Unity None [Translation Request] Sealed Labyrinth Reincarnation “KODOKU NO MAIKYU” (Labyrinth of the Torch) RJ01136372


Aug 19, 2018
By the way, is there any other uses for monster meat/salt/gold bar etc. other than for selling and offering at altars? I thought I could cook them but nope.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2022
torch_helper plugin. (uncensor + cheats)

BepInEx 5 mono plugins. use

  • uncensored.
  • can make party & manage items.(ignore friendships)
  • F1 : HP/MP/... all / MC only / off
  • F2 : Damage. toggle
  • F4 : Clothes damage. 1~3, 4(no inners) / off

cheats keys are work at dungeon only. (not enabled at Title)
you can hear voices at cheats on/off.

you can use a for free camera.
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Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
Hum I tried to use my PS4 controller to play since the keyboard controls didn't seem instinctive but as soon as I plugged it in (or had it plugged in prior to boot up) it immediately send the game into thinking a bunch of inputs are going on without me doing anything with it, even going against inputs I'm doing to counter them.
Anyone have an idea what's going on?

PS I have made sure my controller is fine on other games that I've used it with in the past.


Apr 14, 2018
Hum I tried to use my PS4 controller to play since the keyboard controls didn't seem instinctive but as soon as I plugged it in (or had it plugged in prior to boot up) it immediately send the game into thinking a bunch of inputs are going on without me doing anything with it, even going against inputs I'm doing to counter them.
Anyone have an idea what's going on?

PS I have made sure my controller is fine on other games that I've used it with in the past.
According to the dev only xbox controls work but try this and see if it works an old vid but it holds up.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
eixa I think you've misunderstood the problem I'm having as it isn't the bindings it's the fact that is that the game freaks out having an controller connected it seems. wenchy123 posted here that it is possible to use DS4 to get an PS controller working just was a pain.

(I think my issue is this most similar to this one by matthew22704 )

I will look into keyboard rebinding though if I can't get controller working.


Apr 14, 2018
eixa I think you've misunderstood the problem I'm having as it isn't the bindings it's the fact that is that the game freaks out having an controller connected it seems. wenchy123 posted here that it is possible to use DS4 to get an PS controller working just was a pain.

(I think my issue is this most similar to this one by matthew22704 )

I will look into keyboard rebinding though if I can't get controller working.
Ahh I see sorry for that I guess using an emulator might work?


Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
eixa I might have found a work-around via an (Post 14 of it) where I'm having some luck though I am currently rebinding the inputs since using the A-B-X-Y buttons don't go through but setting them to keyboard inputs does. Luckily this post lists the keyboard controls it seems. (EDIT: the controls listed seem to be incomplete as interacting doesn't run off mouse click it seems)
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Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
Alright I think I got the basic controls mapped via Steam's layout stuff however I say basic as I haven't tested outside of the fountain starting room (haven't tried to see if it works with all NPC's yet).....so how it works outside of that during the labyrinth itself I don't know. Anyway see the screenshot to see what I've done though just incase your wondering how I did the right joystick I set it to directional pad and re-bound those to the keyboard keys. The start and options buttons I wonder about merging the two but decided to not and I could not find what the guard button was so it might be an controller exclusive input that wasn't mapped to the keyboard. (I did find the dodge/evade one though)

Anyway I hope this helps anyone whom trying to setup their non-Xbox controller rather than deal with the keyboard and mouse.

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PS anyone willing to share their _AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt which has most text already processed into it?


Aug 19, 2018
Since you got the control good, I will just remind others that the version uploaded by eixa uses the default keyboard control I believe.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
Ye which is pretty much the same as what was posted earlier. Sadly it's missing the guard binding if that isn't Q which if it is Q then it's broken badly since it does it's default of opening the command menu. EDIT: Q is broken badly since I got it to block after holding down the key and cancelling the menu that appeared while still holding it. No idea why this is the case.
Additionally after playing for an few hours with messing around the game does massively feel unpolished and still in heavy development rather than a finished product since the bugs just keep occuring like friendly and enemy AI just ignoring what's going on and freezing up, hit detection and feedback are very 50/50 of occurring along with animations preventing you from seeing that an enemy is defeated until 3 attacks later if you miss the item get popup at the top which you can mistake for another enemy being defeated.

Even the event viewer has these problems alongside the game's recognition of you pressing some buttons being wonky or cycling between 2 of the three NPC's until you reverse your cycling and there's no way to skip past the massive wait of the enemies breaking the NPC's AP (armor points) to get to the sex even if you force break it via cheats or the menus. (Oh yeah hitting load save crashes the game for me too via instant freezing it as previously reported)

One more reason why I think the game is still in active development is through the link to the Dev's website I checked out the FAQ section I spotted and with google translate it mentioned about the door that you can't go through since the area past it hasn't been developed yet. Apparently there's more than just that which hasn't been developed yet but they expect to have that first area included in their 1.1 update. Additionally the controller driver they are using is Xinput which is why Xbox controllers are supposed to only work since only they are built with it in mind but it's old enough that I hope to find and better work around so I don't have to use Steam which sometimes also bugs out with it.

EDIT: Seems like I was already attempting to use the right method by using DS4 which I manged to finally figure out what the problem was. The game went for the controller before it could be hidden by DS4 and stayed latched onto it while also accepting DS4's new controller inputs. Essentially resulting in it having two controller inputs at once. The solution I've found is to open hidehide's configuation client and manually hide the PS4 controller (also make sure DS4 bypassed hidehide) also enabled device hiding, reconnected it and boom it worked when I next booted up the game. I now can block/guard. I hope this helps anyone else that is wondering how to possibly solve this problem.

EDIT2: Seems like sorting out the controller problems also helped slightly with the bugs I had mentioned before like using the D-pad to select followers and such. I guess Steam was filtering most of the inputs but couldn't get them all.
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New Member
Dec 22, 2019
Thanks for the release.

A few problems I encountered (based on the repack from "DocRipper")
1) sometimes, during dialogues. Or during story inserts, the game can "freeze". The auto-translator is to blame for this. It is enough to temporarily remove the "BepInEx" folder from the game directory (move. Or delete), and then everything will work. After passing the "freezing" point, the folder can be returned.
2) The second problem is related to saving. When trying to load a saved file, a black screen is loaded, and only the main character, who endlessly runs along this screen.
To avoid this, you need to play by setting the "region" and "region format" in the clock to Japan. Simply launching the game "from under" the Japanese region is not enough.
In the previous "hacked" version of the game, there was no such problem.
  • Sad
Reactions: ryuhatsune


Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
Kolondor Didn't have any freezing occur for me though it can look like it due to the animations/movements in the game being.....well weird off the bat as I believe part of the problem is how the game doesn't load areas until you step into their threshold rather than being in your sight-line.
The problem with loading a saved file was described previously as an problem. (you posted a few posts after it) The best way I found to deal with it was to not use the fast travel points to load (as that's never worked for me) but select the "exit" button when you press "m" (menu button) and then use the load game option from that.
Though I also have kept my system under the japan language for non-unicode programs. (all my other region settings are set to my country or english)


New Member
Dec 22, 2019
Kolondor Didn't have any freezing occur for me though it can look like it due to the animations/movements in the game being.....well weird off the bat as I believe part of the problem is how the game doesn't load areas until you step into their threshold rather than being in your sight-line.
The problem with loading a saved file was described previously as an problem. (you posted a few posts after it) The best way I found to deal with it was to not use the fast travel points to load (as that's never worked for me) but select the "exit" button when you press "m" (menu button) and then use the load game option from that.
Though I also have kept my system under the japan language for non-unicode programs. (all my other region settings are set to my country or english)
I just described the problems I encountered. And how I solved them. Maybe it will help someone.
About "freezing" - I don't know how to describe it correctly. Most likely, translator's mistakes (English is not my native language. And I write posts using Google)
For example: if you start a new game, then the first time everything is fine.
BUT if you start a new game again, then at the moment of "burning candle" text appears, and the game "freezes". Nothing else happens and does not respond to pressing the gamepad... The game can only be "forced to close".

Well, with black loading screens - in this version, even autosave points did not work. Only after I changed the date and time format to Japanese - everything worked


Aug 19, 2018
Now that dev has finished the hair change update for 2500 sales, I wonder what will he do next. From his post it seems support for other languages might be on the way, then maybe he will move on. Personally would love to see him fixing some of the jank a bit more.