
Nov 24, 2017
Well, that's adorable. Similar vein to Proteus Effect and Healslut. Definitely will watch this one.

Couple comments so far:
  • Some of the dialog pacing feels a bit slow. I understand the desire to have a more normally paced conversation, but it's borderline frustrating how slow it is at times.
  • I appreciate the relatively lighthearted tone. It's nice to have a game that explores these themes that doesn't immediately jump to doom, gloom, angst, and drama.
  • Initial content is limited but the systems seem pretty robust. Hopefully this enables speedy development.
Oct 18, 2017
Yeah, pure rip-off with the only change being the protagonist has been dreaming of a transformation scenario instead of it being unwanted.
oh, yes, just like Proteus being a hentai rip-off of SAO's Gun Gale arc then?
VR Game, MC is dragged into it for some reason, Everyone sees a girl, MC is really a boy in fleshspace.
nah, it's not a pure rip-off, there is enough differences that at most you could say that it is ripping off Proteus Effect, but no more than you could, as i showed example, claim Proteus Effect is ripping off SAO

Edit: Ofcourse SAO isn't hentai, Proteus and this game both are, so a bit more easy to claim a rip-off i guess


Aug 11, 2019
Yeah, pure rip-off with the only change being the protagonist has been dreaming of a transformation scenario instead of it being unwanted.
PE didn't have much special features compared to this game, like non-combat skills and the special stats(fem, etc). What else is PE straight away intro a futa companion where this game still haven't seen any futa yet or at least that's what someone here said they hope see Jen as futa during VR.
Well if there is futa for this game, i hope that Jen will get affected like MC and becomes a futa outside of the VR too.


New Member
Jan 6, 2022
Some of the dialog pacing feels a bit slow. I understand the desire to have a more normally paced conversation, but it's borderline frustrating how slow it is at times.
Really that's my only problem with it so far, some scene really felt like you were just sitting around most of the time.

Beyond that it's a great game. Nice pacing of the character development so far (hasn't just started with a bang like some games), nice looking artwork, and a compelling story.

Greatly looking forward to seeing where this one ends up.


Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
I cannot believe people are genuinely talking about "rip-offs" in a fucking tranny porn game. Next time you erudite fellows will be telling me that the game where a young man fucks his hot mother, bratty sister and shy younger one is a rip-off of something else. Jc.

Question: Do you have to give up the dick or no? Because it's a lot hotter when the dick stays


New Member
Mar 1, 2022
hi i don't normally play demos or unfinished games and i understand not being trans or female i can't be treated like that irl. but i wanted to say how good lily did in how this turned out i love how sweet but.. idk how to put it. but not too pervy? i'd love to get a boyfriend that teases me as well as give me the love and attention similar to what i saw in this. sorry if i vented a little. i just wanted to say.. good game...


Oct 29, 2018
Good morning,
i like the start and introduction and looking forward to more content (plot and some sidequests too).
The implementation of the female ingamechar with slow transformation irl is great.
The bug with the wrong picture at the battle for the adventure's guild is already mentioned.
Until now, i didn't find anything with the "search surroundings" skill.
The part with the normal skillsout off fights fits perfect.
i really hope for more :) without waiting too long :D.

Regards, Ashanyra
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Game Developer
Oct 30, 2023
Oh I like this one a lot.
Dunno if here is the best place for a bug report, but during the fairy battle the portraits get messed up when one of your party members gets whisked away
Good luck with development, I'm definitely keeping an eye on it

View attachment 3216142
Yeah, it's a known bug - thank you though. :)


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Game Developer
Oct 30, 2023
Legit first time see VR tag on F95.
So it's not like this is actually VR-compatible, but just takes place in a VR world, right?
Shouldn't this tag be changed to 'isekai' or something, to not be confusing?
Or rather, stories taking place in VR (or other) worlds should be tagged 'isekai,' while 'virtual reality' tag should be reserved for VR-compatible games. :whistle::coffee:
Yeah, I get what you mean. Thanks for pointing that out.
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Nov 4, 2018
for an alpha its great im definitely going to keep an eye out for this one
because usually its forced this is a nice change of pace
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Nov 27, 2020
Enjoying this game so far. I do wonder if there could be a seperation (extra type?) to seperate sissification (which to me means forcing a male against their will to be a 'sissy'), and feminisation/trans (which is, I believe and hope what this game is going to be).

Although I suppose in some games, sissification vs trans is just a matter of how you choose the options...
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Nov 4, 2018
Enjoying this game so far. I do wonder if there could be a seperation (extra type?) to seperate sissification (which to me means forcing a male against their will to be a 'sissy'), and feminisation/trans (which is, I believe and hope what this game is going to be).

Although I suppose in some games, sissification vs trans is just a matter of how you choose the options...
From what I have played
That already exists it's the eager vs reluctant
system the games outright tells you about when you go into the library or if you read the guide book reluctant being closer to sisification where the eager options is more feminization


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Oct 20, 2022
I'm really liking this game so far. The story's pacing is nice and I'm enjoying the cast so far. I like how quickly the mc is into being transformed even if they don't fully realize that they're trans yet. So many games try to rush towards sex but I really like that you're taking the time to build up the characters and story.

The only negative I have to say is that it's a bit annoying to need to go the the key item menu to use them instead of it automatically being used in the right locations the same with the out of combat skills but it seems that's probably a limitation of the engine and overall not a big deal.

I know that the sex Stat will be used to determine if certain scenes are accessible so I hope that you're thinking about players who just want to go full lesbian because alot of time games will prevent you from unlocking some scenes because you lack stats that are given from sleeping with guys.

Hopefully you're able to keep track of who the mc gets sexual with because I'd like to see the friends' reaction to Anne calling the mc cutie.


Jan 14, 2018
  • Some of the dialog pacing feels a bit slow. I understand the desire to have a more normally paced conversation, but it's borderline frustrating how slow it is at times.
I second that, but would add that this seems to almost entirely be because of the stammers and effects. I do like the way it's used to characterise the MC, it's just a bit overused in normal text - I read quick and sometimes it can really extend how long I end up "stuck" on a line before continuing.
Effects aside, I think some areas like the innkeeper's first scene could even do with a bit more description in places - not tons, but maybe just a few more lines towards the end.

That said, that's the only really negative thing I have to say about the game. There's already a few reviews up that say what I was going to say, so I won't do a full one, but to witter on a bit about some subjective stuff: It's bounded almost perfectly to what I usually like - the transformation is going to happen and it's going to be largely positive, and I love that that means I can go subby and reluctant but without screwing the transformation up. I love how she acts so flustered (at least on more reluctant routes). The lack of any loss scenes is a little disappointing, but understandable considering the tone of the game; It seems obvious that some characters are angling to take advantage of the new girl, and I'm hoping that there's some who will be a bit more aggressive or boundary-pushing about it, but the current trajectory seems fun anyway.

Also, I'm not sure if I missed something, but was anyone able to get the mini-scene with the librarian? Believe the requirements said >3 Fem and >3 Sexuality; >3 Fem was easy, but with regards to sexuality, the only thing increasing that that I'd seen was the "How to summon a tentacle monster" book by +1. Inkeeper scene might raise it, but you seem to be locked into the ending scene after that.


Nov 1, 2019
A very cute start so far. Really enjoy the characters and I'm glad that scenes seem to be more opt-in rather than forced upon us as the inn keeper was quite creepy and not a fan of people abusing positions of power like that so happy I could avoid him.

My only complaints so far would be to remove the cost of casting the overworld spells or at least heavily reduce them, as somebody who loves going searching for secrets I wanted to use it in every screen but it quickly burns through MP and losing TP between battles means running quite dry on my mage.
Also to maybe speed up the text a little, I don't mind pacing it to feel more natural, especially with pauses to convey the MC's nervousness as that fits the character, but reading faster than the text loads can get a little wearing after a while.

Otherwise really enjoyed it, always happy to find a transformation game that doesn't immediately jump into debauchery and gives the character time to explore themselves and find who they want to be, especially if they have caring and supportive friends which so far Jen and Seth seem to be and Damien could go either way on yet. Plus Amy is clearly going to be my new best friend in the future.

Best of luck Lily, will be watching with interest.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2022
I second that, but would add that this seems to almost entirely be because of the stammers and effects. I do like the way it's used to characterise the MC, it's just a bit overused in normal text - I read quick and sometimes it can really extend how long I end up "stuck" on a line before continuing.
Effects aside, I think some areas like the innkeeper's first scene could even do with a bit more description in places - not tons, but maybe just a few more lines towards the end.

That said, that's the only really negative thing I have to say about the game. There's already a few reviews up that say what I was going to say, so I won't do a full one, but to witter on a bit about some subjective stuff: It's bounded almost perfectly to what I usually like - the transformation is going to happen and it's going to be largely positive, and I love that that means I can go subby and reluctant but without screwing the transformation up. I love how she acts so flustered (at least on more reluctant routes). The lack of any loss scenes is a little disappointing, but understandable considering the tone of the game; It seems obvious that some characters are angling to take advantage of the new girl, and I'm hoping that there's some who will be a bit more aggressive or boundary-pushing about it, but the current trajectory seems fun anyway.

Also, I'm not sure if I missed something, but was anyone able to get the mini-scene with the librarian? Believe the requirements said >3 Fem and >3 Sexuality; >3 Fem was easy, but with regards to sexuality, the only thing increasing that that I'd seen was the "How to summon a tentacle monster" book by +1. Inkeeper scene might raise it, but you seem to be locked into the ending scene after that.
I know you can get the 3 sex Stat before picking up the book to unlock this scene so I've got to ask how high is your fem score? It needs to be above 7 to unlock a scene that gives points to both I believe. Did you use the lewd book because I think that also gives a point or 2.


Jan 14, 2018
I know you can get the 3 sex Stat before picking up the book to unlock this scene so I've got to ask how high is your fem score? It needs to be above 7 to unlock a scene that gives points to both I believe. Did you use the lewd book because I think that also gives a point or 2.
For some reason I do seem to have enough points to trigger the scene now. I'm not sure if I made another choice at some point and forgot, or missed the increase. Might be that the discussion with the inn worker gives more sexuality points, as I don't remember doing another event in between trying to trigger the event and then.

Feminity was at 6, which was fairly easy to get up to, IIRC. I know you get at least +1 from one of the earliest dialogue choices, and I think there was another +1 in dialogue in the real world. +2 from putting on the necklace immediately. Not sure about the other +2.

Edit: Tried a new game following the same path as before, and... yeah, it seems like you get a minimum of 4 Femininity and 3 Sexuality once you've arrived at the city, although I don't see the gains listed anywhere. I assume there may have been +2 Fem and +3 Sexuality from the reluctant masturbation scene. Must have missed that the first time and have been relying on the tally in my head, then got blocked by not being solo.
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Oct 20, 2022
For some reason I do seem to have enough points to trigger the scene now. I'm not sure if I made another choice at some point and forgot, or missed the increase. Might be that the discussion with the inn worker gives more sexuality points, as I don't remember doing another event in between trying to trigger the event and then.

Feminity was at 6, which was fairly easy to get up to, IIRC. I know you get at least +1 from one of the earliest dialogue choices, and I think there was another +1 in dialogue in the real world. +2 from putting on the necklace immediately. Not sure about the other +2.
Yeah the inn worker does give a sex point if you say the owner is hot. I've got 12 fem so that's probably how I unlocked the scene I was talking about for the extra points. When you first enter the camp and talk to Jen you can get between 1-5 fem points. It seems that if the mc is eager for the transformation than you receive more opportunities to raise the fem stat.
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