Honestly no, for me it mostly stems from how unlike the original CoC(I could actually play this one in the way you're describing) there's not a real thematic justification for so many of the characters being as openly sexualized as they are while also clashing with the fact that some of them have hang ups about things that don't seem to make any sense in relation to other characters. For example Kaede has a scene on Canadia where she'll be against exposing herself in public implying it would be indecent exposure which isn't helped by the fact that Kally is just running her place while serving people with her dick hanging out. And there's a lot of little stuff like this that just makes it kinda hard to actually put myself in a mindset to actually take the story seriously.
I liked CoC 2 when it first came out as it was actually better at this type of stuff at first but even that started to have similar issues. For example stuff like the Kitsune being portrayed as being lecherous and hedonistic only for one of them to be up-tight and rigidly hierarchical with one of them saying their society is that way to keep their "hunger" in check which conflicts with their original portrayal also the fact that Miko just acts that way anyway.(Also the fact that even though most of the Kitsune stuff is all written by one person the player character doesn't even act consistent with them, like not caring in the slightest about the Kitsune being racist in one scene only to have you be able to choose to punch one in the face for being racist towards you in another).
So it really feels like an issue in general that's not just limited to TiTS of them not setting some sort of base for how characters and content should work with the world building they're setting up and so you get a lot of little bits of this incongruous stuff popping up. Which sucks because there are parts of both games that have genuinely good writing or at the very least have a decent hook to them that is kinda hurt by it being included alongside stuff that makes it harder for me to get immersed in the story itself.
I feel like this has a lot to do with the fact that this is erotica we are talking about. Writing out erotic fantasies depends very highly on mood. When you're horny you just want to write the horny part and make sure it's written well. When that happens you end up with good porn but poor... Everything else.
Now, when you're NOT horny you end up writing about other stuff - lore, setting, story pieces etc. And usually they will end up going into erotica/porn territory because you're going to get bored and horny, so, well... At the very least that porn will have some background stuff to it to make it more grounded.
Realistically, however, pieces like TiTS or CoC will have many out-of-place characters and sets that will inevitably draw you out of the universe through the sheer power of absurdity because the author wasn't interested in drawing you in at all - the only thing they were interested about was to make the piece as hot and bothered as possible. To which, I say, there isn't really a good solution nor am I sure that the solution should even exist.
Perhaps, it would be a good idea to write "horny" pieces and sort of collect them on a shelf until the "story" and "lore" pieces add up to have any space for the stowed away "horny" ones. Though, let's be honest - authors of these things are horny if not all the time then most of the time at the very least. Which makes balancing these things nigh impossible. Or just impossible, really. Comes with the trade, I feel like.
I know since I write some erotica as a hobby just for myself. Sometimes I get a good story going then I just run it into the ground with senseless erotic pieces and then sit there and try fixing it for much longer than I needed if I paced myself better. What I do is I "force" myself to take breaks during writing sessions to go do something relaxing and calming because it helps me to clear my mind and puts me into moods that are more suited for writing balanced pieces. But hey, the story will always, without a fail, go down into a hot mess eventually. It's just a matter of time. So either keep the pieces short or stop pretending to even care about the story and just write erotica. Again, no real good solution, lol.
I felt this way about TiTS almost all the time I was playing it - a short exposition piece with a good chonky amount of words... That leads into erotic hot mess that is far chonkier and makes less and less sense as it goes. It's a death spiral that's hard to stop. It also doesn't help that almost all characters in TiTS, just like in many other eroticas, are solely defined by their sexuality. Very few characters have any qualities beyond "this is their kink, this is their body, this is how you interact with their kink and body". What it creates, in the end of the day, is a universe in which you enter literally almost any building/space/plaza etc. just to encounter a handful of hyper-sexualized sci-fi sex bots that are each written during a couple depressing whiskey-fueled evenings.
Very rarely have I stopped during my "gameplay" and thought "Oh, that's pretty neat!" Most of the time I just thought "Yeah, this is pretty hot. But why? Why is it this way? What drives this situation/character/event? Howcome there is such a wide arrangement of characters that center their entire being around sex?" I mean, I get it - it's a sex game. But even a sex game should have a sense of identity that sets some standard of anticipation when it comes to interaction with characters. In my mind - either all of them should be bimbos/himbos or all of them should be more grounded and have more weight to them. When you get this unbalanced soup of absolutely mindless characters and some characters that have some modicum of depth to them it just creates this bad aftertaste in my mouth.
All of this naturally leads into another major issue that TiTS has but it's also a widespread plague among eroticas - as wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle. So many characters, locations, set pieces and a very limited amount of them are explored thoroughly. Some characters - like Sera for example - have many options, quests and dialogue available to them. Most, on the other hand, are just "meet and fuck" types that water down the overall experience for me.
In conclusion I'd like to say that the game is decent. It's good as a sex game for a few evenings every once in a while, but it's honestly not great. I'd rate it 7/10 if I had to put my finger on it. Of course, that's not including all the drama surrounding the development of the game and the whole toxic relationship that the developers have with their community. Decent game, good porn, no story to speak of, trash combat, good character art from time to time. That's about it for me.