This was... actually a lot more fun than I was expecting. Tricky at first, but becomes a lot easier once you realize the animation cycles of the enemies. Every enemy attack goes IDLE>INTRO>PAUSE>WINDUP>ATTACK. The length of the pause varies, so you need to wait until you see them start the actual windup/attack and then tap back. After 3 or 4 runs I could clear it above half health. I found it most useful to find one body part of the opponent which moved significantly for the windup and just focus my eyes on that. I found the mushroom girl the easiest since her inhale is such a big motion it's easy to recognize and react to.
The heart in the top center of the screen is the timer to get an animated "Goody" sex cutscene. They're short but well-animated, and each opponent has 3 variations. During the fight though, don't let the heart distract you, just focus on dodging attacks and maximizing your damage. The key to beating the heart timer is consistently hitting full-damage attacks as soon as your attack recharges. It feels like getting hit slows down your attack recharge but I'm not certain if that's actually true or just perception.
Honestly I think actually earning every animation through the game is too much work, so I'd say play through a few times, see how well you can do, and once you feel you've earned it use the gallery cheat.
on which menu u type it?
1st? 2nd? 3rd?
they all say click down
and no litters shown
and even so
i write the cheat
but nothing happen
The actual cheat code has no spaces, it's "FUNTIME94". Use all caps, use Shift key NOT capslock, and use the numbers in your number row NOT the numberpad. You enter it on the title screen, the one with the game title that shows the character standing in front of a dungeon entrance. There's no field to enter the text, and it won't show any indication you've done anything unless you get it right.