Others [Translation Request] HENTAI LABYRINTH


New Member
Jun 8, 2020
There's a gallery upload to exhentai but it doesn't have the full images because the devs used overlays to cut down on filesizes I presume. I made a script that loops through all the files an merges the overlays with the full images. I can't post the link here yet because I have to have 3 posts, but I guess now's the time to ask if I should upload the gallery here with anonfiles, or upload it on exhentai?


May 25, 2020
Here's a downloaded file from Miko, the game is SUPPOSED to have DRM but if you run it from HentaiLabyrinth.exe apparently it just...works?

Edit: Game is surprisingly doing well with a text hook translator like textractor.

Some tips I'm finding while slowly playing through the game:
  • Slapping partners ass raises her MP, MP allows her to do special attack moves that do more damage
  • Enemies in defense stance will take reduced(maybe none at all) damage
  • If you think an area is clear but there is moving parts to the area click on the two swords button to start battle with whatever is in the area (white mouse for example in beginning zones)
Does it really not need that DRM? Seems like mine just force close after I hit start, or is it my computer that's just crap?