RPGM None [Translation Request] (不志陀羅亭) (Himegashima is from the heart of summer-Summer story of love and joy) (姫ヶ島は心夏びより~愛慾と嬉遊の夏物語)


Apr 15, 2021
Translation v3 - "QOL Changes"

v2 is playable sure, but a lot of text isn't translated and database errors tend to pop up.
v3 is here to change that

Changelog v2 --> v3:
-MTL a lot of text previously untranslated
(examples: the phone, item descriptions, save phrases, hints)
-Manually translated some more menus
-Fixed spacing in some menus and pretty much all choices
-Fixed Akari's name being translated wrongly
-The majors' wife name got changed from "photon" to "Koshi"
-The names for Jizo, Jizo-san, Sebastian got changed to Ojizosan/Jizo
-Fukubiki tickets are now lottery tickets
-Some small little changes

How to install:
1. Download "AOSPL_MTL_eng_v3.zip"
2. Put the contents of the "Patch" folder into your game directory
3. Overwrite both files
3. You're done. Enjoy your game
Are there any further updates to the translation?