty nice. Story is cool, not too simple and not too complicated. Minigames are very fun and challenging.

    The only meh point is that the sex scenes are too simple, basically one animation at different speeds, but the build up leading to it is pretty nice, so it's not too bad.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was great, The starting was great with good character development, The ending was very fast-ish, felt a bit rushed. The art style was very decent too. Grinding wasn't that much and was rewarding too.
    I wished it had a bit more content and fewer echo scenes in the end.
    Hopefully sirens next game (House Chores) will be great, that one is very promising too with a really good art style.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually pretty great.

    Gameplay is passable, and even occasionally kinda fun, but rarely tedious. Grind is minimal. A little skeptical of the art at first, but it's grown on me. Characters are likeable enough, world is not too big but still has plenty of things to do. Story seems a little grandiose, but not to the point the writer's jerking off on the keyboard, so that's refreshing.

    A little disappointed in the concept of paths. There are two (Passion and Lust) and they follow their own storylines. Pursuing half the characters progresses the Passion plotline, the other half progresses the Lust plotline. In a perfect world I would've liked to see any character being pursuable by either method and changing the events of the story as a result of what methods you use more. Considering that is literally double the work at minimum, I can understand why this path was not taken, but it is a little disappointing I can only woo some characters and go to town on some others.

    Either way, it's a pretty great game, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the final product looks like.

    Also in the Tavern during the evening, Evelynn's sprite dances to the beat of the music and I just think that's adorable.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Town of Passion 1.8 Beta:

    It's a solid game using the RPGmaker engine with cute vanilla themes. The game does not feature any standard RPGmaker combat, instead using well thought out mini-games for gameplay. The game length is about 6 hours with a easily read story line that flows really well. The painted art is beautiful but the animated scenes feel a bit lacking and could have been longer and more varying. The pixel art scenes don't really work for me as they are too low resolution with chibi rpgmaker avatars. Some content is hidden and is made available by finding unlockables. Overall I wish there were more content for the central town characters. There are too many characters at the moment with too few scenes.
    Likes: Sjel
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I really like the idea of a sheltered and sexually ignorant character(man in this case) being slowly taught about sex and sort of taken advantage of along the way. Only things I can think of that'd make it even better (aside from more content like there already is) would be the girls taking more advantage of his ignorance to teach him to act like they'd prefer and keeping track of who has taught what to the MC and adjusting scenes accordingly ie. cumming for the first time through a magical looking glory hole possibly making you surprised when some girl can do that magic without the formation or if MC has only gotten footjobs assuming that what he feels through the gloryhole is feet. Oh and maybe the goddess or someone giving some reason to think your cum is too precious to waste on the monsters so that there is more of a rationalization for why you should avoid the monsters that just make you cum would be good.
    The way you unlock more of the world and gain skill levels feels really nice.
    Various minigames that there are are decent and fun enough though since the game seems to be aiming to make playing through the game twice going for passion or lust each time means that some randomness to make the minigames/puzzles more replayable would be nice.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 674118

    I don't have much love for RPGM games, but this one will always have my love. The scenes are great and the game is fun. I find it easier to play with a walkthrough (but that's the same for most games anyway).
    I do find that with the new updates, the new scenes aren't as hot as the older ones but I don't mean quality, I mean positions (doggy with Minerva and we don't see her boobs, sex scene with Haru and we mostly see MC - and no boobs :cry:).
    But do keep up the good work, that game is great!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    the game seems pretty good to me, I love it very much that it has animation, at first it seemed odd to see that weird red in the face of the characters without being ashamed but after a while I finished getting used to it, I have not finished it at all, but I have completed the sex scenes with 4, the only "negative" I see, is that there are very few scenes with them or interactions or there are few girls, hopefully later introduce more
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a full fledged old school Zelda game but with porn.
    I'm a big fan of the early LoZ and this game feels just like them, with a huge amount of references and even borrowing rules and mechanics, that's why this game went very smoothly for me to 100% without a need for a guide.
    This is one of my favorite games ever not just favorite porn game.
  19. C
    4.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite games on this site it's just a shame the arts really inconsistent these days every H-scene has a varying degree in quality although it's not too much of an issue also with each update it seems they're prioritizing more and more Sprite animations instead of actual H-scenes although the latest update didnt have any so heres hoping they're straying away from sprites for now
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Just had to make a quick review because color blind boy gave it shit for in my opinion arbitrary reasons.

    No rpg maker game supports color blind mode or "gimp" mode as far as I know and the difficulty is not even worth mentioning if you are a functioning human being. That being said I do owe this game a proper review.

    First the art in my opinion is excellent and the animations top notch for rpg maker.

    The story though somewhat contrived is very serviceable and does pick up later on in the game.

    The game runs very well, some rpg maker games are actually fairly resource intensive so this is a plus for me.

    The music is also decent which is a plus if you care for such things.

    I have never encountered a bug playing this.