RPGM [Translation Request] [Crotch] Remote Island Photography Survival RPG ~Koharu's Coming!~


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
What happend to the og post? Images are removed and the features text is crossed out.
Mar 29, 2022
Here's an awful MTL that sort of works. I managed to get it past what issues I could find. I wasn't able to get the menu to translate as it caused some crashing issues. This is just a Translator++ patch. It also includes the VividXP Wordwrap as I don't know any other way to do it.

1. Extract the www folder from the zip
2. Overwrite the original www folder with the new one
3. Enjoy? Again, it's barely English. So g'luck with that.


New Member
Mar 3, 2023
I'm new to these kind of games but I feel like I make a bad start by starting with Crotch games. Tbh, scat turn me off at first but I can't get enough of the way Crotch Circle (is that how you describe the dev?) make their games.

Surprisingly detailed and high in quality. Now, no matter what game I play, it just can't scratch that itch for more of these kind of games. You know what I mean?

Wish this game will be translated. Don't even mind paying for it. I like it that much. Right now, we are stuck with either machine translation (I can play it, heck, even finish it, but man, the sentence sometimes make me dive deep into self-introspection, giving me both existential and identity crisis.)

And I also blame Crotch Circle for my slight scat fetish.

Still hoping for proper translation of Crotch Circle's games. Here's hoping.