RPGM None [Translation Request] Dirty hawkers want to prolong war [1.2.2] [Corrupt]


Jun 28, 2019
Oh, the main menu is simple. It’s just ”New Game”, “Load Game”, and a button that switches the art of the main menu. As for the upgrades, it’s tons of stuff. Off the top of my head some upgrades are higher rates for prostitution, increased movement speed, and better negotiation skills so it’s easier to see the most amount of money you can squeak out of a customer. Also, there’s the ability to increase the wages of your staff. What that does is give them more skill points each time they level up.
Oh and forgot about the recollection room button that appears after completing the game.
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Mar 1, 2018
Oh, the main menu is simple. It’s just ”New Game”, “Load Game”, and a button that switches the art of the main menu. As for the upgrades, it’s tons of stuff. Off the top of my head some upgrades are higher rates for prostitution, increased movement speed, and better negotiation skills so it’s easier to see the most amount of money you can squeak out of a customer. Also, there’s the ability to increase the wages of your staff. What that does is give them more skill points each time they level up.
thanks a lot!


Jul 15, 2017
Joop thanks for translating the game. By any chance do you know if Jkank is making another game?


Jun 28, 2019
Joop thanks for translating the game. By any chance do you know if Jkank is making another game?
Honestly couldn’t tell you, sorry. I heard rumors Jkank has something going on, but nothing concrete enough for me to report it on it. Oh, and I’m alive everyone following. Still working, I try to fill translate 100 lines every other day.


Jun 28, 2019
Okay, it’s been a REALLY long time since I posted here. Good news and bad news. Good news, I’ve made progress. The game is almost perfectly playable, if you were actually playing it for the gameplay you would able to understand all mechanics, item descriptions, and progress bars. Also, I got my hands on stuff to hopefully make translating and play testing more efficient. Bad news, hit a bit of a snag. I messed up how the game posts character portraits for your unique employees and it causes the game to crash. I need to fix that, don’t know how to fix it other than restarting that particular part, bummer, but not the end of the world. Sorry I haven spoken up in the past couple of months, it’s been very chaotic. I actually became something of a pro gamer for a little bit and won a few hundred bucks over the time I’ve been silent. That’s all, and now I’m back to work translating. Also, Jkank officially announced he’s making a sequel to Ship of Servitude, so look forward to that!


New Member
Aug 5, 2017
Hey Jooop, glad to hear about the progress and kudos on making money out of gaming (it only ever goes the other way for me ;))

Really looking forward to understanding the conversations between characters in the game and while I'm not a translator or a programmer if there is any basic work you need done keep this thread in mind, one or more of us might be able to help out and take some of the work load off you.
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Mar 1, 2018
Okay, it’s been a REALLY long time since I posted here. Good news and bad news. Good news, I’ve made progress. The game is almost perfectly playable, if you were actually playing it for the gameplay you would able to understand all mechanics, item descriptions, and progress bars. Also, I got my hands on stuff to hopefully make translating and play testing more efficient. Bad news, hit a bit of a snag. I messed up how the game posts character portraits for your unique employees and it causes the game to crash. I need to fix that, don’t know how to fix it other than restarting that particular part, bummer, but not the end of the world. Sorry I haven spoken up in the past couple of months, it’s been very chaotic. I actually became something of a pro gamer for a little bit and won a few hundred bucks over the time I’ve been silent. That’s all, and now I’m back to work translating. Also, Jkank officially announced he’s making a sequel to Ship of Servitude, so look forward to that!
Don’t worry about the time, thank you for all your hard work. Also it’s great to hear that ship of servitude is getting a sequel that game was real fun to play.
As a side note is what game is it ur playing, I must admit I’m rather curious.


Jun 28, 2019
Don’t worry about the time, thank you for all your hard work. Also it’s great to hear that ship of servitude is getting a sequel that game was real fun to play.
As a side note is what game is it ur playing, I must admit I’m rather curious.
I was going into tournaments for Gundam Extreme Vs. Maxiboost ON.
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Reactions: 2RANDOM and Li Qiye


Jun 28, 2019
Been a little while, sad to say, but I have not made much progress at all these past 20 days. I admit that whatever free time I had went to translating Evilize instead. Thankfully, I’ll have more free time soon and will get back on demon peddle in a couple days.


Oct 17, 2019
Been a little while, sad to say, but I have not made much progress at all these past 20 days. I admit that whatever free time I had went to translating Evilize instead. Thankfully, I’ll have more free time soon and will get back on demon peddle in a couple days.
Honestly I'm just happy to hear that this is still being worked on in some capacity, that there is a light somewhere at the end of the tunnel. I am going to have to pick up Evilize at some point with how much you seem to be focusing on and loving it.
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Jun 28, 2019
Honestly I'm just happy to hear that this is still being worked on in some capacity, that there is a light somewhere at the end of the tunnel. I am going to have to pick up Evilize at some point with how much you seem to be focusing on and loving it.
I wish to reassure that it will be done. It’s a standard I always try to hold, it’s also why I try to update on a biweekly basis, even if I made very little progress so people don’t lose hope. What I will say right now, is that I’m honestly sick of translating the prostitution, so I’m switching gears and going to translate the dialogue between generals instead. It’s a blessing and a curse, but Jkank has accounted for so many variations of how things could progress in the game. It’s actually quite impressive, HOWEVER it also means that there’s a baffling amount of dialogue for a game like this.
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Apr 6, 2018
good to see that you are good and still on the project Jooop.
btw, nice to know that someone else likes Gundam fighting games
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Jun 28, 2019
good to see that you are good and still on the project Jooop.
btw, nice to know that someone else likes Gundam fighting games
Oh yeah, if I didn’t translate Insect Angels, I probably would’ve had my profile pic be a gundam. Enormous fan of the series.
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Jun 28, 2019
K, kind of a big deal. Got my hands on the rpg maker mv engine. Why’s this good? Because everything is way better organized, I can see when I’m going over borders when writing dialogue and I’m way less likely to break the game. So..... very good.