You know, if the kemono page is going to be updated like this, it may be completely unnecessary for us to pay for anything. I can wait a week.
On this version, a really bad mistake was made when Don decided to place the children back in the house. He forgot to change the middle part saying how grateful she was that they were with their grandparents tonight. I thought, by what he said that he had a proofreader. Well, that failed and makes things confusing. I also don't like when she decides to finally defend Dan to Lester. She had been going along with it, feeling a turn-on when Lester had the upper hand on her husband and felt so strongly about the reason for this turn-on that she even told her husband on the phone that weirdly she got turned-on by Lester attacking him. Then, out of nowhere, she breaks the sex high she is starting to ride to angrily defend Dan to Lester? Especially when she has stated she felt just the way Lester had just said it. In my humble opinion, Sarah should have felt vindicated by Lester saying that Dan attacked Sarah's fun and enjoyment and growth and that Lester, himself would see that she always got to experience all of that, regardless of Dan and his attempts to control her.
Anyway, hope everyone is relatively well and hope to see what you all thought of this.