I must be the only one who doesn't like when hentai games go the animation route. In a ideal world where it wouldn't take any time, I would be happy to have them and yes I prefer them to static pics.
But it's not an ideal world and for one scene with animation you have the time to make 2-3 scenes without it. And I'd clearly prefer two times the amount of scenes in a game, even static ones, to half the scenes but they're animated. Any day.
I feel like the game hasn't been updated with 2-3 scenes in ages and it's a big part of why. I don't know when I last played it, perhaps 7-8 months ago. The last scene was just before Terena's fall at the beach. What has happened since ? The fall events of the nun ? The "sword" training of Arika ? I think that's it. Yes there was the police doujin but frankly... Meh. Enjoyable but nothing more, very far away from other doujins from the master.
I know I'm in the minority but I wish he would just ditch animating the scenes. He lost so much time with it and now that he has done it for some he probably feels like he has to do it for the rest.