Dude I'm convinced that TH likes to make up new words in every work
probably most internet translators and/or dictionaries cant translate ogeretsu or muttsuri
rabuho, ogeretsu, muttsuri are like the very basic core words when you read any nukige. Takeda rarely uses difficult Japanese in his works, maybe some phrases you have to search here and there, but he likes to describe the erotic play using art rather than words. Beside, his flow in dialogue is often just dragging just like it's ready to be dubbed. In a climax scene in the game you probably only need to read like 2 sentences describing the semen coming out, 2 sentences of the girl's thought and barely meaningful sentence dancing in between the oho moan.
You can tell right away from all the pixelated garbage around the text.
The real problem with English translation is that people only notice very easy cases: shitty typesetting, and horribly incorrect English grammar. Chance is 90% of what you read in English with "good translation" is by some ESL using MTL and proofread it to make it flow natural. You can say overall that doesn't change the work enough to make it into a full fanfiction, but it's still fun to see people debating over a detail that's completely mistranslated. I mean you can see exhentai random doujinshi, one dude writing all the nitpick wrong translations in the comment and it happens so often.
There are fewer quality translation groups these days, and they only pick the high quality ones to work with. Or they set up a rule like 30-day delay to support the artist/paywall supporters get to read the translation earlier.
Chinese/Korean/Spanish translation feels fast because they're also MTL'd as well. The only rare time is when there's no raw version yet, then it might be valid translation (something like buying the book physically, scanning it and translating like how it was back then).