RPGM [Translation Request] HENTAI QUEST ~The Female Hero & Her Good For Nothing Party~

Deleted member 423149

Active Member
Feb 5, 2018
it is not so easy to translate. it has to be Unrenned then translated. I do not think i know how to do it. I just now saw it was a translation request. i though it was just to download


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
it is not so easy to translate. it has to be Unrenned then translated. I do not think i know how to do it. I just now saw it was a translation request. i though it was just to download
RPGM is not ren-py. you'll need this tool to decrypt the rgss file. just pull it with the mouse on the .exe ... for everything else just search the forum.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
you must pull the Game.rgss3a file onto the RgssDecryptor.exe. Then a batch windows opens and decrypts the files. wait until it is done and enjoy

Deleted member 423149

Active Member
Feb 5, 2018
Scrap that I dont have time.

Hentai Quest.

When you start the game the herione will be trainning with her party.

Then a monster shows up and murders them all and fucks her.

Eventually, she escapes and travels to the main town, everything is closed in the area.

Go see the king and he will give you permission to quest.

Go to the pub in town (building with a scale on it) and collect your 'party' then head
to north east exit for a minor H scene.

Continue along north road and enter the cave. There will be bandit here that can fuck you and
you can use your special point earned from battle for special sexual attacks. Follow the path
around to another cave enterence.

The path you want is east and then North, there is a cave door mark WC for an H event, otherwise
head to the north east exit.

There will be a goblin fight, when you win your 'party' escape and leave you to your doom.(

Don't worry though, it's not game over, they eventually come back and rescue you.)

The next morning your 'party' apologizes and give the herione a compliment which apparently
all is forgiven.

Anyway, time for some shopping hit the weapons and item shop for supplies.

Then go to the bar / pub and speak to the owner to turn in your quest.)


When you are ready, go speak to the king again.

You'll be congradulated on your success and be given two options.

The 1st option is to give your speech naked.

The 2nd option is to give your speech in uniform.

Either way there is going to be an H scene after the speech, personally I
went the non H way just to see if that modesty makes a difference later.


Ok, so for the next quest we need to go back to the bar 1st and talk to the owner.

Select the next quest which is to find the green hair guys cat.

Now go one house to the right and get the story directly from green hair NPc

oK, now the cat can be found to the right of main path to the castle.

Attempt to get the cat only to fail, now go to the item story and talk to
the clerk there. H scene, you can now grab the cat. Take him home and then
go to the bar to turn in the quest. Good job.


The next quest at the bar is given by a scruffy slightly overweight kid wear a blue outfit

His house is located just before the castle on the right side.

You'll be given two options when you meet him

The 1st option is to talk to him naked.

The 2nd option is to talk to him in uniform.

Either way the herione is going to fuck him, so it's up to you. My game made me choose the
2nd option 2 times, because I have 2 heart levels? Anyways, that was the quest, you are
disapointed aren't you? Well, not to worry, we have a real quest coming up soon.


As you can see, the Next quest is given by the King itself, surely it won't be as simple as
a fuck, right?

Head west from the Quest building with the scale on it, you see the Guard blocking the west
path is no longer blocking it. You'll find a bunch of goblins and puppet master enemies. Kill
them all and move west. You can't take the south path yet. You will see path over a bridge
heading west, and road going north. Head into town... surprise to suprise your party betrays
you again and you're captured and fucked multiple times.

When your herione awaken they explain to you that they used your capture to be let into the
bandit town. She is obviously not happy about it, but she still forgives them.

On to the quest.)

Explore the town, there is really not a lot here except for a few grab scene you probably
already saw before. Eventually, go to the big building on the north left part of town and
descend down to the basement. 1st floor has some fairly challenging monster. You should be
killing all enemies here and on the 2nd floor. Half way through the 2nd floor, you'll see
another WC room. Enter if you want the herione to have the heart status, there no new
scene here. And then proceed left and north to the final boss.

You'll face a Knight who is fairly powerful and two bandits side kick that are laughably easy.

when you win, you'll teleport away and get another H scene with the new teleport room your
party has been working on.

If you lose, your herione will publically give birth to a monster and wake up in the hospital.
You'll then have to travel all the way back to the 2nd floor to face the boss again.

Given the amount of H scenes available in the game, I just defeat the boss and moved on.


Next mission, go to the bar, it given you a quest for 1500 money given by the bald beard guy
wearing green clothes. It's the guy from the Weapons shop, talk to him first and the proceed right
and north. Remember the 1st path we took to leave town? We can finally head east.

You'll find flower, coktranes, and spider monsters here, take them out. Follow the path
going east, then south, west and back east again until you reach the cave. Enter the cave
and examine the crystal.

Boss battle.
Single crystal 1500 HP Easy win.

Return to the weapon shop to turn in your quest. You'll be given 3 choices.

1st choice Blade of Flame
2nd choice Blade of Ice
3rd choice Blade of Plasma

Pick your favorite and try it out. They are all good in there own way, but Plasma is
the one I liked best. Can you feel the Thunder.)


Take a moment to recharge at the Inn, if you return to the weapon shop you can purchase
the other blades if you like or better yet there are now elemental resistant amulets you
can buy. Sweet.

Now go to the scale building / bar to get your next mission. You'll see a gray haired gentlemen
in a suit with a red tie is offering a reward 1500. It's an H mission at the WC building,
enter and 5 of the gentlemen will surround you to watch an H scene. Now go turn in the mission
at the scale building / bar.


Next mission is given by a middle age man with brown hair, and a green jacket with blue pants
for 2000. Go to the brothel and talk to owner, your party will abandon you again.(

You'll be given two choices,

1st choice you'll have sex with the owner of the brothel and earn prostitue hero.
2nd choice results in a long conversation, which forces you back to the 1st choice. Now my
H level was high here, so it is possible if she is a virgin or purer she might be able to
skip out with this. I had to pick choice 1.

After picking choice 1, you'll then be given the option to be naked choice 1 or clothed choice 2.


The mission after this, send our herione back to the king for 3000 at the bar / scale building
accept it and head west and north to the new open path.

More snakes and gargoyle demons here, nothing new. Kill all the enemies with your shiny lightning
sword, the gargoyle go down like butter and the snakes you can always cast Ice 15 to wipe out groups.

When you get outside you'll run into giant bear enemies, they are weak to Ice. Defeat them all,
grab items in area and enter the 2nd tunnel on the right.

You'll be inside another cave with snakes and gargoyle demons, same stragedy as before, you can switch
swords if you wish to be more effective. After everything is dead, enter the next tunnel.

More bears here to kill, I switch to the ice sword because I was low on MP.

There is a WC building at the top of the area. You can go in alone for the 1st choice, or invite
you companions in with the 2nd choice.

If you lose you get pregnant and give birth, it's the same H scene from before and you have
to all the back through the area to get back to the boss. Kill the boss, when you win you get a
new H scene, you'll be inpregnanted and give birth in front of the whole town. Then you'll
be hook back up to the machines again for another H scene.


New chapter, you'll see a merchant talking to a ninja and then another H scene, you have two
options the first let you see the regular H scene, choice the 2nd option 2 times for a different
slightly different H scene.

Unlocks, the town folk are even more H. Now go to the scale building / bar again. 3000 for a mission
given by a man with a white turbin on his head with a tan/brown outfit.

Head out of town from the south west passage continue west across the bridge and then north into
bandit town... Lot's of turbin wearing guys, the one we want is in the house left of the item shop.

Your party betrays you again and sells you to the guy inside for H scene. Return to town, go to the
bar / scale shop and turn in the quest.


New mission, 5000 we are looking for a gray haired guy with glass wearing a blue suit kind of like
a priest.) Head for the Church and talk to the holy man.

You be given two options.

1st is to go on the mission the 2nd is to change your mind.

Enemies Zombies and tenticle monsters.
There are 3 or 4 floor here, personally I didn't try to kill everything but avoid these guys as
they are super annoying, they almost always sex attack you. Anyways at the top there is a dragon
boss with 6000HP+ use special attacks, healing item, MP restores, and TP Restores the quicker
you can eliminate the dragon the better.

Turn in the quest at the scale building / bar.


Next mission, is to find the scruffy brown hair boy in blue clothing 5000. He is on the top floor of the
right house directly before you enter the castle.

You'll be given two choices.

1st choice is to strip naked
2nd is stay dressed.

H Scene for me either way. I think it's a regular dinner if you are still a virgin.

Turn in the mission


Now we have another king mission coming up for 8000. Travel to the south right open path and enter.

Enemies King orc, goblins, and super slimes both are much easier to kill then the last dungeon, they
are mostly weak to fire attacks. I recommend stopping and taking the time to kill everything and
level up, eliminate the enemies here for easy EXP. After which leave and do it again, until you
are at least at Level 30.

When you enter the next area you'll get an H scene with ninjas, eventually your party will show
up and save your ass.

This next area is filled with really strong foes, you got bandits and Knights to deal with.
Worse they have zero weaknees to magic attack, just regular damage. However, with your level 30 magic
spell they'll still all die. Just make sure to stock up on MP restoring items before continuing.

There is a WC with the same H scenes use it if you want.

Eventually you'll face a 'ninja' boss who is weak to fire attacks.
No point in losing because it the same tiresome losing scene.

Kill him and you get a really power accessory the Magatama of Nito, unfortunately you wont get
to keep it.(


You'll be back in town the mission is complete, but the next morning our Herione will find the accessory
is missing and will have a meeting with her party. Now, you might have been able to get this immeadiately
after killing the dragon, but if you go to the area where the thrown room is, there is a door to the
right that now opens for a dragon Amulet which is not as good as the Magatama but it's still way better
then anything you have. It's worth your time to grab it and the half cost to make your magic cheaper.)

There is also now a demon sword you can steal from right house next to the castle, but as much as it
weaken your defense it pretty worthless.

Heal up at the inn, there is nothing worth check out the weapon and item shops so let's move on.

The bar is now closed, the king doesn't need us either. So we need to go to the left house in front
of the castle for our next mission. Speak to the brown hair merchant in the green outfit. Our herione
will apologize? to him for losing the Magatama of Nito? Anyhow, remember the bandit town located to
the west? Go east and North to the Heart building inn, and speak with the owner. Our herione agree
to put on a strip show to make up for 'losing' the accessory.

First choice is naked
Second choice is clothed

Either way she also fucks the patrons for money to clear the debt. And you get to keep the
Magatama of Nito, which is surprising because I was expecting your 'party' sold it.


When your ready, go to the scale building / bar again. You get a mission from a red bandana bandit with
a white shirt and orange pants.

TO find him, head west again and south you'll see he is waiting for you on the path, talk to him.
Then head south to find flower monster weak to fire and hob goblins weak to ice.

In the 2nd area you'll run into those awful zombie from before,but this time you are more then strong
enough to handle these annoying guys. Holy away for a sure kill.) or by now you should be close to
level 40 and be able to one shot them with your favorite level 3 30 MP spell.

Also, make sure to grab the dragon slayer from the North chest.

Eventually follow the multiple path around until you find a giant ogre who is weak to holy. Kill it.
Again there is no point in losing unless you want the same annoy public birth scene again.
When you open the chest your find a giant axe return it to the bar for your reward.


Accept the next mission which is the old women mage located at the magic shop on the far right of town
the shop is located above the WC building.

The magess will ask you to clear out a magic portal in the building. Enemies include wizards, gargoyles,
and imps all of which are weak to lightning magic.) Talk about too easy.

Now the boss here is annoying. Only holy magic and hurt it, so if some how you manage to get this far
with out leveling up for holy, your going to have to learn that spell. Although how someone could
play that poorly beat me. Anyhow, kill him or get the same H scene from before for losing.

When you win, your magic user party member learns a spell from the demon's left behind book.)


Head back to scale / bar building again.

The next mission after this is given by jester wearing a green hat and green outfit. He is located outside
on the north right side of town near the north right exit. This is a Hentai mission, enjoy.

First choice is naked
Second choice is clothed

After the scene you can talk to the jester again for another great H scene.) when you are ready head
back to bar to get paid.


Head back to scale / bar building again.

This time the mission is given by an old man wearing a yellow shirt and green coveralls. Head to cow shed.
You'll find it on the west north side of town right before you can head north up the bear mountain.
It's another H mission.

After the H scene go back to bar to be paid again.)


That was the last of the bar missions, now go talk to the king. you ask for permission to leave town.
If you stop by the room with all the guard in a meeting they'll fuck our herione.

Now exit the castle and head east and north, take the path near the jester that we couldn't before now.
It's Arena time.)

My game is glitch if I lose I'm stuck in a room with a stair case that doesn't work and a guard blocking
me, so I don't know if there is any H scene here or not.

Anyhow, to proceed, defeat all the enemies.

Boss 1 easy, use whatever you like.

Boss 2 harding weakness ICE magic

Boss 3 Dragon, weakness dragon sword

After you win, apparently our herione was fuck so many times she got pregnant, H scene.


Go back to the scale building / bar for a new mission from the king. Head directly south from the
castle to the last unexplored path.

Monsters Skeltons weak to fire and bandits with no weakness.

Enter the south town, if you head left to the small shack and strik naked there is an H scene

Head to the inn and rest, if you talk to the guard commander there you'll get another H scene

When you wake up the next morning the town is completely destroyed and you'll succeed your mission?


Anyways, the final dungeon is south of here, proceed through the enemies. You're over level 50, hopefully
at this point, so there is nothing that can really harm you unless you let it. Your ultimate sword skill
does 3600 damage.

When you get to the man that curse the herione, defeat him and you'll be naked and
free of the H aspect. However, given the amount of H our herione did during the game, I think you
get the idea of the ending.

Honestly I really didn't like this game that much. Some of the H scene are hot, but there is way
too much brutal pregnant and non pregnant scene here for my taste. So I'm deleting the game.

However, others might have an interest in this, so I'll post this rough walkthrough here in
case someone else may need it.

overall the game is very good. The walkthrough explains what happens so no translation needed.

Deleted member 423149

Active Member
Feb 5, 2018
I will keep this game. In the end is so many cool stuff. You can get impregnated in the dungeon by your party. Tons of people to explore to wreck your wrecked holes. I have not explored everything but the guy at the left of the milking and top gang bank are good. Clown is also awasome and the brothel has so many combinations.


Sep 18, 2017
japanese version but the site provides 2 methods of fast-download + full save if you want

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May 14, 2020
Where do i go after killing the tentacle boss, after the scene where you die and get revived. I dont know where to go or what to do?
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