Wowowo... Bro i have question.. Does this have the translate to eng or just raw game... But serious im waiting about 5 years hoping it eng... Seriouslu
Same here, was curious to check MTL translate
mentioned by
Also found both MTL versions in Eushully wiki discord, tested them, looks like they are mostly identical.
With them its partially translated and somewhat playable now (20% menus, 90% dialogs in first hour so far), and they cause occasional skippable error.
Maybe error showing only for me because I messed hard on clear game install (always install Eushully games in default directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eushully\珊海王の円環"), and "re-bild" it "from scrap" after issues with appends/patch not showing up in main menu after re-installations (some registry crap)
While messing with issues discovered web-hook AI alternatives for "on-fly" translations.
LunaTranslator caught my attention, will test it next
here some screenshots with "17._Sankai_Ou_no_Yubiwa_Rings_of_King_Sankai__Ars_Patch_-_Rough"
MTL translation from previous
derakino999 message