A game with enclosed development... no open modding support, months and months of waiting for very small updates after some change in the game version number..
Not allowing modders to work and solve glitches... literally anti-social levels of behind doors game developing, no dev tools to allow character modding or porting, unlike Illusion games or Home Together or VAM, making people get stuck behind a poll that lasts A DAMN WEEK, wasted time that if the game had open mod support... could be used to solve issues and give proper feedback each week, accelerating the game's development, release small betas, updates, experiment with functions and making whole process more friendly and agile.... instead people have to wait months and cross their fingers a particular issue they dislike may or may not get solved.... And you expect to get more people to pay for the game...? I sincerely hope someone cracks the game code once and for all so we finally have something worth investing a lot of time in....
Like you punish modders in the first place, you just keep your game in its word, like some sort of strange autism I can't understand, then to add insult to injury, YOU OBFUSCATE THE GAME'S CODE, like if it had some invaluable treasure inside that God forbid anyone dares to see... then you just gather a bunch of random ideas, a whole new family of glitches and bugs, abysmal performance than makes games like Cyberpunk a cake in the walk to run... and Jesus in Heaven, that leg deformation is one of the most disturbing and immersion killing bugs I have ever seen, when will that be fixed? In 6 months?.... Then expect everything to work, everyone to pay and they are just ok with it...?
This game and the amazing idea it is, it's literally trapped and jailed by devs that seem to like to work outside people's feedback.... but then expect the game to get popular by just doing small stuff montly.... lmfao....