
May 17, 2022
It's not throwing a bone it's an attempt at balance.
I have seen some attempts and they were awful.

This is a rare ending I have seen this type of ending only a few times.
Can you suggest some?

So yeah, from where I'm sitting, it's definitely just the writer throwing Felix fans a bone so to speak... but the fact of the matter is that too much of the VN was written to build him up into a born loser for that ending to be remotely believable.
I invested in Felix route because how suspicious he was in the beginning. And the first willing cheating of Sophie in park and her reason/fall seemed spice for some drama cause only 1 month of negligence and due to work miss/late in special event happens to many of us. So I thought there will be some great drama ahead but alas it started to became typical NTR from that point onward. And the writer made him a sore loser though he was still a loving husband and didn't do anything too much wrong after that point as far I can remember other than being oblivious.

Actually there are few ones, but unfortunately untranslated Japanese ones. Since I know Japanese I enjoyed them, but I don't know an NTR game which has a cathartic ending for the willingly cheating FMC and Bull in English.
That's very unfortunate. But still can you give me dlsite links. I'll try to find MTL of them online if they peaked my interest.

Unfortunately, Felix win route is not exactly Felix "won" route. He just lessened the damage. Any further information would be a spoiler, so I won't continue.
Will play TTP for just this ending when I have time though it's not in my top priority list.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
I have seen some attempts and they were awful.

Can you suggest some?

I invested in Felix route because how suspicious he was in the beginning. And the first willing cheating of Sophie in park and her reason/fall seemed spice for some drama cause only 1 month of negligence and due to work miss/late in special event happens to many of us. So I thought there will be some great drama ahead but alas it started to became typical NTR from that point onward. And the writer made him a sore loser though he was still a loving husband and didn't do anything too much wrong after that point as far I can remember other than being oblivious.

That's very unfortunate. But still can you give me dlsite links. I'll try to find MTL of them online if they peaked my interest.

Will play TTP for just this ending when I have time though it's not in my top priority list.
Off the top of my head I can think of 2 they are multi path. One is called a couple's duet of love and lust the other is building our futature due to the rarity it's hard to remember.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
I invested in Felix route because how suspicious he was in the beginning. And the first willing cheating of Sophie in park and her reason/fall seemed spice for some drama cause only 1 month of negligence and due to work miss/late in special event happens to many of us. So I thought there will be some great drama ahead but alas it started to became typical NTR from that point onward. And the writer made him a sore loser though he was still a loving husband and didn't do anything too much wrong after that point as far I can remember other than being oblivious.
Mmm. Well, while Felix's negligence is what allows Sophie's fall to happen in the second semester, the real triggers are more about the fact that he consistently refused to share the load and talk with her while he was clearly having massive troubles with work... and the fact that Sophie by that point was thoroughly addicted to Zack's dick. This IS a NTR VN, so sex has the same effects on a person as hard drugs with similar levels of withdrawal, as such, Sophie's judgement was already severely impaired by that point.

She was also bothered by the fact Felix never seemed to make any effort in their love life. She'd awakened to the fact that sex could be mind bending amazing, and inevitably wondered why he never tried. It wasn't just his dick size, but his skills at caressing her, kissing her, fingering her and everything.

Obviously, this doesn't really justify all that she ends up doing, much less all that Zack ends up doing... but I've seen couples fall apart for much more petty reasons than that. Also, she's clearly being a hypocrite through all this, given that during the 1st Semester she wasn't being particularly honest about her issues with him... But this IS NTR, and you can't really have that if either half of a couple acts like reasonable adults and talk things out properly. Not in a modern setting without rape at least.

As for Felix, well, there are subtle hints about him having a defeatist attitude in several points. Even Ending 1 is a clear indicator of this, with him completely giving up on teaching and becoming a stay at home dad, even though their family had struggles because of that decision. He just... gave up on the thing he based his whole career around. There are other hints in terms of how he behaves in various circumstances throughout the story, so Felix really is set-up from the get-go to lose and end up badly.

He's a fairly classic old-school NTR cuck, albeit more developed than average due to screen-time and whatnot... but it's the point where the main thing that was missing to hit all the old-school notes is him killing himself.
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Jun 28, 2023
So I am a NTR enjoyer too. I have played many but help me understand. Why does devs find it so hard to have a retribution ending as normal? I don't mind the cruelty and sadism but why not a retribution ending. I personally find my high during the derogatory talk while having sex in front of the cuck but once the scene is done and I have jacked off, I am clearest in my head and I don't understand the cruelty there after. What is the point? I am sure nobody is going to jack off to seeing the cuck having his life ruined and fmc walking away with her head held high. In short I understand being aroused by "the act" but once we are done with a post nut clarity what is the point of continuing it with cruelty? I remember reading one of the other devs writing in another game "you don't understand the kink", so help me understand if your kink goes further than mine, then what is it about the story (after the sex) that you get aroused by seeing the mc suffer? This is not trying to bash anyone, genuinely trying to understand the thought process or the "hard" kink? Because for me after my kink is satisfied I would love a good retribution ending that would top my satisfaction off the charts.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
Like most NTR protagonists, Felix is a pretty empty vessel. The genre convention is that the protagonist is a kind of straw man for the antagonist to humiliate and hack apart, even though they are fairly inoffensive and perhaps even virtuous by Japanese society's standards. Anyway, for what little personality he has, I still find Felix more likable than the moron from A Promise Best Left Unkept. Harry is exhausting even by oblivious cuck standards.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
So I am a NTR enjoyer too. I have played many but help me understand. Why does devs find it so hard to have a retribution ending as normal? I don't mind the cruelty and sadism but why not a retribution ending. I personally find my high during the derogatory talk while having sex in front of the cuck but once the scene is done and I have jacked off, I am clearest in my head and I don't understand the cruelty there after. What is the point? I am sure nobody is going to jack off to seeing the cuck having his life ruined and fmc walking away with her head held high. In short I understand being aroused by "the act" but once we are done with a post nut clarity what is the point of continuing it with cruelty? I remember reading one of the other devs writing in another game "you don't understand the kink", so help me understand if your kink goes further than mine, then what is it about the story (after the sex) that you get aroused by seeing the mc suffer? This is not trying to bash anyone, genuinely trying to understand the thought process or the "hard" kink? Because for me after my kink is satisfied I would love a good retribution ending that would top my satisfaction off the charts.
Ever heard of sadism?

Because some people genuinely get off on suffering, and the cuck suffering is like catnip for certain types of sadists. It's also hot for corruption fetishists like me, in the sense that it showcases how wrong the situation is, how twisted the partner can become when they knowingly ruin their original partner's life for pleasure. Corruption, and not just slutification, needs consequences, something to be shown that the person that's been corrupted actually became bad on some level, that they made the wrong choices knowingly. The cuck suffering is an example of this, especially if they're not particularly deserving of said suffering.

TtP is pretty mild in that department though, in the sense that Zack genuinely loves and cherishes Sophie, so in a lot of ways, she literally trades up with him. Because he's willing to do everything that Felix did, on top of being hot and good in bed. Not to mention that aside from fucking with Felix, she doesn't really do anything else bad to anyone else or even herself, she doesn't self destruct or anything, doesn't neglect her children etc. So really, Felix's implosion during Ending 2 is more his own fault than anything else, nothing prevented him from moving on.

We could have had harder corruption in the 4-6 Endings branch, but Azienda clearly lost steam with TtP by the time they started working on that stuff and it shows.

In any case, the problem with having a Revenge Ending is that you need a certain type of person to make that work in a believable way... and the fact of the matter is that anyone who implodes like Felix does in Ending 2 is not the kind of person that can be decisive and mentally strong enough to pull off a believable revenge ending. Basically, you can't have a proper, solid NTR ending AND a solid revenge ending at the same time. Not in this set-up at least.

You'd need a very different protagonist and a very different sort of story for that to work. Most writers would have a hard time pulling it off, and most NTR fans, aka the target audience of these sorts of works, aren't really interested in Revenge Endings. Most people that want them aren't generally hard NTR fans, or corruption fans or whatever.
May 24, 2018
Can you suggest some?
Can you mention some for the those who can read Japanese?

These two have really good revenge routes. I highly recommend them. But there are also good honorable mentions, so I'll mention them as well.


Triangle Blue's main character Asato is my all time favorite NTR protagonist. This game has couple of revenge endings, but protagonist Asato is smitten with FMC, so unfortunately she gets a free pass from his revenges. But still "bull" revenges are pretty good and satisfying, Asato is not messing around and punishes the "bull"s mercilessly.


One of its endings includes revenge, but its very different from Triangle Blue. Still, one of the rare NTR game which has revenge ending.


This one also has one revenge ending, but it is way different revenge which I mentioned above.


This one doesn't have revenge ending, but its canon ending is pretty good, includes some good karma. If you already played all 5 games above, you can give a shot to this one as well.

There should be some other games which I forgot, if I remember more I'll include them as well. But what I think is that we should create a new thread for NTR revenge, so other people can contribute as well. Cuz I really don't like monotonous, clichy and highly repetitive NTR games (like brainless and mini dick NTR protagonist, FMC sadist to protagonist but mazochist to bull, stupid and unbelievable NTR story setups etc...)


May 17, 2022
1. Atelier Sakura game with a revenge plot really need to find MTL for it.
2. I have seen hentai for it but it's not complete:
3. As I thought I watched hentai for this way back then and really hated it but I think it's due to it's not complete. In the hentai the FMCs are really bad:
May 24, 2018
1. Atelier Sakura game with a revenge plot really need to find MTL for it.
2. I have seen hentai for it but it's not complete:
3. As I thought I watched hentai for this way back then and really hated it but I think it's due to it's not complete. In the hentai the FMCs are really bad:
I hope you can find machine translation for Atelier Sakura game.
Also, I didn't watch hentai cartoons, but I'm sure they can't include all endings. I'm not sure if you'll like Triangle Blue's FMC art style or not, but I highly recommend that game because of protagonist Asato, he is really something else. I think we should see more NTR protagonists like him.
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May 17, 2022
Off the top of my head I can think of 2 they are multi path. One is called a couple's duet of love and lust the other is building our futature due to the rarity it's hard to remember.
I have played Building our Futature, and I think most of the endings are different. Even the canon ending; where they face consequences of cheating/obliviousness as a couple. As far as I remember My GF is Bluecollar Worker canon endings also showcase consequences as couple I think that's why these games endings stuck in mind. Most showcases how happy the FMC is after running-away/married to the bull or implying how happy she is after becoming a prostitute or pornstar while the MMC suffers alone. Before playing Building our Futature I always wondered why those bulls suddenly became so tame, what kind of magic power does the FMC's pussy has so it turns them that way, but in Building our Futature clearly showcases she is just another conquest & moved on to trying another conquest in front of her.

As for Felix, well, there are subtle hints about him having a defeatist attitude in several points.
He's a fairly classic old-school NTR cuck, albeit more developed than average due to screen-time and whatnot..
I totally agree but the suspicious Felix was very good and different but ultimately writers made him the typical MMC of NTR. And I think Sophie is 100% hypocrite, she only settled for Felix because she thought this is the best I can get but when Zack showed up & she finally can confirm that she isn't another conquest for him she ditched Felix for him.

but I've seen couples fall apart for much more petty reasons than that.
Yes I also seen that happen in relationships but marriages even in a 3rd world country like mine is hard to dissolve.

It's also hot for corruption fetishists like me, in the sense that it showcases how wrong the situation is
As a fellow corruption fan I can understand it, but TtP wasn't good showcasing it, it felt forced. First of all I always felt Sophie & Felix chemistry more as a colleague than couple. Secondly if Zach & Sophie were incubus & succubus than they were both feeding on Felix misery & Sophie also feeding on Cheating thrill and then she totally forgets about him !!! I think this is where Building our Futature shines.
You'd need a very different protagonist and a very different sort of story for that to work. Most writers would have a hard time pulling it off, and most NTR fans
True but I think everyone likes different things at one point or another.

Harry is exhausting even by oblivious cuck standards.
Ha ha I almost i mean almost like Aya version Harry but man he is really exhausting.


May 17, 2022
I hope you can
So your profile picture is from Marriage Blue. And is it the ending you are talking about? To me it seems the MMC reveals her adultery to the whole world in the wedding ceremony.
Also after watching Triangle Blue again I can't but wonder what happened in the game endings as the later half of the 2nd episode is very confusing.
Here Akane is idiot who thinks she is helping Kyousuke by doing lewd things with him!! and later thought Asato was cheating with Ayumi by Kyousuke suggestion and found Akato walking alongside Ayumi assumes the worst & this time willingly !! went with Kyousuke while bad mouthing Asato in the face while she tried to initiate sex infront of Asato, Ayumi comes & slaps her to her senses. Kyousuke is revealed just wanted to use Akane to clear his debt using her and his creditor shows up & it's hinted he was taken away. Later it's shows they are living happily though Akane can't feel satisfaction with Asato so she ends up fucking the student she is tutoring who is revealed wanted to use their fuck session video to gain profit. And in final scene it shows Ayumi servicing the student in hope that he will stop blackmailing her with the video but ended up happily fucked and the student selling the videos of the sisters for high price. THE END !!!!!!!
If you have time and can remember the endings and the story, can you share them with me. I don't mind spoilers.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
I have played Building our Futature, and I think most of the endings are different. Even the canon ending; where they face consequences of cheating/obliviousness as a couple. As far as I remember My GF is Bluecollar Worker canon endings also showcase consequences as couple I think that's why these games endings stuck in mind. Most showcases how happy the FMC is after running-away/married to the bull or implying how happy she is after becoming a prostitute or pornstar while the MMC suffers alone. Before playing Building our Futature I always wondered why those bulls suddenly became so tame, what kind of magic power does the FMC's pussy has so it turns them that way, but in Building our Futature clearly showcases she is just another conquest & moved on to trying another conquest in front of her.

I totally agree but the suspicious Felix was very good and different but ultimately writers made him the typical MMC of NTR. And I think Sophie is 100% hypocrite, she only settled for Felix because she thought this is the best I can get but when Zack showed up & she finally can confirm that she isn't another conquest for him she ditched Felix for him.

Yes I also seen that happen in relationships but marriages even in a 3rd world country like mine is hard to dissolve.

As a fellow corruption fan I can understand it, but TtP wasn't good showcasing it, it felt forced. First of all I always felt Sophie & Felix chemistry more as a colleague than couple. Secondly if Zach & Sophie were incubus & succubus than they were both feeding on Felix misery & Sophie also feeding on Cheating thrill and then she totally forgets about him !!! I think this is where Building our Futature shines.

True but I think everyone likes different things at one point or another.

Ha ha I almost i mean almost like Aya version Harry but man he is really exhausting.
That was the first time I ever saw the wronged attempt violence and have 2 endings in his favor.
May 24, 2018
So your profile picture is from Marriage Blue. And is it the ending you are talking about? To me it seems the MMC reveals her adultery to the whole world in the wedding ceremony.
I don't mind spoilers.
Yep, my profile picture from that ending, and right, it is exactly how you think. Actually, it is two birds with one stone, cuz wedding hall is the bull's wedding hall and he is a rich by inheritance and protagonist basically destroys both of them socially.

Also after watching Triangle Blue again I can't but wonder what happened in the game endings as the later half of the 2nd episode is very confusing.
Here Akane is idiot who thinks she is helping Kyousuke by doing lewd things with him!! and later thought Asato was cheating with Ayumi by Kyousuke suggestion and found Akato walking alongside Ayumi assumes the worst & this time willingly !! went with Kyousuke while bad mouthing Asato in the face while she tried to initiate sex infront of Asato, Ayumi comes & slaps her to her senses. Kyousuke is revealed just wanted to use Akane to clear his debt using her and his creditor shows up & it's hinted he was taken away. Later it's shows they are living happily though Akane can't feel satisfaction with Asato so she ends up fucking the student she is tutoring who is revealed wanted to use their fuck session video to gain profit. And in final scene it shows Ayumi servicing the student in hope that he will stop blackmailing her with the video but ended up happily fucked and the student selling the videos of the sisters for high price. THE END !!!!!!!
If you have time and can remember the endings and the story, can you share them with me. I don't mind spoilers.
Wow, it seems cartoon just mixed bunch of routes, since what you have said can be experienced in multiple different routes. It's all a mess.
But cartoon seems to perfectly reflect FMC Akane, which is extremely stupid in the game as well. For Kyosuke, in that route, depending on your choices in the game, in one of the endings Asato beats him to death first, and after that cuts off his dick and some of fingers which was really satisfying in my opinion. And after that Asato reclaims sex-addicted (since while Asato was working for her, Akane was only fucking with Kyosuke at home all the time, therefore she addicted to sex by Kyosuke) Akane and he even gets a penis surgery because of that.
Akane is definitely not worth it, but as I already mentioned before Asato is smitten with her and he doesn't give up on her.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
I totally agree but the suspicious Felix was very good and different but ultimately writers made him the typical MMC of NTR. And I think Sophie is 100% hypocrite, she only settled for Felix because she thought this is the best I can get but when Zack showed up & she finally can confirm that she isn't another conquest for him she ditched Felix for him.
Eh, I wasn't that impressed with Felix's behavior because at the end of the day, he was less suspicious and more afraid, specifically, he was afraid of Zack. It's much later and only under specific circumstances that he starts becoming suspicious of Sophie. However, in most circumstances, he doesn't seriously doubt her and he's mainly afraid that a big, strong guy like Zack could grab Sophie and rape her and there's fuck all she could do about it. Even in Ending 2, he tries to believe that it was all Zack until she hits him with the truth of things.

So eh, I didn't think that Felix was an impressive NTR MC from the first moment.

As a fellow corruption fan I can understand it, but TtP wasn't good showcasing it, it felt forced. First of all I always felt Sophie & Felix chemistry more as a colleague than couple. Secondly if Zach & Sophie were incubus & succubus than they were both feeding on Felix misery & Sophie also feeding on Cheating thrill and then she totally forgets about him !!! I think this is where Building our Futature shines.
I mean, I did say below that TtP was very mild in terms of corruption. Honestly, I would NOT recommend this VN to anyone if their main goals is corruption. Even the NTR is overall fairly soft. That said, I enjoyed TtP a lot because of other factors. I enjoy a lot of stuff going from basic bitch vanilla to extremely fucked up shit and what I want at any given moment depends entirely on my mood at the time. I'd have enjoyed TtP even if Felix didn't exist at all and this was all a story about the hot teacher falling in love with her hot student under convoluted circumstances, with both of them finding love and excitement together.

To an extent, I wonder if perhaps Azienda wanted to make a lovey-dovey VN and this is the closest thing they could think of...

After all, fucked up situation or not... Ending 2 has Zack and Sophie as a happy, successful family, being good examples and parents for their children... so on and so forth. If not for the fact that getting there involved trampling Felix, the whole thing would have been totally cute and wholesome and everyone would have been rooting for Zack and whatnot.

True but I think everyone likes different things at one point or another.
With that I agree, though what "different" is varies from person to person. In my case, my tastes are very broad, so not having a revenge ending or whatnot in a NTR work doesn't really bother me, especially since I generally don't bother with NTR in the 1st place if I want the good guy to win so to speak. At least when it comes to VNs/Mangas/CG-sets/animations. Things are a tad different for full on games.

I can enjoy those sorts of endings, but I'm pretty much never explicitly looking for them.
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lost little girl
Game Developer
Oct 31, 2023
So I am a NTR enjoyer too. I have played many but help me understand. Why does devs find it so hard to have a retribution ending as normal? I don't mind the cruelty and sadism but why not a retribution ending. I personally find my high during the derogatory talk while having sex in front of the cuck but once the scene is done and I have jacked off, I am clearest in my head and I don't understand the cruelty there after. What is the point? I am sure nobody is going to jack off to seeing the cuck having his life ruined and fmc walking away with her head held high. In short I understand being aroused by "the act" but once we are done with a post nut clarity what is the point of continuing it with cruelty? I remember reading one of the other devs writing in another game "you don't understand the kink", so help me understand if your kink goes further than mine, then what is it about the story (after the sex) that you get aroused by seeing the mc suffer? This is not trying to bash anyone, genuinely trying to understand the thought process or the "hard" kink? Because for me after my kink is satisfied I would love a good retribution ending that would top my satisfaction off the charts.
Well, you can’t explain kinks. Some people find a person getting cucked hot, and that’s that.

Now, speaking from my experience, it’s not that I’m against retribution (I actually have scenes where the FMC and MC kick the UB’s ass), but that’s a LOT of time and money for something readers may not necessarily want. When you’re spending over a grand per scene, suddenly it’s not so easy to add in extraneous routes that few people will read.

The money spent on "retribution" or "UB getting their comeuppance" could easily be spent on another netorare scene. If your readers are here for the netorare, then it's pretty clear which is the priority for them. I mean you wouldn’t go into a bondage game and ask for scenes where the participants aren't tied up.

"FMC kicking UB ass" is a major theme of my story, so I don't have issues with main couple "winning," but pure netorare readers probably do not sign up to see MC and FMC have happy ends. If they did, they'd just read a vanilla or revenge piece, and not go digging in netorare for tiny nuggets of revenge.

The whole point of netorare is to get that sense of anguish and jealousy, which arouses some people. Some people do get off on sadism and laughing at the suffering MC, but I imagine that a lot of people also self-insert into the c×ck and ragef×p at NTR scenes.
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