I didn't detect any rudeness from him at all. All he did was explain the idea of saving before you make any changes you might not like and then reloading if you don't like them. It's called save scumming.
Edit: in fact I save scum all the time to get the ideal TF from an item. For example when I am taking amazona to try and get the Jungle Queen Scent and Snu Snu Queen perks I save before I take the 6th one, which is what counts as an overdose, and then I just keep reloading and using the amazona until I get the perks.
Okay, Thank you for your input but you aren't them so I'm confused as to how you would know what their intentions were so I asked because I just wanted to know what
they personally meant in case I'm missing something.
As for save scumming, thank you I do know about that. I wish it's name was more positive sounding though, You know what I mean? Most times I ever had to save scum in any game were because of bad game design (
Not poking a stick at fenoxo or anything

) and It makes the player seem like the bad guy for having to go through a tedious and rather lengthy silly process of repeating something over and over to finally get what they need for the game to become enjoyable or playable for them again.:coldsweat:
Sometimes, save "hero-ing" :biggrin: doesn't always work or offer the best solution; prime example being the whole IQ-begone drbadger and penny bimbo quest thing. The reason being that I could save hero the game but it's not a guarantee that I would see the results of those actions for a huge amount of time in-game and by then I would be very troubled to go all the way back, and that's if those results even currently exist in the game. I think Zar explained that it's another one of those special fenoxo dead ends (can't blame the guy it's a big project) and It's not even worth pursuing that quest line until it gets updated (my words I think, not his) ::|:
Anyway, Thanks for trying to help me:extremelyhappy: