
Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019

Her mother told her a load of lies that made her hate her dad. He stayed away from her and had nothing to do with anything after being in jail.

It was down to her mother, nothing to do with Deb. She found everything out a few updates ago when he gave her the loetters from her mother.
No, Deb and the family in general [grandmother .etc] have remained in contact with both Marie and Millie the whole time the MC has been searching for Millie, leaving Millie to wonder at breakfast, after reading the letters, why the MC didn't at least call some time if the MC did in fact still love her. In that scene Deb quickly changes the topic so as to avoid having the MC tell Millie that he'd been searching.
So as we saw at the end of this update, Millie will now know that Deb and the grandmother .etc have been keeping the MC from contacting Millie the entire time.

If that isn't something to be angry about then I don't know what would be.
As per my above post, personally I'd find it unforgivable.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2020
Hope this help, because...


I was finally able to get the last image for Deb and unlock her gallery, basically I had to be submissive to her so that she turns up naked in the sauna and is not wearing a green bikini.

To celebrate, I'm not sure if this will work, but here is the "Persistent" file, which fingers-crossed, will unlock the gallery for everyone.

View attachment 867083
could you share the persistent file when you finish playing v0.7a, no rush, cheers


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
No, Deb and the family in general [grandmother .etc] have remained in contact with both Marie and Millie the whole time the MC has been searching for Millie, leaving Millie to wonder at breakfast, after reading the letters, why the MC didn't at least call some time if the MC did in fact still love her. In that scene Deb quickly changes the topic so as to avoid having the MC tell Millie that he'd been searching.
So as we saw at the end of this update, Millie will now know that Deb and the grandmother .etc have been keeping the MC from contacting Millie the entire time.

If that isn't something to be angry about then I don't know what would be.
As per my above post, personally I'd find it unforgivable.
That's my reading of it, too. The next lines could be:

MC to Deb: You knew all this time where she was and didn't tell me?!

Millie to MC: Wait, what?! You actually *didn't* know?!

To be fair, though, it's been said how fucked in the head MC was before the start of the game, so I hope that is brought up again so that Deb can excuse the family's (and Marie's!) decision about this. Deb, Mam, even Grandma. All agreed with Marie's request to keep it hidden. That should tell everyone something about MC's mental state during those times.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
That's my reading of it, too. The next lines could be:

MC to Deb: You knew all this time where she was and didn't tell me?!

Millie to MC: Wait, what?! You actually *didn't* know?!

To be fair, though, it's been said how fucked in the head MC was before the start of the game, so I hope that is brought up again so that Deb can excuse the family's (and Marie's!) decision about this. Deb, Mam, even Grandma. All agreed with Marie's request to keep it hidden. That should tell everyone something about MC's mental state during those times.
A state that they brought him in and prolonged by denying him contact with Milly ..... Do not be too sure that Marie had good intentions and was not punishing MC on purpose and knowingly did so. (For which she admittedly had some good reasons, if she had not involved and hurt her daughter on purpose by her actions as well). Remember since MC refused to tell them why he got into jail, they also should not have known about that so called danger to him, unless they were at least partly behind or involved with that. Now I am still not sure if Deb is/was also part of that or that she was played by both their Ex. :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
That's my reading of it, too. The next lines could be:

MC to Deb: You knew all this time where she was and didn't tell me?!

Millie to MC: Wait, what?! You actually *didn't* know?!

To be fair, though, it's been said how fucked in the head MC was before the start of the game, so I hope that is brought up again so that Deb can excuse the family's (and Marie's!) decision about this. Deb, Mam, even Grandma. All agreed with Marie's request to keep it hidden. That should tell everyone something about MC's mental state during those times.
Yes, maybe a flashback to show the MC`s state of mind is needed, a lot of people because of their hate for Deb prefer to assume that it was all done out of malice.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Well, most of us have hoped the dev would try and balance it out instead of just turning it into a continuously devolving clusterfuck into lets just make `em all bi and cuck the MC with his femdom sister. Highly entertaining I`m sure.

Personally, I`ll give it one or two more updates to see if he will even bother catering to the wider audience. If not, i won`t lose sleep over it. Not so sure the dev will have that much fun when his audience shrinks enough.
Yeah, sure, I`ve read this before by other people, this game has been going for a while, it is probably a passion project for the dev so I doubt they would really care all that much, and even if those people who only hate on the game leave a lot of people who enjoy it will stay.

Deleted member 2093814

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
Yeah, sure, I`ve read this before by other people, this game has been going for a while, it is probably a passion project for the dev so I doubt they would really care all that much, and even if those people who only hate on the game leave a lot of people who enjoy it will stay.
"hate on the game" makes it sound as if there is only two camps commenting on here: diehard fans and haters. Nothing as juvenile as that at all. Most of the criticism on here comes from people like myself who enjoyed it from the start, got into the story and then watched it devolve into a "what the fuck?" type mess.

Those of us who do not like to see our supposed iron man SF super soldier act like a complete mentally challenged cuck when near any woman and who for the most part lets his sister emasculate and taunt him repeatedly, can`t be blamed for the direction it`s been going. It may be a "passion project" for the dev but what audience is he exactly aiming at? those who enjoy all their Li`s being passed around and "shared"? or literal femdom sexual coercion aka Deb with Julia...? cucking?

Romance? it has the tag but where the fuck is that so far...

Not sure exactly where the dev is going but I`ll see with the next one or two updates if he has any other route or MC actually can function like a normal man around his sister/daughter.
The Astrid was a bad sign, instead of telling these overbearing females to back the fuck off he has to allow Deb to watch him with Astrid and hey, like all the others she`s bi now. Oh dear.

The daughter Milly is just fucking horrible. I know she`s lost her mother but she is such a bad tempered, dominating and bullying fucktard towards her Father. He lets her treat him like shit, but then after his surprise.
By the part of the update where the musclebound poison dwarf pervs on Astrid, I just wanted MC to piledrive her ugly face into the floor. The females in his family are just awful and absolute bitches. The part where MC has to fuck Astrid in front of debs in case Milly finds make matters worse, the perv daughter molests Astrid at the gym and surprise, surprise, Astrid now turns bi and wants a threesome...

really? get a fucking grip, dev.

The actual plotline (the original saving grace in my eyes) is just dragging out and why? because off all the fake drama bullshit revolving around MC`s female femdom family trying to fuck any female that walks. Maybe the dev should just get all this bi femdom shit outta his system and concentrate on the story, rev it up..and give the MC some fucking balls.
Big SF soldier bullied by his daughter...LOL.

Looking at the comment thread, there seems a lot more pissed off players than gratified ones.
Hmm, I wonder why.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
.... it doesn't have to be a defined relationship for them to be an LI.... an LI is an LI, whether or not they are in an official relationship... anyway this arguing is pointless as it has the tag now anyway.

Also the past thing counts if it is the protags bloody wife XD
I just will never get the NTR thing, if there is no relationship or emotional connection(which I don`t see how people would have in so little time, but I might be wrong and there is) what is the problem? If that doesn't exclude them from being with you what is the problem?

Edit: didn't intend on posting this but since it for some reason was posted with my other reply I'll clarify.
I don't want to discuss NTR that is why I wasn't going to post this, but to complement it, why are the people most vocal about NTR not bothered by their character cheating on their partners? I don't know, just reflect a bit on it, also I do understand not wanting to watch, I don't want to watch anything the MC wouldn't be present for, and that is a valid criticism. I just don't know why keep bringing it up at this point.

"hate on the game" makes it sound as if there is only two camps commenting on here: diehard fans and haters. Nothing as juvenile as that at all. Most of the criticism on here comes from people like myself who enjoyed it from the start, got into the story and then watched it devolve into a "what the fuck?" type mess.

Those of us who do not like to see our supposed iron man SF super soldier act like a complete mentally challenged cuck when near any woman and who for the most part lets his sister emasculate and taunt him repeatedly, can`t be blamed for the direction it`s been going. It may be a "passion project" for the dev but what audience is he exactly aiming at? those who enjoy all their Li`s being passed around and "shared"? or literal femdom sexual coercion aka Deb with Julia...? cucking?

Romance? it has the tag but where the fuck is that so far...

Not sure exactly where the dev is going but I`ll see with the next one or two updates if he has any other route or MC actually can function like a normal man around his sister/daughter.
The Astrid was a bad sign, instead of telling these overbearing females to back the fuck off he has to allow Deb to watch him with Astrid and hey, like all the others she`s Bi now. Oh dear.

Looking at the comment thread, there seems a lot more pissed off players than gratified ones.
Hmm, I wonder why.
Although the Mc was said to be a soldier on special forces I don't know where the whole "iron man SF super-soldier" came from, I met plenty of soldiers that were as dumb and emotionally stunted as the MC, hell one of them became the president of my country, he was discharged because he wanted to do a terrorist attack, but there many like this, many much worse, much much worse, the problem is that it didn't reach your expectations from the looks of it, like the whole cyberpunk 2077 thing that is happening now in mainstream gaming.

I'll agree that there really isn't anything akin to a romance yet.

The Astrid thing I already approached, for me, as a bi person brought up in a very religious household, it looks like she never even though about her sexuality and now is curious, maybe she is bi maybe not, well see, so far she didn't do anything that is really by, she got turned on by being watched and domming Deb and she got turned on by a massage and some touches, all pretty normal, also I have met far more bisexual/bicurious people than straight people, although since my country used to be very religious(still is way more religious then it should be) a lot of people repress it, so for me, it really isn't that farfetched, most woman that I met were bisexual, but again this is because of my experiences.

Now for the "normal man" that is a hard claim you made, and it depends on what you consider a normal man, and you are really expecting that in a game that has had nothing even remotely close to normal so far? now if you mean a more mature person, then again it will depend on what you think that is.

Maybe because people like to bitch about stuff far more then praising it, I praise most games that I play if I liked the update but rarely feel the need to talk anymore then that, and when I have money to spare I like throwing it at the dev's, the reason why most people who like the game don't stay on the thread Is that when we praise it things become a discussion, and that gets tiresome, even I who really like discussing things get tired of this thread, also it is normally people repeating the same thing over and over again and I'm just done with most of it so I don't come around often, this does not mean that I don't have a criticism of the game, much for the contrary, but I already aired it out multiple times and don't feel the need to do it even more.

In the end, this seems like it is a game the dev is making for themselves and people like him, and they seem to enjoy fucking with peoples expectations and getting them riled up, I'm not even saving that people hating is a bad thing as it keeps the thread alive, and that seems to be the point, now when people give valid criticism without hate and with alternatives I actually see the dev taking into consideration, at least for me that is obvious from update to update, in my opinion, the game needs the "humour" tag at this point, someone already explained it in fine detail a couple of pages back.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
It may be a "passion project" for the dev but what audience is he exactly aiming at?


Looking at the comment thread, there seems a lot more pissed off players than gratified ones.
Hmm, I wonder why.
A passion project by definition is made for the Dev himself without care for who else likes it.

And I don't really see "more pissed off players" in the thread so much as "the same pissed off players saying the same stuff over and over". That kind of "discussion" kills any desire for those who like the game to engage because they get dogpiled by those who dislike how the story is *actually* going as opposed to how they *want* the story to go.

I get the desire to want to provide critique and maybe steer the course of the story, but it should be obvious by now that the Dev is going to tell the story they want to tell. Most of the players here accept that and are just along for the ride.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
A passion project by definition is made for the Dev himself without care for who else likes it.

And I don't really see "more pissed off players" in the thread so much as "the same pissed off players saying the same stuff over and over". That kind of "discussion" kills any desire for those who like the game to engage because they get dogpiled by those who dislike how the story is *actually* going as opposed to how they *want* the story to go.

I get the desire to want to provide critique and maybe steer the course of the story, but it should be obvious by now that the Dev is going to tell the story they want to tell. Most of the players here accept that and are just along for the ride.
Yep, all of this, also I don't mind getting dogpiled, but I have discussed these things way too much already to bother again, I think even you and I had a discussion at some point if not on this thread in another, now I'm here for the ride, and if there are some theories crafting I might even join on it, but otherwise, I'll engage when really bored, like right now.
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Deleted member 2093814

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
Although the Mc was said to be a soldier on special forces I don't know where the whole "iron man SF super-soldier" came from, I met plenty of soldiers that were as dumb and emotionally stunted as the MC, hell one of them became the president of my country, he was discharged because he wanted to do a terrorist attack, but there many like this, many much worse, much much worse, the problem is that it didn't reach your expectations from the looks of it, like the whole cyberpunk 2077 thing that is happening now in mainstream gaming.

I'll agree that there really isn't anything akin to a romance yet.

The Astrid thing I already approached, for me, as a bi person brought up in a very religious household, it looks like she never even though about her sexuality and now is curious, maybe she is bi maybe not, well see, so far she didn't do anything that is really by, she got turned on by being watched and domming Deb and she got turned on by a massage and some touches, all pretty normal, also I have met far more bisexual/bicurious people than straight people, although since my country used to be very religious(still is way more religious then it should be) a lot of people repress it, so for me, it really isn't that farfetched, most woman that I met were bisexual, but again this is because of my experiences.

Now for the "normal man" that is a hard claim you made, and it depends on what you consider a normal man, and you are really expecting that in a game that has had nothing even remotely close to normal so far? now if you mean a more mature person, then again it will depend on what you think that is.

Maybe because people like to bitch about stuff far more then praising it, I praise most games that I play if I liked the update but rarely feel the need to talk anymore then that, and when I have money to spare I like throwing it at the dev's, the reason why most people who like the game don't stay on the thread Is that when we praise it things become a discussion, and that gets tiresome, even I who really like discussing things get tired of this thread, also it is normally people repeating the same thing over and over again and I'm just done with most of it so I don't come around often, this does not mean that I don't have a criticism of the game, much for the contrary, but I already aired it out multiple times and don't feel the need to do it even more.

In the end, this seems like it is a game the dev is making for themselves and people like him, and they seem to enjoy fucking with peoples expectations and getting them riled up, I'm not even saving that people hating is a bad thing as it keeps the thread alive, and that seems to be the point, now when people give valid criticism without hate and with alternatives I actually see the dev taking into consideration, at least for me that is obvious from update to update, in my opinion, the game needs the "humour" tag at this point, someone already explained it in fine detail a couple of pages back.
As far as SF go, well I`m going by my Country Uk`s SF, I guarantee you will never meet a "dumb" one. Not only do they often come from prestigious regiments like the Paras and Marines. The Selection training is so intense and incredibly tough that only candidates with high levels of fitness, tenacity, intelligence and the ability to stay calm when under fire as well as being highly aggressive when attacking, are considered. Intelligence is a key factor.
Soldiers from regular regiments can be dumb sure - to a degree. Emotionally stunted, well we could say PTSD.

The dev mentions Poole as a little clue. Poole is where the Special Boat Service is based - sister to the Special Air Service. Both Elite British SF regiments. They do not have "dumb" troopers in their ranks, these guys are the elite. They are also real iron men, not weak, dumb or nervous types. I have ex- SF in my family and knew a friend of the family who was SAS in the 80`s.During my own time as a rifleman in the infantry (Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders) when I was younger, I encountered SF from time to time.Trust me, these guys are the alphas, they would piss themselves laughing at this representation - certainly the ones I know of. I can`t comment on other Countries SF forces though.

As for bi-sexual female ratio, well I can honestly say having had intimate relations with around 30 odd females in my life (Yeah I`m a slut...or is that normal?) none ever showed bi inclinations, so our own personal experience means little on a global ratio.

"Normal man" to me is a man who will stand up for himself against any male/female who treats him like shit. That is "normal" to me. MC is a literal doormat most of the time.
I don`t know, perhaps overly sensitive and more submissive males are considered "normal" these days? no clue, I pay no attention to political correctness.

The comment about bitching about stuff rather than praising it? sorry but for me as an example, that`s bollocks. The majority of my comments praise devs and their games. I rarely bitch about them unless they are fucking up a game with real potential. Too much arse kissing gets monotonous.

You seem obsessed with using the word "hate" over and over again, I think you only see things in black and white. There is also grey...criticizing does not mean hating. Many on here get exasperated because they can see the potential greatness of this game, but hey let`s just keep quiet and let it sink further into a cuckfest.

Okay I can`t be arsed to write any more walls of text but I disagree with pretty much all you wrote. Lets just agree to disagree, because I doubt either of us is going to change our views.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
I just will never get the NTR thing, if there is no relationship or emotional connection(which I don`t see how people would have in so little time, but I might be wrong and there is) what is the problem? If that doesn't exclude them from being with you what is the problem?

Edit: didn't intend on posting this but since it for some reason was posted with my other reply I'll clarify.
I don't want to discuss NTR that is why I wasn't going to post this, but to complement it, why are the people most vocal about NTR not bothered by their character cheating on their partners? I don't know, just reflect a bit on it, also I do understand not wanting to watch, I don't want to watch anything the MC wouldn't be present for, and that is a valid criticism. I just don't know why keep bringing it up at this point.
..... is pretty obvious if you think about it for a moment (the edit comment). Also there is emotional connection XD it was the MCs fucking wife. Also just cause they aren't official doesn't mean there isn't any emotional connection either. you don't magically have emotional connect the moment you start dating lmao.

You should really think on it a bit more cause you will find your points are invalid in this case because there are the things there that you seem to think aren't there. And you also forget that this is a MC self-insert style game... so the emotional connection is also from the player themselves....

P.s. if you don't want to discuss this... then don't comment about it lmao.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2020
As far as SF go, well I`m going by my Country Uk`s SF, I guarantee you will never meet a "dumb" one. Not only do they often come from prestigious regiments like the Paras and Marines. The Selection training is so intense and incredibly tough that only candidates with high levels of fitness, tenacity, intelligence and the ability to stay calm when under fire as well as being highly aggressive when attacking, are considered. Intelligence is a key factor.
Soldiers from regular regiments can be dumb sure - to a degree. Emotionally stunted, well we could say PTSD.

The dev mentions Poole as a little clue. Poole is where the Special Boat Service is based - sister to the Special Air Service. Both Elite British SF regiments. They do not have "dumb" troopers in their ranks, these guys are the elite. They are also real iron men, not weak, dumb or nervous types. I have ex- SF in my family and knew a friend of the family who was SAS in the 80`s.During my own time as a rifleman in the infantry (Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders) when I was younger, I encountered SF from time to time.Trust me, these guys are the alphas, they would piss themselves laughing at this representation - certainly the ones I know of. I can`t comment on other Countries SF forces though.

As for bi-sexual female ratio, well I can honestly say having had intimate relations with around 30 odd females in my life (Yeah I`m a slut...or is that normal?) none ever showed bi inclinations, so our own personal experience means little on a global ratio.

"Normal man" to me is a man who will stand up for himself against any male/female who treats him like shit. That is "normal" to me. MC is a literal doormat most of the time.
I don`t know, perhaps overly sensitive and more submissive males are considered "normal" these days? no clue, I pay no attention to political correctness.

The comment about bitching about stuff rather than praising it? sorry but for me as an example, that`s bollocks. The majority of my comments praise devs and their games. I rarely bitch about them unless they are fucking up a game with real potential. Too much arse kissing gets monotonous.

You seem obsessed with using the word "hate" over and over again, I think you only see things in black and white. There is also grey...criticizing does not mean hating. Many on here get exasperated because they can see the potential greatness of this game, but hey let`s just keep quiet and let it sink further into a cuckfest.

Okay I can`t be arsed to write any more walls of text but I disagree with pretty much all you wrote. Lets just agree to disagree, because I doubt either of us is going to change our views.
i agree 100% with everything you said (apart from the intimate relations with around 30 females mines just 1 but for 8years) the SF are the best of the best who have to go through torture training, this MC would piss his pants just by them saying boo


Dec 22, 2019
Yes, maybe a flashback to show the MC`s state of mind is needed, a lot of people because of their hate for Deb prefer to assume that it was all done out of malice.
His state of mind was fine when he got locked up. He most likely saw some shit on his mission disobeyed his orders and for that he got locked up. The mom cut off contact cause daughter keeps asking about going home. And the mother freaked out when she saw the daughter had been thinking about her father while masterbating. She just didn't handle the whole situation right. Why the family agreed to keep quite is still a mystery to me.
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New Member
Jan 6, 2020
I remember a few updates ago everyone was trying to tell the dev that his game needed a NTR tag and he kept trying to tell us it had no NTR ‍♂. My thing is I don't mind NTR game frfr but the thinb with the the NTR has to be either straight up avoidable or optional. I don't care if it's there in that case. Now the story on the other hand idk where tf the dev is truly go with this or who his target is in terms of a audience but I wish him nothing but the best and if the NTR isn't going to be optional meaning is putting the sister in her place, wait PUTTING THE WHOLE FAMILY in their place and taking back control like the top gun soldier we know the MC is supposed to be then I'll drop it. I'll give this game 2-4 more updates if nothing changes I'll still wish the dev luck. It's his game and he'll do what he wants ‍♂ so if you don't like it move on and wish the person luck it's not hard but if you truly don't like it because of the NTR why come every update bitching about it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
His state of mind was fine when he got locked up. He most likely saw some shit on his mission disobeyed his orders and for that he got locked up. The mom cut off contact cause daughter keeps asking about going home. And the mother freaked out when she saw the daughter had been thinking about her father while masterbating. She just didn't handle the whole situation right. Why the family agreed to keep quite is still a mystery to me.
Even if he was in a bad place right after that incident, it's been ten years since then and if he was stable enough to put up with Deb's shit all this time (shockingly she's still alive and unharmed), he was ready to know the truth about his daughter a long time ago. His family is just fucked up. We already know the MC is not talking to his father and his mother and sister consciously tortured two people they supposedly love and care about for several years. There's no excuse for any of them and even if the MC decides to eventually forgive them (trust them again is a whole different topic) I hope it won't take him half a day, like when he found out Deb was banging his wife behind his back for years, and he won't take the blame for that too...


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
As far as SF go, well I`m going by my Country Uk`s SF, I guarantee you will never meet a "dumb" one. Not only do they often come from prestigious regiments like the Paras and Marines. The Selection training is so intense and incredibly tough that only candidates with high levels of fitness, tenacity, intelligence and the ability to stay calm when under fire as well as being highly aggressive when attacking, are considered. Intelligence is a key factor.
Soldiers from regular regiments can be dumb sure - to a degree. Emotionally stunted, well we could say PTSD.

The dev mentions Poole as a little clue. Poole is where the Special Boat Service is based - sister to the Special Air Service. Both Elite British SF regiments. They do not have "dumb" troopers in their ranks, these guys are the elite. They are also real iron men, not weak, dumb or nervous types. I have ex- SF in my family and knew a friend of the family who was SAS in the 80`s.During my own time as a rifleman in the infantry (Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders) when I was younger, I encountered SF from time to time.Trust me, these guys are the alphas, they would piss themselves laughing at this representation - certainly the ones I know of. I can`t comment on other Countries SF forces though.

As for bi-sexual female ratio, well I can honestly say having had intimate relations with around 30 odd females in my life (Yeah I`m a slut...or is that normal?) none ever showed bi inclinations, so our own personal experience means little on a global ratio.

"Normal man" to me is a man who will stand up for himself against any male/female who treats him like shit. That is "normal" to me. MC is a literal doormat most of the time.
I don`t know, perhaps overly sensitive and more submissive males are considered "normal" these days? no clue, I pay no attention to political correctness.

The comment about bitching about stuff rather than praising it? sorry but for me as an example, that`s bollocks. The majority of my comments praise devs and their games. I rarely bitch about them unless they are fucking up a game with real potential. Too much arse kissing gets monotonous.

You seem obsessed with using the word "hate" over and over again, I think you only see things in black and white. There is also grey...criticizing does not mean hating. Many on here get exasperated because they can see the potential greatness of this game, but hey let`s just keep quiet and let it sink further into a cuckfest.

Okay I can`t be arsed to write any more walls of text but I disagree with pretty much all you wrote. Lets just agree to disagree, because I doubt either of us is going to change our views.
Replying mostly to clarify, when I say "dumb" I meant emotionally, he is bad at expressing his feelings and understanding others, not on intellect as it is known, there are different types of intelligence, after all, my focus was on the emotional one since as of the last update he has shown to not be "dumb" while figuring stuff out from a photo rather quickly.

Yes, experiences may vary, I'll have to check out some research because this sparked up my curiosity again, but if I remember correctly the number of people that are "curious" about the same sex is rather high, normally though people would as I say repress it because you know they were shamed into doing so.

Yeah, that would depend on what you mean by standing up for themselves, would It be taking the person aside and having a discussion? would be fighting every time they "disrespect" you? would it be getting violent? I'm trying not to assume here, either way, the MC did all of that, and it does have an effect, Deb becomes more hostile towards him, now if you expected her to shrink in his presence, well, that obviously isn't in her nature, and that for me is a good thing since I wouldn't either.

About the bitching, that is just a fact, unless a new study that I'm not aware of proved it wrong, people are more vocal about things that they dislike than what they like, I really was generalizing and not talking about you in specific.

About the "hate" word, I'm just using it in place of dislike, you are the one focused on it, and as I always said criticism is valid as long as you don't demand, is clear about what you are criticizing and why, and give alternatives, just saying "I don't like this, change it" isn't criticism, you might have actual fair criticisms that I have not read but that example is normally the norm around here, again not talking about you in specific, also, the expectation is the problem, my rule is to not expect things and just enjoy the ride.

Pity, this is enjoyable for me as I get to have more insights into peoples opinions and why they have them, and I absolutely am more then willing to change my mind if I think a point is valid, now for that, I would need to understand the point that the person is trying to make and where does it come from, why they hold that opinion and where it is rooted, all of this is fun for me but I can understand if it isn't for you.
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