Tool Treasure of Nadia Scene Player [v1.0.0][cens0r]


Aug 6, 2020

The "ToN Scene Player" is a standalone application to watch all cutscenes from the game without messing with the individual files or using the in-game scene player. It dynamically matches the videos files to individual scenes, which can be watched in a row or as a loop.

  • Categories: NSFW, Booty Calls (+ alternative outfit), Profiles, SFW and "other"
  • Scene Aware - all parts of each scene grouped into one seamless experience
  • Thumbnailing - so you know exactly what you'll be watching
  • Scene/Part Repeat - play your favorite scene (with all parts) in a loop
  • Bookmarks - create a playlist of scene parts and play them in a loop (incl. save & load to/from disk)
  • Fullscreen Mode
  • Booty Calls with all outfits

Unzip it into your Treasure of Nadia game directory (e.g. D:\Games\TreasureOfNadia - not into a subdirectory) and start it, then wait until all thumbnails have been generated. (It will take a moment, depending on how fast your PC is. Don't worry, they will be cached, so the player will open nearly instantly the next time you start it.)
If you can't/won't copy it into the game directory, you can just start it from anywhere and select the game directory then (again, the game directory itself, and not any subdirectory.)

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- split booty call scenes by outfit (or just play the parts with the default outfit) DONE in v0.2!
- add playlist functionality to watch multiple scenes in a loop

  • Windows (v1.0.0):
  • Linux (v0.4.1): (untested, please give feedback)
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May 5, 2020
Is a Windows .exe. Do not work on Linux and Mac. Can you made a version type script-shell? This is can be universal.

Have few good hacker on the place can help you with that.

I can accept no for answer. But never to use Wine.

Enzio Lamar

Feb 2, 2019
Hello friends,
how do I get the scenes in the "sound scene player"? Thanks for the help in advance.


Aug 6, 2020
Surplouf: I'll have a look if i can accomplish that. Linux may be possible, but Mac is an absolute no-go, because it can only be built for Mac on a Mac.

Jack hub: This is not using any of the metadata from the game, so it will always be "complete".
It just uses a bit of logic to map the movies by filename to scenes (and split scenes by outfit), with two lists of filename patterns for SFW/Other. In a perfect world, i won't have to update it ever again - except maybe for categorizing some of the videos as SFW/Other - but in the worst case, you'll just have some SFW/Other videos in the NSFW category. ;-)

Enzio Lamar: I'm not sure what you mean with "sound scene player"? If you want to view the ToN scenes, just copy the EXE to the game directory and start it.
UPDATE: I just saw your screenshot in the other thread. Please read the very short and simple instructions, which say you need to copy it into the game directory, and NOT into any subdirectory (especially NOT into www/movies).

IlNiCoLiNo: Tell me what reliability issues you're worried about, and i'll tell you how much you'll have to worry about them. For me it's 100% reliable, i just start it and watch the scenes - so it does everything it is supposed to do.
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May 20, 2020
IlNiCoLiNo: Tell me what reliability issues you're worried about, and i'll tell you how much you'll have to worry about them. For me it's 100% reliable, i just start it and watch the scenes - so it does everything it is supposed to do.
Well... First all, I really thank you for providing us this app! However, and please no offence, since I don't know you and you're just providing us an (95MB) .exe file, I can't get how come such huge file is for "arranging some existing video files" unless you're using a "big dude" third library for such stuffs but I can't verify it since I don't have the source code to take a look...
In other words, how can we be sure that this software is not malicious?


Aug 6, 2020
Okay, i understand that concern. My code is really just a couple of kilobytes, but i'm using Electron to create a completely standalone tool that will always work on any (Windows) computer, because it bundles a stripped down version of Chrome with the tool. Oh, and a couple of other required libraries, like FFmpeg to create the thumbnails.

The viewer part itself is really just a static website with some Javascript, which could run in any browser you have already installed, but there's also the "backend" Javascript that scans for the files and uses FFmpeg to create the thumbs, and that's something that can't be done by a static website.

If you google for "electron app size", you'll see that my packaged app is actually quite a bit smaller than the average Electron app, which is typically rather ~120MB. ;-)

I haven't spent much time on optimizing the package size, as the effort to strip 2-3 MB doesn't make that much of a difference if it's only 2-3% of the total size.
I wish there was a way to make this substantially smaller, but with Electron there currently isn't one. If i find some other solution to create an all-in-one tool, i'll try to port my code to that one. (There was , but that's dead now. Maybe i'll look into Electrino again.)


May 5, 2020
Surplouf: I'll have a look if i can accomplish that. Linux may be possible, but Mac is an absolute no-go, because it can only be built for Mac on a Mac.
Let me explain with more details what i have in mind.

For RPGM and Renpy. I do not have to wait a release build for Linux. I take the Windows release and drag and drop the /www folder in my actual game folder (this is /game folder for Renpy) for update it and work. The only difference in the engine for each OS is the executable and the library and is include MAC.

If i do not have a working build i have simply to downloads the SDK with the same version and do the same. Only two files to rename after with Renpy and nothing with RPGM

When a Renpy MOD is create. He is automatically universal because is not linked to the OS but the engine.

Is with that in my mind i write my precedent message.

I see only a .exe file. A big sized .exe file. A Renoy MOD have around 1.5 mo generally.

I have any idea with what language he his writed. No idea how is work. What he do exactly.

I joint the point of view of IlNiCoLiNo in this. He probably promoter and lover of free software like me (The reason #1 why i use Linux).

And by free software. this is not question about to not paid any money. Is question of freedom. I have any problem to paid for a GPL software. But is not really frequent. Generally this is the services around the software we have to paid.

Is a philosophy and not a marketing strategy. I see any advantage for nobody in privater code and this is why i love the open source code.

Now i know, with the responses to the messages, this is an outside software without any link to RPGM.

Is with this new information i know now is not simple like i think. This is outside my knowledge.

I think this is stuff like for Unity. Simply install a module to compile for Linux. But is not that

I know i have unloads a lot of information to digest. But i have any idea about your computing knowledge. Is better to give too much than less.

Enzio Lamar

Feb 2, 2019
Surplouf: I'll have a look if i can accomplish that. Linux may be possible, but Mac is an absolute no-go, because it can only be built for Mac on a Mac.

Jack hub: This is not using any of the metadata from the game, so it will always be "complete".
It just uses a bit of logic to map the movies by filename to scenes (and split scenes by outfit), with two lists of filename patterns for SFW/Other. In a perfect world, i won't have to update it ever again - except maybe for categorizing some of the videos as SFW/Other - but in the worst case, you'll just have some SFW/Other videos in the NSFW category. ;-)

Enzio Lamar: I'm not sure what you mean with "sound scene player"? If you want to view the ToN scenes, just copy the EXE to the game directory and start it.
UPDATE: I just saw your screenshot in the other thread. Please read the very short and simple instructions, which say you need to copy it into the game directory, and NOT into any subdirectory (especially NOT into www/movies).

IlNiCoLiNo: Tell me what reliability issues you're worried about, and i'll tell you how much you'll have to worry about them. For me it's 100% reliable, i just start it and watch the scenes - so it does everything it is supposed to do.

Jack hub:

Hi thank you very much! Now it works. I copied it in the "www" game folder. I then copied it into the game directory and everything was immediately visible. Thanks again. Greetings from Enzio
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May 5, 2020
Thanks Censor, that was exactly the explanation I needed!
Me too. Is more clear for me now. With this info. I can said is easy to made universal and downsize under 5 mb. In The Unix world (Include Linux and MAC because is Unix family) you never include the library and the external software to run our code. You simply link your code to the library and software already include in the OS and if is not include he downloads and install it for you. All the external software and library you described exist for Linux and MAC. The Renpy code source for game on Linux and Windows as the same. Only the Library and executable as different because on Linux you do not have to include too much stuff for nothing. (I have a better knowledge of Renpy than RPGM. This is why i use it for exemple)

A simple script shell can do the job for me (./*.sh)

Enzio Lamar

Feb 2, 2019
Hi friends, me again!
I did the following

I copied the individual scenes from the "www game folder" Movies section into Windows Live Movie Maker and created a film for myself. Thus, the darkening does not occur with every new scene.

Greetings Enzio


Aug 6, 2020
Me too. Is more clear for me now. With this info. I can said is easy to made universal and downsize under 5 mb. In The Unix world (Include Linux and MAC because is Unix family) you never include the library and the external software to run our code. You simply link your code to the library and software already include in the OS and if is not include he downloads and install it for you. All the external software and library you described exist for Linux and MAC. The Renpy code source for game on Linux and Windows as the same. Only the Library and executable as different because on Linux you do not have to include too much stuff for nothing. (I have a better knowledge of Renpy than RPGM. This is why i use it for exemple)

A simple script shell can do the job for me (./*.sh)
Dude, i code in more than a handful of languages and run Linux on a couple of hundred servers, so i'm pretty well aware of the *NIX philosphy - but this tool isn't about that. Of course i could just rewrite the code to a tiny nodejs app and publish that here, and you would probably be able to get it to run if you have Node and FFmpeg and Chrome installed in your environment, but everybody else would have a very difficult time to use it.

This is why i've created a standalone, dependency-free, "statically compiled" tool that _everybody_ (on Windows, for now) can use without any fundamental skills other than starting an executable.

If you feel like this isn't good enough, go ahead and enlighten me with your Bash script. I'm curious to see how you do the regex matching of all the scenes in there...


Aug 6, 2020
Maximus You can't add all scenes. If the game gets updated, and new scenes were added to the update, they are watchable with the player. The player itself doesn't contain any media, it just uses what is already there in the games. It's just a user interface to the ./www/movies folder which uses a bit of logic to group all the files by scene, if that makes sense?
Any updates i do for the player are also completely separate from game updates. As long as the game updates don't break the general file naming, the player will always work, no matter what gets added to the game.

The only thing i would have to update from time to time is is the filtering for SFW/Other videos, so you can fap without being interrupted by boring SFW stuff ;-)


Jun 23, 2017
Mmm, what am I doing wrong? I did place the ScenePlayer in the game dir and when I execute it, there is a pause, then a black screen with a white play button in it which can be clicked ... and then nothing. Maximizing the screen also gives the same effect?
When I check Win Taskmanager, the scene player is running but no CPU or GPU activity, only some RAM loaded.

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