VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Two Weeks [Ep. 6 Fixed] [Madek]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Good graphics and story line. Things happen randomly and just don't understand why. Like you missed party of the story. Seems like the dev just forgot what he typed the scene before. Bad ending. Looks like the dev just gave up and ended the game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, and it actually was completed even if a bit rushed, which is more than can be said of most games. Hope the dev doesnt give up and his next game is an improvement over this one, with a less rushed ending.

    Story 4/5 - The story is decent, if a bit overused... Estranged son comes back to reconnect with his mom and sister, develops feelings for them that go beyond familial ties, and they end up crossing the line.

    Characters 4/5 - The characters and motivations come across as more realistic than in most of these types of games, they dont spy on each other in the shower and suddenly want to have non stop sex, it takes them the entire Two Weeks before either of the females finally gives in to her desires, and it happens only once for each. The MC is also not that much of an asshole, its very hard to make him one.

    Art/Graphics 5/5 - the best part of the game by far !! The mom in this game looks sufficiently mature enough to be a mother of kids in their 20's, but that doesnt stop her from being a total knockout ! The sister is a model that gets reused a lot in many games, but you know what they say "plagiarism is the biggest form of flattery". Mom's friend is also hot, and while you never see the MC's face, his friend Stand is a pretty handsome chap.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    review after ep 6 (final version and end of the game?)


    reason (games ending):
    1st you going to have a BJ from moms friend (about 3 renders)
    2nd you get a "quick-fuck" with your sister, but its interrupted by your friend (just 1 animated scene)
    3rd you are finally able to fuck your mom (about 5 renders if you include the foreplay and 1 animated scene)
    thats all -> barely left a game so disappointed at all at end

    there is no real story arc, no tension, all happens just like that. No feelings grow up.

    I really thought long time about giving just 2* because it feels like not to be woth more, but then i got em 3* just because the renderings are nice, the few animations are really good, and overall he at least tried to finish his game, even he messed the last part up completely
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has been going for a long time now and I have to say that it's really good in terms of story and renders. The reason I'm giving four stars instead of five is that I'm not a fan of splitting episodes. It makes me loose track of the story, messes up the save files etc.

    One more thing, this game could use more renders in each update. I don't know why, but whenever I play this game (new updates), it always seems too short and ends way too soon. So, either more content is necessary or reduce the time between updates since two months of waiting for this amount of content is way too much.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really beautiful renders and well developed characters. The story doesn't feel rushed or over the top. Very grounded and believable. Very natural dialogue. Very nice use of expression during conversations.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    Love the game. Good renders and super hot women.
    I just started and already wondering how he will work in incest without it being too obvious.

    So far I am intrigued and wishing the game will not stop which is what you want as a dev, you want people to crave more.

    Only let down is the spelling and grammar in some places. But still very good game.

    Well done dev.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, okay story.
    Really good graphics, we don't have the feeling that the characters are plastic dolls and that's great.

    I really want to see where the story is going and I'm not bored, that's all I ask.

    Keep up the good work ;)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Yet another game to keep an eye on. Why you ask? Because right from the get I can tell that this developer Madek want's to and is trying to do something different with his game. First of all he's adding sound effects which in my books pays dividends in the long run, at least I think that's the phrase. Sound effects immerse you in the game a little more than simply reading text. Especially if you add spanking sound effects (hint for future version updates.) I really love how he added the sneaking song when you see something sexy in the game, it legit makes the game fun. I obviously noticed that he changed the text background and options choices to make his game stand out, that's what I'm talking about. Good job on that.

    I like the look of these girls and the story is pretty decent. I don't see large branching paths but if you make a certain choice you will see something different, which is the standard in these type of early development games. To be honest this "Mother" character actually looks like a Milf to me, but not a cigarette smoking trailer park Milf (Y3DF I'm looking at you.) This character looks realistically like a Mom I would Like to Fuck. I don't see the ugly asses that other developers seem to think is attractive and good lord those breasts look glorious.

    I do think this is his first attempt at making these games and in my opinion he's off to okay start. Try to brighten up the scenes a lot more, even if you want to convey morning or evening, just show us the goods and stop trying to hide them in shadows. Shadow's in Poser or Daz are tricky and take a long ass time to learn so don't worry about them right now, just get the scenes rendered and brighten them up. I know how long it takes to render a scene with a lot of shadows, it's not worth it in the long run. Some might argue that you need to have a good quality renders to make a popular game, I think you need to have sexy models and a decent hook to keep the people interested. But just for fun here's a Youtube vid on how to make good shadows in Poser lol! I was just watching it.

    This game Two Weeks reminded me of when I first started playing around with Poser back in my younger days before my ADD and GTA5 addiction took hold of my life, Trevor is my idol. I can see Madek spending hours on end positioning all his lights in the scene to get everything right and then rendering out test image after test image, two days later the final image will be rendered out but then he'll learn something new and render out the image again. Ah the good old days when i wasn't a lazy fuck with the attention span of a fruit fly. Anyways, stop worrying about making it perfect Madek and just get 'er done. Perfection comes with time and if you waste time trying to make everything look realistic, time will not be on your side. Patrons want to see updates weekly.

    Sorry for that little trip down memory lane. Two Weeks is a decent game, the story is pretty linear at the moment and I hope he keeps it that way, don't complicate things. Just add a few branching paths later on. But don't rely on the story alone cause I did TAB through a lot of it on my fourth playthrough. Yeah that's right, I played this game 4 times. Like I said I think the models are hot and I wanted to see if I could find a different path. Unfortunately all of them led to the same end but at least he ended it and didn't leave a continuous loop, (I'm looking at you Bad Brother Saga).

    Alright so that's my preview for this little game, keep an eye on it, come back to it or join his patreon page for more updates. I think he has something here, just don't worry so much about the perfect lighting and give us the goods. I'll give this game a proper reviewing when more versions come out. Take care and Ta Ta as the English say.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Radoslaw Wolf

    The creator pays outstanding attention to detail and quality of renders, both of the characters and the ambients. The storyline is very promising and seems to not copy cliche of other games in this genre. Looking forward to seeing the further progress of this title.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 24507

    The images are very good, the bodies of both mother and daughter does not have anything exaggerated as in most games in the forum!

    The story is cool as a point of improvement I think it should have something like a score to know if we are going properly on the route of love or lust!
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Eerie Entity

    Renders look good and the models look great, especially Mom and Lydia but Sister looks great as well. It was rather short to say too much about the story, but I think it could be quite good.

    A bit of proofreading is required to fix typos and misspellings, but nothing too big, dialog is easy to follow as it is, but wouldn't hurt to improve a little bit.

    But overall a solid good work here, I'll be keeping an eye on future updates, I like this one :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It is not a game that simply throws you in a house and makes you have sex with your family as if it were such a fast and natural thing, has a captivating story, which ends up increasing even more satisfaction by playing it, even though he still has nothing sexually explicit (not that I've seen in my save)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Dev is kinda slow to update, story heavy game so not much sexy content. Yet very good writing and sexy models so the anticipation is there. Recommend you try it since there is much to like even if it is a lite on actual fap content.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Teenager that lives with his divorced father and has not seen his mother and sister for years. One day he returns with his female relatives, and founds that they are smoking hot... Have you ever seen a game like that?

    Yes, the premise of the game is already seen a thousand of times, but for some reason, this game seems better than most of the similar ones.

    Of course, the designs of the mother and sister is not really credible. They both seem to be sisters more than mother and daughter. As usual in this kind of games, mother seems to be too young, and daughter, too old. Also of course, the scenes and situations are the same of a thousand of similar games: the MC. peeping his female relatives in the bathroom, the moment of intimacy seeing a romance movie with mom... But those scenes and the characters seems to be better written than most of the games. The loving and a bit naive mother and the selfish and a bit manipulative sister seem more like real people thant most of the games too. Also, there is a good amount of good quality renders.

    IMO, not a superb game, but better than 90% of similar games.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Masterpiece, it doesn't go too slow like Duel Family or A Wife and Mother, but at the same time surpasses those two games in terms of quality and pacing. For me it's up there with the greats right now like The Tyrant, Depraved Awakening, and the now defunct Big Brother. This game has a lot of potential and the author of it really has some narrative skill and a spicy imagination! ;)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Is not the typical game... The dev seek for perfection and is almost perfect.... Very good renders, very good models... and very good and realistic storyline... The most promising vn ive played lately... Amazing game overall.. Looking foward for updates
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, sexy and well developed, the characters are deep and their relationships looks real, the renders are top notch too. It has a lot of possibilities I hope it doesn't loose this and maintains the slow unfolding of the themes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For a "over used Family Sex stuff..." which the family sex stuff will never be overused lol i't the best!

    Two Weeks has much potential yes there are some typos in the game that should be fixed but other then that it's a great start

    I see some great updates coming soon :)
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.1...

    It's an alright visual novel/game introduction... But of course it is primarily focused for the moment on the over used Family Sex stuff...

    The visuals of the characters are good... The back drops are a mix of unique and overly used backdrops we've all seen in other VN/Games before (such as the clothes shop)...

    The script is pretty good as I only saw a small few spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who hasn't seen his mother and sister in 2 years, and is visiting them for a couple weeks... There are a lot of cliché game play mechanics in this introduction, that we've seen dozens of times already in the introductions of other erotic/adult VN/Games... It's almost like there is a standardized list of events that must always be included in most introductions of this genre... Such as a peeping scene at home, then a trip to the overly used clothing shop (with more peeping), then the son/mother watching a movie on the couch scene, the sister with lots of attitude, and so on...

    Who really knows, as the story may go off in all kinds of other directions... But too many of these types of introductions, always seem to follow this strict formula, as though it's the only way to get some initial traction and bring in some fans quickly... It's a boring and repeating series of events, that shows a lack of creativity and/or original thinking on the part of the author/s...

    During the lead in, it doesn't show the protagonists name as chosen by the player/reader, but instead shows the default name, so that may need fixing...

    Overall, the characters are alright, and the story is alright as well... But there isn't much originality in this introduction beyond some of the backstory elements... I know this is very early into development, so who knows what directions it will actually go... Hopefully not all the same things that have already been done to death in other similar VN/Games... I'll most likely revisit this VN/Game to see if it improves at all, some time later into it's development...