The game's lines are actually held in .txt files in the main folder once unzipped. It's literally plaintext that's being read by the game engine in some eldritch process I, a peasant non-japanese, non-programmer, do not understand. The problem is, if you try to translate stuff into a language with spaces between words, the space characters will randomly disappear, jamming words together into a blob of 3-4 words apiece (Japanese font issues, perhaps?). I looked into this one while cooling down from working on my current project, and I honestly have no idea where to look to work out what the text encoding issue is. Afaik the only people who work with this engine are people like Dargoth and Rogue Translator, who worked on the original MGQ chapters. There was that Encyclopedia of Monsters game done in this engine, too, but afaik that never got translated either, so the number of English speakers who've worked with this game engine could maybe be counted on two hands.
Literally, if the issue with the way the text is encoded for this game was sorted, I could probably get this done quick, as the content is pretty condensed for the most part. Anyone who's good with software want to chip in on how to approach this? It'd mean all three of these games could be TLed and uploaded.