One thing people really need to get through their skulls is that you're not paying for the game when you subscribe to a patreon, you're support the people working on it. These are often projects that wouldn't get made without crowd funding. I used to have similar views and then a project I was really enjoying died because the developer was putting too much time into it to no reward, leading him to burn out, get writer's block, and then give up because he couldn't find the motivation to keep going for the pittance he was making. That game dying made me change my view on patreon.
I still view most patreon developers as scam artists looking to draw out small, simple, and low effort projects out across years, or as thieves who are profiting off of the hard work of other people while screaming "parody" while they use Harry Potter, or Justice League Unlimited, or any number of intellectual properties they didn't create to prey upon the preexisting fan base of these shows, games, books, and movies. Most patreon projects are not worth supporting, that much is obviously true, but some projects have developers who deserve the support even if the project isn't zooming along.