You need to extract 1.reg from the XXXXXXX_R18.rar
1. Right click then click edit on the file named "1.reg"
2. Change "InstallDir"="R18 Directory" with 'R18 Directory' to your R18 patch folder like "D:\\Trinoline Genesis\\R18" it should appear as "InstallDir"="D:\\Trinoline Genesis\\R18" (this is an example only)
3. Save then double click the file "1.reg" to apply.
View attachment 1608883
EDIT: For anyone still using a 32bit windows, remove "wow6432node" from [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\minori\genesis_en_r18patch], it should appear as [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\minori\genesis_en_r18patch]