VN - Ren'Py - Turning the Page [v0.29.0] [Azienda]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this story. It had so much potential to me, but over time it's kind of lost touch with... well, reality. In no reality does a guy like Zack fall in love with a girl like Sophie for real. I've known guys like Zack in real life and even been friends with them.. It takes them changing before they finally are willing to settle down.. and usually a hard knock in the head while they're at it.

    At first when I was going through it, I started to think maybe I'm just not as into NTR as I used to be? But no. After reading some other input from others here, I think I've come to understand the true reason I'm having issues with liking this.. It's that everyone here is suddenly acting completely out of character. There is a force going behind the scenes to bend over backwards to make this work the way some grand designer is wanting it to happen and you can plainly see it

    When you start to see the issues and the crumpled edges that are being shoved together to start to make things work it starts to break the immersion and soon you're sitting there saying "Yeah. This is all stupid and ludicrous." Then you soon find yourself hating nearly every character in the story and next thing you know it's just not enjoyable.. at all..

    Simple facts are that this story should have featured choices.. Making it so that people have some input on how things go is a decent step in the right direction towards making harder falls feel not as stupid.. especially as unbelievable as any of these are.. primarily because at that point we're the one who put them there and we're the ones who wanted to see the ludicrous thing. But if we're not given the choice, we're left analyzing what we were given which then reveals what this story actually is..

    Which unfortunately isn't a story of NTR.. It's a story about abuse.. about lack of communication. Sophie is in fact no longer an appealing or attractive person inside or out by the end of the story.. What she had that made her unique is completely gone and I genuinely can't even see what Zack sees in her anymore as he's basically won and achieved what he's after.. (Which brings up a ton of other stupid questions But that's why I've started to dislike this title.. You're left with so many stupid questions)

    Anyways. Maybe there will be something that pops up to prove me wrong or to change my mind. But I had this same problem with another game think it was called "A promise best left unkept" I started off thinking I liked it and expecting to get immersed in a story, but I started off almost immediately hating every character in the game.. The bull was a laugh, the story made no damn sense, the girl was an idiot, the cuck was a moron and unmemorable.

    I know people would sooner think I'm a moron or discount my input for disliking either of these games.. Because it seems like these days people are more interested in either Defending or Attacking all NTR blindly without actually stopping to open their eyes and realize that there exists good and bad NTR.. not all NTR deserves to be attacked, not all NTR deserves to be defended.

    In any case, this kind of stands as a middle of the road sort of piece for me. I could easily see how someone could end up liking it, I could easily see how someone ends up disliking it. I just wanted to put my thoughts to paper on it.

    + You don't really have to wait all that long before you start getting scenes
    + Sophie Starts off as an alright character.
    + Has a mixture of Animated and unanimated scenes
    + Has a fairly strong start to the storyline if I'm being honest

    - Virtual Novel with no choices.. I just don't usually like them, more personal pick
    - The ways that the NTR begins is... stupid.. The way that the heroine falls is.. generic..
    - There really isn't a lot about this title that isn't already done. I genuinely don't understand why people are upholding this title in particular as being some sort of pinnacle for NTR, when I've not seen it do a single new or original thing..
    - All of the characters in the story become pretty forgettable, pretty boring, and pretty generic.. Even Sophie becomes generic closer to the middle of the story so far.. So it's not even like.. towards the end of the story she starts to lose her mind, it's more like middle of the story she starts to lose her personality...

    Edit: Came back and realized I'd rated this a 1 star. The game is definitely not a one star whether you like or dislike it. I'd followed this game for quite some time and had enjoyed it thoroughly in its earlier development phases, just overtime I've started to dislike the approach and path being taken by development. I apologize if anyone read this earlier and gathered a bad take on what I wrote..

    Ultimately when people click to play these games, they don't care about the rating anyways. They look at the tags then look at the images and then click to play the game based on liking what they see and read there. For me, reviews is just a place to toss out a jumble of thoughts and takes after I've played a game.

    Edit 2: The art is now becoming widely more inconsistent. Sophie is being drawn vastly differently in each scene it seems like. Sophie was never intended to be your typical bimbo or slut, the entire premise being sold to us upon introduction of the story was a girl with integrity taking a slow fall, the type of girl you'd think would forever be loyal falling for the guy that typically chases only after the hottest of girls.. This has stopped being the case and since become your average NTR setup.. Complete with squeezing all the wallets of every patron they can and spoon feeding us a story that has already lost all of its interesting points and values.. All there is now is the fap material, and if that's all you're here for, then this kinetic novel is likely perfect for you. But if you were hoping to find any sort of NTR revenge, deep thoughts, a girl regretting her decisions, getting her just desserts, or the bull getting lead to slaughter or the bull dropping the bomb on the slut.. That would be too sophisticated a story for the author of this it seems.. Though gaslighting and mental gymnastics that would make feminazis blush seems to be present.

    Zack is legit settling and dating below his level if he settles for a girl like Sophie as she is now. Sophie wasn't designed in the first place to be hot girl material and she's supposed to be one of the smart girls. The fun in her corruption was supposed to be that she's extremely slow to corrupt and even after corruption would likely retain some of her prudishness, and is even smart enough to flip back if she sees through the lies. The fun with Sophie's type of character was always gojng to be in the journey of it and in the slow fall.

    What we ended up getting instead is your standard story, with your standard NTR, with your standard bull, your standard cuck, lightning fast corruption and your less than average girl.. Bare in mind, Sophie wasn't created to be attractive, she's supposed to be a nerd. She isn't meant to fulfill the roles of the super hot Milfs or Bimbo type girls, she isn't the type of girl that has guys lining up and jumping at her heels for a turn with her in the sheets.. But yet now after they have all of their patrons and have sufficiently tricked enough of us into subscribing with the promise of a unique heroine and story.. We're sold the exact same damn story all over again. Nothing new. Nothing original. In fact it seems like they want to go back on the old artwork and just rewrite it and change it so that Sophie fits those roles I mentioned before better.. Which goes against her character.. And goes against the promise the devoloper gave to its earlier subscribers..

    All in all, I'm changing my rating to a two. If the art actually starts to straighten back up, I might swap it back to three, but it'd take a lot for this series to actually regain my interest at this point.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best, if not the best NTR game i ever played, art is great, the story is good for what it is and the dialogue is too. as of now the game has a considerable amount of content.
    I just hope the ending won't be abrupt. even though there are multiple routes in the pipeline.
    Good luck to the devs, can't wait for future updates
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately this is a one sided cucking story. It's not so much a story of corruption, more about the forced situations placed on a character with not enough backbone to stand up for herself and not enough experience to realize she's being used. Instead of this being what I would consider a true NTR story, this is a story about the abuse a person will tolerate in fear of them or their spouse losing their job which later gets twisted into a belief that what they are doing is falling in love.

    It would feel different if both stories were filled with similar elements. If they were simply being separated by their work and forced to work with people who are sexually open and vigorously flirty with them. Like if the husband was constantly approached by his female students and having to work late nights to catch up on grading papers, taking on extra responsibilities imposed on him by the dean, etc. While the wife is experiencing similar situations.

    Instead what is told is a one sided cucking story where the husband (Felix) basically gets humiliated by an over privileged man child who slowly gets to coheres the wife (Sophie) into having all manner of sex with him while he fucks everything moving like a walking hard-on. It almost makes you wander why is there an option to see Felix's side of the story. There's literally no point and in the end (spoiler) he gets the privilege of, likely, raising someone else's daughter. It actually made me feel bad for the guy. Where as Sophie's playthough is a story of a women getting abused into fucking a guy she barely even knew was alive prior and then apparently loves it so much she simply can't get enough and Felix can no longer satisfy her.

    So basically Felix gets cucked, but gets nothing out of it and Sophie ends up in a loveless, sexless (with Felix at least) marriage. Yeah, not a good story. No one would truly walk away happy in this story. But what do I know? This just wasn't for me. If you liked this VN, cool. I hope you can help support the dev and I wish this developer all of the best.

    Edit: Realized I gave this a 1 star. It's definitely not a 1 star. If I could I'd give it 2.5/5. It's just Meh, but seeing as how I can't do that I'll leave it at 2. The story is really off putting on all fronts and the characters are incredibly unlikeable. Artwork is on point though.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I did like it at first but then we lost the contention between Mrs. Page and Zach and now it has switched from one boring love story to a ridiculous, boring love story.

    I mean come on, Zach is an all star athlete at the college, he is rich, he has girls throwing themselves at him left and right but he just happens to fall in love with Mrs. Page???? It's obvious that Zach is a player and the reality is that he has played Mrs. Page who is an idiot who has fallen in love with her blackmailer. She even walked in on him having a 3some at one point. And listening to those two drone on about how they love each other just grinds on my nerves.

    Also when the dev changed Mrs. Page she lost a lot of attractiveness for me. I think she looks more generic now. It almost seems like the dev changed her body as well like she is getting fatter not really sure about that maybe it's just the hair change I don't like.

    I was hoping for some swinging and gangbangs but instead it is just a boring love, ntr game how weird to put ntr and love in the same sentence but thats what it is or at least what it appears to be.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very good, but it lacked more anal, gangbang and double penetration scenes or other guys for the wife to fuck. There was a lack of routes for the MC to flirt with the desire to be a cuck, but otherwise the game is good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The latest update was a worthy climax after all the story narrated till now. The game is moving towards its endings, and that makes me a little sad, but the last choice probably showed the two biggest routes we will get. Very curious about the locked one and the upcoming projects as well.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    Wow, I really enjoyed this (reviewed as of version .18.0)! It definitely puts the "novel" in adult visual novel, as the story is long, but it makes the buildup so much more realistic and satisfying. The artwork is minimal, with just a handful of renders and simple animations per scene, but it's good and effective. I'm looking forward to the next installment.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As of now, version 0.18, it's one of the best netorare/cheating/corruption games on the site. Amazing writing and awesome and hot scenes. Can't wait to see what's next and how it'll end. Good luck to the dev!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I was enjoying the game since the release, but the story is stuck in one direction with a lot of boring text, after last updates, Im skipping all the text for sex scenes.

    I see many positive reviews so I'll just say my opinion compared to another similar 2D game:

    - MC design isn't top level.
    - Cold story with one direction of corruption, no unexpected events or emotions.
    - Sex scenes are good for quick fap.
    - Many dialogues to waste the time, Side Characters are for random talk , whenever i see the students i click skip.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I am not sure what I was expecting from this, but the NTR path is pretty typical of this dev. It's the loser husband who can't satisfy his wife... whatever... but if you just play the corruption path and are not subjected to the husband other than being mentioned/discussed/thought about, then we are talking something pretty good.

    The H scenes are really good and they fit into a lot of my kinks. I do wish there was a bit more variety with the images, but the erotic writing is pretty good. Nice little twist with the alpha male actually caring about the female MC.

    I am still waiting for an adult VN where the husband/BF finds out his girl is cheating on him and he gets pissed and makes her pay with some revenge BDSM or some other humiliating way, but I doubt we will get that here.

    Regardless, a fun, sexy VN. Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Worth a download.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best NTR games of all time. Keep it up dev. Great writing, great scenarios and the art is hot af. I really hope you'll continue to make games on this genre even after you're done with this one.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game enough to have supported the devs on Patreon but it does kind of leave a bitter taste in my mouth because Sophie is going to end up the same way most female MC's end up, that being a cock hungry whore who will throw away her marriage, career, and friends just so she can bounce up and down on the ridiculously sized cock of one of her students. The scenes are hot, very hot even, and the devs do great work to bring out an update each month. But it is just so predictable. Just once I would like to see the beta cuck MC in these games grow a set of balls and beat Chad at his own game by well and truly fucking him over, and if he takes his wife down too then well, its not like she doesn't deserve it.
    It's never gonna happen though, it never does, poor beta MC was fucked from the get go. Still, its a good game, though drowning in its own inevitability. But if you just want to fap to the art then you can unlock all the images and animations in the menu.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Only played the corruption path. The basic idea is not so original (confident and extremely attractive student with a massive dick slowly breaks the hot teacher who is married to a boring and out of form man), but the story is really well written. It's beliviable (for an erotic game), the slow burn isn't boring and the H scenes are incredibly hot. I'd like to higlight that last point, because the game doesn't stand out for the quantity of images, but the sex scenes' descriptions really make up for that. Seeing how Sophie's walls of resistance get broken quicker with each episode adds to the expectation as we enter the final stage.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It's got a lot of potential, but personally as it stands it's pretty standard.

    Story is the weakest part, as it is for most NTR's, so be prepared to turn your brain off. In this fictional college, the athletic department has huge sway in a completely different one in which the head coach can fire or promote teachers. This causes the initial blackmail reason as to why big boobie teacher has to go the extra distance to appease the star player.
    Past that point, it's the usual corruption of course.

    Scenes start off alright, but I do think they get better as you progress. There's animations some time in and the camera views and scenes get exciting. I think this aspect can elevate the game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't know how to really rate this game. I think it is a good game and think it is one of the longest NTR game I know. The story is alright and the art is really great!

    I don't know it felt boring to me... I like NTR and vanilla but for the NTR I need spice. For the most part it feels more like cheating than anything else. Like the hot aspect to me is finding your wife with a strange white stuff on her or her being disheveled or anything like that. Is it unrealistic that the person would not connect one plus one? For sure! It is silly but to me it makes it hotter rather then her going to a hotel and doing the deed.

    The other part is the over use of using condoms. Because fuck it gets boring to me. It could be made hotter tho like for example when they have sex at her home let the husband find the condoms or something like that.

    Don't know feels like I am missing spice.

    But this is me and think the game is really great and if you like NTR please try it out
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has all the right ingredients: Good writing, nice drawing and keep the good update flow. I hope the dev keep it up until it is finished. It would be a shame see this promising good start work goes into wasting.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is pure gold! The story takes its time, slowly building up the tension and intrigue through a "slow burn" approach. We're not thrown into the middle of the action; instead, we're gradually introduced to the characters. All that and the competing view points turn this game into an amazing visual novel.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version [v0.14.0] at review time.

    I don't care much one way or another for NTR, so I didn't check the Felix route, instead it was the "corruption" Sophie path that caught my attention, so my review is based solely on that alone.

    This game takes a very serious approach to story-telling, there is a lot of exposition, most characters are fleshed out very well and the drama feels solid. Which in turn makes the carefully described, long, drawn out sex scenes even more rewarding, since you know what kind of feelings the involved characters are pouring into them.

    If you are looking not for a quick fap, but rather for a more slow, enveloping experience, I would definitely recommend checking this one out.

    On a relevant note, the story is definitely a substantial part of the appeal to me, so light spoilers ahead:
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    One thing worth mentioning is that this game is more of a kinetic novel, you don't really get to make a lot of choices, and among those you make it remains to be seen how important the consequences are going to be.

    But overall a solid game for any avid readers out there.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What a gem...really flew under the radar. A nice slow corruption game that has a fairly realistic story, good renders, and good character development.

    Definitely watching this one closely...nicely done !
    Likes: Fyo
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Turning the Page [v0.16.0]

    It's a book with some pictures. But not always. Sometimes there's also a black screen with text describing something that could have been shown if this project had a competent illustrator and cared about the visual side of things in this Visual Novel.
    It's an orgy of "tell, don't show" and lines upon lines of dialogue. And then some more dialogue. And then some narration and then maybe some dialogue. Any project that does storytelling this way using a VISUAL novel engine is pretty much always awful, and this one is no exception. I just can't abide by such a complete misuse of the medium. This project sits somewhere around 1/16 of the way between a book and a comic in its use of visuals to tell a story.
    The only parts of this VN where there's something actually happening being shown on screen is during sex. I guess that salvages it somewhat, but when everything in-between is the same static sprite characters just standing there talking it gets so incredibly boring.
    That this project is called "turning the page" should have been a clue.
    This title really deserves the "text based" tag.
    Oh, and when they actually get to bang it out, it's a flood of condom sex. Yuck! At least invent some reason to raw dog it for the love of God.

    If you don't care much for the "visual" in your VN's then I guess go ahead and try it. Otherwise, steer clear.