This thread is funny so clarifying some things :
1) There never was any virus in the original files. Like ever. Yet people still think that every few pages. But antiviruses and even windows defender inherently don't like or trust exe/executables in general since the dawn of time. Literally like that's a thing of the last 20 years+ its nothing new. Need to understand when something is false positive and when it's not and simply add an exception rule to that crappy antivirus/defender/firewall to ignore it for this game completely. If you don't trust the devs or the OP that's like on "you". You can also run the game via the .bat file.
2) Game is basically split now, one part is the core game with only a few characters, the other part is the mods/maps (extra characters basically) which are shared separately for the patreons. Those need to go to the appropriate folder to work. And you can't use a new character from 0.52 in 0.51 or in 0.42. They are in general not backwards compatible so always grab the latest version if you want new characters. A version needs to have a character first officially, before you can ever alter it or update it.
3) True Mods (like Rev's) that have been shared are mostly texture edits indeed, upgrading to higher resolution, since the official ones are in some cases in low resolution. That's especially good for those that do want the improved textures but can be ignored if you think they will burn your pc. In some cases they may provide different colors or even something more like different eyes or vag1na textures/type. The game is probably more resource hungry than ever but that will improve in time. The more characters you use on the screen, the less the fps.
4) Game has a way to go, there are still bugs, its been revamped so it takes time to learn the new features and how to use them (asking in discord helps, and reading the patreon posts does help with how to use some of the new features), but in general is going in a good direction, communication has been improved significantly these last months and the updates, new content and fixes do in fact come faster than ever.
5) If you have ideas about changes for the game, can always post them in discord, appropriate channels are there, apart from the public voting polls.