RPGM Complete (Translation Request) Cow-tits hero and female dog knight [RJ381126] [Zeton Poison] (Mega Download)


Apr 11, 2018
they marked this as completed .... anyway i did a SLRMTL on it and it seems like its better i played through the starting phase and did some minor events in starter town and it looks like a better translation then a standard MTL.. here is the translation and also here is the modified plugins.js that Danthen shared with us. use these on the RAW version to avoid problems

EDIT4: use my prepatched game download link on this page a bit further down i deleted these small zips with translation and plugins.js cuz peeps seemed to have troubles with installations
Screenshot 2024-09-26 082023.png
edit3: i played the starting phase with both games and compared the translations and while SLRMTL is far from perfect its still better then the MTL but this MTL is okey compared to what iv seen in other games its playable if your not picky.

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Active Member
Jul 3, 2018
they marked this as completed .... anyway i did a SLRMTL on it and it seems like its better i played through the starting phase and did some minor events in starter town and it looks like a better translation then a standard MTL.. here is the translation and also here is the modified plugins.js that Danthen shared with us. use these on the RAW version to avoid problems

Extract translation first and replace folders data and js in www folder after that extract the plugins.js into js folder
that way you will have H-Status translated to.

please note that i dont know if there is issues with my translation further in to the game i havent played through it myself yet
unfortunatly im very new to SLR and im not a pro at this so if there are issues i cant help you fix them im sorry.

edit: ah yes this is for the version released jun/26/2022

edit2: ah yes you will want to change font size to go to js folder find rpg_windows.js edit with notepad find the line that says

Window_Base.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
return 28;
Edit only the number it should be on 28 standard set it to 20 that should be enough to keep the text from going outside text box/window
this setting sets overall text size on all text to 20 menues, title, dialog etc

and yeah here is a print screen the same one as on page one to compare the lines witch one is better you might not see much in this one but i promis you overall SLR usealy dose better translations in my experience
View attachment 4071492
edit3: i played the starting phase with both games and compared the translations and while SLRMTL is far from perfect its still better then the MTL but this MTL is okey compared to what iv seen in other games its playable if your not picky.

I ended up having this error, any ideas on how to fix it? 1727393359228.png


Apr 11, 2018
I ended up having this error, any ideas on how to fix it? View attachment 4073987

there shouldent be any issius starting the game it works on my end did you DL a fresh copy befor you installed tje translation
also be sure to emulate jp locale when extracting game zip also there is japanese text inside plugins.js might want to emulate jp locale when extracting translation and plugins.js too if your not running it in jp locale that mighr cause issues too
you need to apply it to a raw version thats all i can think of that might casuse it other then that im clueless to why it wont work for you

edit: you could go to the mentioned folder copy a silent ogg file and rename it to Cursor2 that way it playes a silent sound in other words no sound but should get you past the fail to load but if your getting a fail to load at start like that im guessing it will happeen with other files to right after, im just guesssing that tho might work to just make a fake file

Edit2: Make sure its not the MTL'ed version you download use the mega link on first page the untranslated one it should be the same version as the dlsite one witch im useing it should work if not then im truely clueless
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Active Member
Jul 3, 2018
there shouldent be any issius starting the game it works on my end did you DL a fresh copy befor you installed tje translation
also be sure to emulate jp locale when extracting game zip also there is japanese text inside plugins.js might want to emulate jp locale when extracting translation and plugins.js too if your not running it in jp locale that mighr cause issues too
you need to apply it to a raw version thats all i can think of that might casuse it other then that im clueless to why it wont work for you

edit: you could go to the mentioned folder copy a silent ogg file and rename it to Cursor2 that way it playes a silent sound in other words no sound but should get you past the fail to load but if your getting a fail to load at start like that im guessing it will happeen with other files to right after, im just guesssing that tho might work to just make a fake file

Edit2: Make sure its not the MTL'ed version you download use the mega link on first page the untranslated one it should be the same version as the dlsite one witch im useing it should work if not then im truely clueless
I tried everything here but unfortunately the same problem (my version is the jp from dl site) :(


Apr 11, 2018
I tried everything here but unfortunately the same problem (my version is the jp from dl site) :(
super wierd ill pm you a DL link for my copy of the game if it still dosent work when running my copy its something else spooking. give me 30 minutes to upload a zip also i use 7zip so use 7zip when extractiing
Sep 2, 2018
there shouldent be any issius starting the game it works on my end did you DL a fresh copy befor you installed tje translation
also be sure to emulate jp locale when extracting game zip also there is japanese text inside plugins.js might want to emulate jp locale when extracting translation and plugins.js too if your not running it in jp locale that mighr cause issues too
you need to apply it to a raw version thats all i can think of that might casuse it other then that im clueless to why it wont work for you

edit: you could go to the mentioned folder copy a silent ogg file and rename it to Cursor2 that way it playes a silent sound in other words no sound but should get you past the fail to load but if your getting a fail to load at start like that im guessing it will happeen with other files to right after, im just guesssing that tho might work to just make a fake file

Edit2: Make sure its not the MTL'ed version you download use the mega link on first page the untranslated one it should be the same version as the dlsite one witch im useing it should work if not then im truely clueless
im having the same problem, i DLed the mega link on the first page and it ran fine, music and all, but then i applied the translation (with JP locale) and the game is totally silent and throws up errors when trying to play any audio tracks


Apr 11, 2018
im having the same problem, i DLed the mega link on the first page and it ran fine, music and all, but then i applied the translation (with JP locale) and the game is totally silent and throws up errors when trying to play any audio tracks
the plugins.js dose not go in first the translatiom dose the reason for this is that my translation breaks the h-stats codeing in plugins.js makeing it not work cuz there is code in it for the standing cg so anyway first ad translation then the plugins.js
and it should work any way for everyone ill reupload my copy aagain its a SLRMTL, so its not perfect because its still a MTL but its useing sugoi offline pack so its in general better then a regular MTL just give me 10 minutes and you will have my seemingly working copy i dont know cuz i played like 10 minutes into the game then quit cuz i got other games the come first


Apr 11, 2018
The Cow-tits hero and female dog knight SLR.sugoi.MTL:

this is with Danthen plugins.js just need to put his name here cuz its credits to him that the H-Stats both work and is translated
i also allready made the FontSize smaller in my copy so you wont need to do it yourself in this copy.

if it dosent work now its probably because it broke when i zip'ed it i used ultra compression this ime its rare but it dose break it sometimes if so PM me and ill reupload a new one.
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Reactions: somerandomguy12385
Sep 2, 2018
The Cow-tits hero and female dog knight SLR.sugoi.MTL:

this is with Danthen plugins.js just need to put his name here cuz its credits to him that the H-Stats both work and is translated
i also allready made the FontSize smaller in my copy so you wont need to do it yourself in this copy.

if it dosent work now its probably because it broke when i zip'ed it i used ultra compression this ime its rare but it dose break it sometimes if so PM me and ill reupload a new one.
this version works perfectly, thanks!
also i looked at the files to compare them, and this download has the .ogg sound files the game was looking for that the Mega download on the first page is missing. So that explains why the original game link wasn't working


Active Member
Feb 7, 2023
full save

there is one scene not found but I think it is bugged since I interacted with every npc on port town.


New Member
Mar 11, 2018
The Cow-tits hero and female dog knight SLR.sugoi.MTL:

this is with Danthen plugins.js just need to put his name here cuz its credits to him that the H-Stats both work and is translated
i also allready made the FontSize smaller in my copy so you wont need to do it yourself in this copy.

if it dosent work now its probably because it broke when i zip'ed it i used ultra compression this ime its rare but it dose break it sometimes if so PM me and ill reupload a new one.
anyway you can re-up? The download is no longer available


Apr 11, 2018
anyway you can re-up? The download is no longer available
Edit: sorry i just saw i deleted them wait a minute and ill reupload the data an js folders

unfortunately i can not im not allowed to upload games i did not know this when i uploaded it, im sorry mate
my mtl should be on this thread and danthens plugin js should be on first page if i remember correctly try downloading those and ad those to a clean copy follow instructions on my post and make sure game version is the same and it should work if you just add trans and then after the plugin.js when adding trans owerwrite after ad plugins.js and owerwrite should work just fine

once again use on a raw copy to avoid problems i dont even know if the version you can get on this thread is the same as the one i got from dlsie
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