RPGM Complete [Translation Request]Walking Through Paradise - Refrain (Yumenamakonn)

Apr 20, 2020
Make sure you've visited the church for Ruby's first fight after clearing Heaven once. Then, make sure you've traded for BOTH upgrades in the item shop of the first town. This opens up the boat in the second town, which gives you a new dungeon, new girl, and easy grinding for the Dousing rod
Hey thanks for all the help but now I've defeated purple hair girl and now I have no idea where to go. I've fought her multiple times (the purple hair girl) and talked to her in the garden. All I'm missing is the goddess rematch. Do you know how to trigger that?


Jan 19, 2020
ok I got it: when you got the Drowsing Rod, go to the beath and you will find a entrance to hidden dongeon, you must just walk in the entrance (in the nord east of the beach)


New Member
Jan 21, 2018
Is it just me or doesn't the level of the other Actors increase? because for me are always on level 0 in both hero modes. I don't know if it's a bug in the game or from the translation. Pls help