Tool Treasure of Nadia Scene Player [v1.0.0][cens0r]


May 2, 2017
Maximus You can't add all scenes. If the game gets updated, and new scenes were added to the update, they are watchable with the player. The player itself doesn't contain any media, it just uses what is already there in the games. It's just a user interface to the ./www/movies folder which uses a bit of logic to group all the files by scene, if that makes sense?
Any updates i do for the player are also completely separate from game updates. As long as the game updates don't break the general file naming, the player will always work, no matter what gets added to the game.

The only thing i would have to update from time to time is is the filtering for SFW/Other videos, so you can fap without being interrupted by boring SFW stuff ;-)
Ok, I thought it's incomplete, because I don't see the other scenes there, or maybe it only seems like that. Is it possible if you can place a thumbnail viewer when it's in full screen, because I kept on toggling minimize and maximize to see the thumbnails, and in my screen, thumbnails are almost not visible, I don't know if it's caused by my resolution setting. But overall, I salute you man for this, because I can't use the high res on the game because my pc can't handle it maybe. So cheers to you bro, looking forward to your next update!!!


Jan 7, 2019
Anyone has a solution for this black screen?
exe is located in game folder.
Also placed in www just to try , same issue.

Mmm, what am I doing wrong? I did place the ScenePlayer in the game dir and when I execute it, there is a pause, then a black screen with a white play button in it which can be clicked ... and then nothing. Maximizing the screen also gives the same effect?
When I check Win Taskmanager, the scene player is running but no CPU or GPU activity, only some RAM loaded.

View attachment 883144


Jun 23, 2017
I did find the problem: by default only the video part is shown. You have to resize the screen vertically by yourself and then the rest starts to appear below the video screen. Making it bigger by dragging the corners only makes the video screen bigger, the rest below is still hidden. This setting is not remembered though: when closed and opened again, the video screen again is the only thing showing.

Maybe making this player scrolable will solve that bug?
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Jan 7, 2019
Indeed meem you solved it, who would have thought resizing manual works since using full screen button did not :/
Oct 28, 2018
Is there anything else I need to run this program?

'Loading' doesn't finish even though my PC is pretty good.

I put 'ToNScenePlayer-0.3.0.exe' into the path where 'game.exe' file is located.

I wonder what to do because it doesn't seem to have a function to specify the path even if I press the 'alt key'.
Dec 27, 2019
Great player, thank you for developing it. I do have one observations. I do not hear any character moaning. Can those be layered on top?

Thank you


Mar 6, 2018
I am still getting the black screen even long after I manually expanded it.


Jun 23, 2017
Used with latest ToN version 65122.
Not working anymore. It just keeps on showing the star-like thing circling but nothing happens. Left it for 5 minutes but no go. Placed it in- and outside the game directory but both only are showing the main screen with the search circle going around. This on a fast Win 10 machine.


Porn Pirate
Nov 27, 2018
Okay, i understand that concern. My code is really just a couple of kilobytes, but i'm using Electron to create a completely standalone tool that will always work on any (Windows) computer, because it bundles a stripped down version of Chrome with the tool. Oh, and a couple of other required libraries, like FFmpeg to create the thumbnails.

The viewer part itself is really just a static website with some Javascript, which could run in any browser you have already installed, but there's also the "backend" Javascript that scans for the files and uses FFmpeg to create the thumbs, and that's something that can't be done by a static website.

If you google for "electron app size", you'll see that my packaged app is actually quite a bit smaller than the average Electron app, which is typically rather ~120MB. ;-)

I haven't spent much time on optimizing the package size, as the effort to strip 2-3 MB doesn't make that much of a difference if it's only 2-3% of the total size.
I wish there was a way to make this substantially smaller, but with Electron there currently isn't one. If i find some other solution to create an all-in-one tool, i'll try to port my code to that one. (There was , but that's dead now. Maybe i'll look into Electrino again.)
Excellent answer to a common, valid question. Thank you for your responsiveness and attention to detail in that answer, keep up the good work!
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Aug 6, 2020
I just downloaded the latest version of ToN, deleted the player's cache folder (CTRL+R -> "%APPDATA%\tonsp" -> Enter) and started the player. Took less than a minute (on a 3950X with a PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD, though) to generate all thumbnails, and everything seems to work fine.

You could hit CTRL+Shift+I and have a look at the Console if there's anything in there besides the "DevTools failed to load SourceMap" warnings (they are harmless).


Jun 23, 2017
You could hit CTRL+Shift+I and have a look at the Console if there's anything in there besides the "DevTools failed to load SourceMap" warnings (they are harmless).
I opened the Player console and this was there:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'C:\Users\xx\Desktop\Treasure_of_Nadia_-_PC-v.58111\www\movies'
Somehow the player is looking for v.58111 but the current version is 65122.
So I did rename the TON folder so that it ended with 58111 and now the Player does work, within a few seconds the thumbs were there.

Also did try deleting the cache but that had no effect. It's in .../appdata/roaming/tonsp btw.


Aug 1, 2017
I opened the Player console and this was there:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'C:\Users\xx\Desktop\Treasure_of_Nadia_-_PC-v.58111\www\movies'
Somehow the player is looking for v.58111 but the current version is 65122.
So I did rename the TON folder so that it ended with 58111 and now the Player does work, within a few seconds the thumbs were there.

Also did try deleting the cache but that had no effect. It's in .../appdata/roaming/tonsp btw.
Yeah I'm having the same situation, looks like this player need to be updated for reading v65122


Oct 11, 2019
need to be fixed/updated,for the first time it doesn't work for me. latest ver. of game.

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'H:\Downloads\Treasure_of_Nadia_-_PC-v.60113\www\movies
Last edited:


Aug 6, 2020
Ah, that feature of saving the path to the games was actually meant to be a little helper for me, so that it didn't have to copy the binary to the game folder for every build. But as i kept the game always in the same folder, i didn't notice that this could cause an error if you don't have the folder anymore/somewhere else.

SweeTomato: No, it does not need to be updated for v65122. It works fine with that version, like all the ones before, and most likely all future ones, too. It just needs a fix for the saved preference of the game path - but that's not related to any specific game version, just user behaviour. ;-)
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