3D-Daz Fan Art AI True Bond Art Assets & Fan Art


Jan 3, 2023
Although I know that your statement is purely a joke, I want you to know that it is precisely the opposite, as I am 100% follower of Jesus Christ!
Well, 90% because no one is perfect!
I have my ugly sins too!
I believe in his doctrine and since I was very little I have been looking for him in my heart!
In fact, I doubt that there is anyone in this world who is more of a believer than me and who seeks it out more than I do!
Although recently my faith has been strongly shaken!
But changing the subject, the blur is on purpose, because if I post everything I did, then there will be nothing left for the imagination!
Answering about the cell phone, I leave you the answer here!

View attachment 3323131
Are you Christian? Me too. But I admit that lust is my weak point. I have no problems with drinking, drugs or money, even though I'm not rich. I was moved by his statement. I hope that one day the Holy Spirit will help us further on this journey. About calling you the devil, it was just a bad joke. I apologize. But I'm really in awe Terminatorgames. I was already wanting to make a statement like that, but, well, I was embarrassed because this wasn't the right place, or at least I discovered that.
  • Haha
Reactions: Terminatorgames


Jan 3, 2023
Algum tempo, querido amigo GreeperDark3dART !
Tem sido um pesadelo nesta fase da animação, tendo que recorrer a diversos truques para passar apenas por esta parte da animação, nomeadamente questões relacionadas com as simulações e a criação da própria animação!
Daz por si só é uma dor de cabeça! Progredimos por um trecho de animação de cerca de 50 frames e quando voltamos para conferir a sequência, tudo já está alterado e fora do lugar, então componha novamente!
As simulações são horríveis, principalmente as das mantas e quando renderizamos, por exemplo, um pequeno trecho de 1500 frames e no final vemos isso
View attachment 3323960

Faça todas as simulações novamente e renderize tudo de novo, 1500 frames desperdiçados por causa de apenas 100 que foram arruinados!
Foi o que aconteceu aqui por exemplo

View attachment 3323960

View attachment 3323959

Cada quadro leva cerca de 3 minutos para ser renderizado com um fator de qualidade de 1,8 quando o normal é 1 e com uma taxa de renderização convergente de 98% porque os 2% restantes levam quase o dobro do tempo!
E o que conta é o truque do HDRI, caso contrário demoraria cerca de 1 hora por quadro!
A placa gráfica em overclocking extremo, ultrapassando em muito todos os limites recomendados, apenas para ganhar cerca de 10 segundos por quadro!
3 minutos * 1.500 frames * 2 vezes de renderização = 9.000 minutos = 150 horas = 6,25 dias = 6 dias mais 6 horas!
Somado a isso, verificar a renderização no modo viewport, que faço antes de ir para o modo Iray para verificar possíveis erros, são mais
5 segundos por quadro * 1.500 quadros *2 = 15.000 segundos = 250 minutos = 4,16 horas = 4 horas e aproximadamente 10 minutos

Portanto são necessários um total de 6 dias mais 10 horas mais 10 minutos apenas para produzir 1500 renders da animação que, depois de editados, criam entre 30 segundos e 1 minuto de animação, dependendo da velocidade com que imprimimos cada frame!
Depois vem a parte de edição, com criação de legendas e efeitos, renderização da seção, etc!
Embora a máquina com a qual trabalho seja razoavelmente boa, ainda é um pesadelo!
Se tudo isso pudesse ser renderizado no Unreal, demoraria cerca de 1 segundo por quadro, com qualidade muito alta!
Se as simulações pudessem ser realizadas no Blender, levariam muito menos tempo e teriam muito mais qualidade e perfeição!
Infelizmente não consigo exportar para nenhum deles, nem para o Blender nem para o Unreal, pois as bridges pararam de funcionar no meu computador, desde que instalei as últimas versões do DAZ!
Some time dear friend GreeperDark3dART!
It's been a bit of a nightmare at this stage of the animation, with me having to resort to different tricks to get through just this part of the animation, namely issues related to the simulations and the creation of the animation itself!
Daz in itself is a headache! We progress through a section of animation of around 50 frames and when we go back to check the sequence, everything is already changed and out of place, so compose again!
The simulations are horrible, particularly those of the blankets and when we render, for example a small section of 1500 frames and in the end we see this
View attachment 3323960

Do all the simulations again and render everything again, 1500 frames wasted because of just 100 that were ruined!
That's what happened here for example

View attachment 3323960

View attachment 3323959

Each frame takes around 3 minutes to render with a quality factor of 1.8 when normal is 1 and with a converged rendering ratio of 98% because the remaining 2% takes almost twice as long!
And what counts is the HDRI trick, otherwise it would take about 1 hour per frame!
The graphics card in extreme overclocking, far exceeding all recommended limits, just to gain around 10 seconds per frame!
3 minutes * 1500 frames * 2 times of rendering = 9000 minutes = 150 hours = 6.25 days = 6 days plus 6 hours!
Added to this, check rendering in viewport mode, which I do before going to Iray mode to check for possible errors, are more
5 seconds per frame * 1500 frames *2 = 15,000 seconds = 250 minutes = 4.16 hours = 4 hours and approximately 10 minutes

So it takes a total of 6 days plus 10 hours plus 10 minutes just to produce 1500 renders of the animation that, after being edited, create between 30 seconds and 1 minute of animation, depending on the speed at which we print each frame!
Then comes the editing part, with creating subtitles and effects, and rendering the section, etc!
Even though the machine I work with is reasonably good, it's still a nightmare!
If all of this could be rendered in Unreal, it would take about 1 second per frame, with very high quality!
If simulations could be carried out in Blender, they would take much less time and have much higher quality and perfection!
Unfortunately I can't export to either of them, neither to Blender nor to Unreal, because the bridges stopped working on my computer, since I installed the latest versions of DAZ!

All this time for 1 minute of animation. Now I understand how Japanese cartoon animators suffer. Imagine doing an episode of One Piece, Naruto, Attack on Titan every week. My God, they don't live. But it could be that your computers are good and it's not just one person, but several people making an episode to be released every Sunday.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
As am I, which is why I haven't made more pictures, though I dabble in it for fun. It just makes me feel strange, I can't describe it. Something about putting porn out there feels off to me.

I do have this idea where Jess texts David in their new penthouse because he couldn't afford the old house anymore because of the gorilla attack. She's bored and he's working hard, so he can't come home early that night. Jess decides to play cards with Danny, where the game turns into a strip poker thing. Jess loses obviously, she removes her clothing, stands in front of him but hides her breasts and vagina from Danny.

Now, most people would be like Danny gets sad so she shows off but since this story is from the wacky perspective and I'm not a fan of shota looking shit (makes Jess look like a pedo), I have Danny stand up, power up like a super saiyan, and he grows taller and gets muscular like the Hulk. Now he's a man with a gigantic dick (maybe with green skin too lol). Jess is in awe, Danny touches her, David breaks through the window with a parachute and shoots Monster Danny with a machine gun. The end

See, stupid stuff like that makes me chuckle, but creating porn? Idk...
Good idea!
We all have different tastes and strokes!
There will certainly be those who prefer your view of things!
Now all you need to do is put the idea into practice!
It will certainly be well done!
I look forward to seeing your side of the story!


Feb 21, 2019
Some time dear friend GreeperDark3dART!
It's been a bit of a nightmare at this stage of the animation, with me having to resort to different tricks to get through just this part of the animation, namely issues related to the simulations and the creation of the animation itself!
Daz in itself is a headache! We progress through a section of animation of around 50 frames and when we go back to check the sequence, everything is already changed and out of place, so compose again!
The simulations are horrible, particularly those of the blankets and when we render, for example a small section of 1500 frames and in the end we see this
View attachment 3323960

Do all the simulations again and render everything again, 1500 frames wasted because of just 100 that were ruined!
That's what happened here for example

View attachment 3323960

View attachment 3323959

Each frame takes around 3 minutes to render with a quality factor of 1.8 when normal is 1 and with a converged rendering ratio of 98% because the remaining 2% takes almost twice as long!
And what counts is the HDRI trick, otherwise it would take about 1 hour per frame!
The graphics card in extreme overclocking, far exceeding all recommended limits, just to gain around 10 seconds per frame!
3 minutes * 1500 frames * 2 times of rendering = 9000 minutes = 150 hours = 6.25 days = 6 days plus 6 hours!
Added to this, check rendering in viewport mode, which I do before going to Iray mode to check for possible errors, are more
5 seconds per frame * 1500 frames *2 = 15,000 seconds = 250 minutes = 4.16 hours = 4 hours and approximately 10 minutes

So it takes a total of 6 days plus 10 hours plus 10 minutes just to produce 1500 renders of the animation that, after being edited, create between 30 seconds and 1 minute of animation, depending on the speed at which we print each frame!
Then comes the editing part, with creating subtitles and effects, and rendering the section, etc!
Even though the machine I work with is reasonably good, it's still a nightmare!
If all of this could be rendered in Unreal, it would take about 1 second per frame, with very high quality!
If simulations could be carried out in Blender, they would take much less time and have much higher quality and perfection!
Unfortunately I can't export to either of them, neither to Blender nor to Unreal, because the bridges stopped working on my computer, since I installed the latest versions of DAZ!
It seems to me that if you create images and refuse to create animations, that will also be good
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Reactions: Terminatorgames


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
I totally just realized Jess's bra was sticking through the dress on the left breast lmao oops
You know emperor111, it's in these cases that Zbrush is essential!
Forget everything else!
You export to Zbrush with one click, compose in Zbrush and then import again with one click, creating a morph that is adjusted with a Slider!
Everything resolved in just 1 minute!
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Reactions: randursel


Feb 21, 2019
What's the problem with making sex images? of which there are so few. people make images with stories instead ><