So, i have usually just done the same each time i download the game...
Play casually, for a couple days, then forget about it until i download it again and start from zero.
Currently im in the situation where im spending an awful lot of hours with an old laptop instead of my pc, so i was thinking to give the game a proper try. I have seen you guys talking about builds and use of skills.
But i have always pretty much just rolled with tech, grab a flamethrower and pretty much played until i reach that boss that is a big woman in white armor that you can either try to pretend you are a slave or fight her, and i have only managed to beat her once.
So, my question for you all, is there a site that explains builds.. like what items to use and armor, etc? i honestly always used the goo girl has my armor and rolled with it. XD but if i wanna give the game a proper try, i wanna inform myself better.
So, any help? (regarding builds, or what combos to use, etc).