Also the fact that Sarah and Dan have never had phone sex despite their long time apart is an indication that Dan has very low libido. He's just fine not fucking his wife, letting her fuck other men, not even have phone sex.
i see. is he known to collaborate with don silver?
just interested to know more why people think don silver farms out his writing to other writers. i don't agree or disagree, just interested to hear the theories, since i've heard many people bring up the idea
Ghost write is probably a strong word - undue influence would be the term I use. Case in point ch26 was such a huge departure from the Sarah/Lester mannerisms and goals that it felt like someone who didn't understand the characters wrote those scenes. It's not hard to believe someone else was in control of the alpha release. It's a speculation based on some of Chillie's comment's about watching Grandeman's (one of DS's editors) comments on the discord server.