i would be critical of the code if it was even legible to regular humans. it's an eldritch monstrosity only barely maintainable by even the ones who wrote it.
also if you support their decisions, they literally copy pasted actionscript code into some places and forgot to rewrite it, which was causing a known crash in a lot of places
additionally, though they literally copy pasted a ton of the game, they are still somehow missing scenes in some places as well as not having artwork update properly. i would say they needed more than refactor when making "porting" this to be perfectly honest. if you work on something for around 6-ish years now, you'd think that at least someone working on this would have obtained some programming knowledge to keep it from being a mess, but they're still dealing with the same issues in a different programming language now
tl;dr if you're getting this much money to make something, people should expect a better end result