Ren'Py - -u4ia- [Ep2.03p] [DriftyGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Longtime lurker here having my first ever post be a review.

    So, I have played plenty of these games, including Driftys classic IMHO LoF, and I gotta say the potential is here for this to be another great one. I only give it a 4 star due to the fact we are still fairly early on and it seems premature to say "All-time great" over something where we have just a few chapters thus far.

    The positives: A large amount of characters and not only that but I care about basically all of them and want to know more about them. The MC is hilarious, plenty of funny bits (much like his previous work) and I love the little Easter eggs referring to his prior work as well as other creators work, really helps make those of us who have played a decent amount of these feel like it's truly a small world after all/all in the same universe and makes one dream about potential crossovers The renders are diverse enough that there is something for everyone in terms of what attracts you, it's not just 'All females have tits the size of small cars' which is a pet peeve of mine. The minimal (in comparison to most) amount of sex scenes are not even noticed due to how the amount of dialogue and world-building is entertaining and engrossing, in some games that can feel like a grind but I would spend a few hours on this and there would be 1-2 sex/nude scenes and it wasn't an issue at all. At the end of the game so far, I just found myself going "Oh man, I need to know what's next". Grammar and spelling is spot-on, the dialogue comes off very natural and human. Sound effects are great, and the music is varied enough that I don't feel the need to just mute the music, as in most games I find myself playing on mute.

    The negatives: The MC, while he is as entertaining and relatively harmless as the MC in LoF, does look a lot older than he should, but that's a minor quibble. As is the fact that we see a few features on the phone which even 2 chapters in don't seem accessible at all, but this game is still early on in the process, I just wish there wouldn't be anything shown which you can't do anything with til it actually is a playable part. For as many contacts as you have. there are VERY FEW texts and calls, you look in all but like 2 people and it's always "So sad, no messages"; that is maybe the biggest negative for me thus far as I do like the communication aspect of these genre of games, having lots of chatting really further engrosses you into the world and the shoes of your character and how it is so far does hurt the immersion aspect, I've barely used the phone except to check on tasks as it seems everything else on it might as well have an 'under construction' sign for how little you have any use of it (from wallpaper to the social media site to aforementioned texts and
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    . The perks and stats also seem pointless at this stage, but like other issues it could just be that we aren't far enough into the game yet for it to make actual differences.

    Overall, I'm pretty hooked on this game. If it's anything like the developers previous one I'm expecting to go on an emotional roller coaster and want to legitimately have the endgame with any number of the ladies. I hope that it keeps all options open with the women and doesn't fall into that trope of you did one thing wrong and you are permanently screwed in terms of ever having any sexy times with them. Can't wait to see the next chapter, it's always a good sign when you have a million questions and ideas about what is coming next.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    What a dissapointement. I loved leap of faith, but this new sandbox game kills all the fun for me.
    Renders, animations, writing all top notch but this vn kills everything with the imo stupid sandbox elements, why Drifty why?.....
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An S-tier game in the making, thanks to the top-notch writing. There are multiple aspects of the game that I'm not too fond of to be honest (the main story, the MC, most of the LI's), but it's written so well that it grows on you and keeps you interested. It has meaningful choices. It has some sandbox elements which are not too grindy. It just nails the fine balance between realistic, fun and sexy. If I want to play a pr0n gaem, this is the main ingredient I'm looking for.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fascinating game which ironically seems to work better when not trying to tell a story. A game of two halves.

    I found the game to be very engaging; the graphics are stellar, there's a little bit of gameplay in allowing you to free roam but not too much to drive you insane going from empty room to empty room and on more than one occasion I found myself actually laughing. Normally which AVNs are funny they tend to lean into it and it's more slapstick than anything else but really the dialogue writing is first rate.

    My issue is... there's obvious a super serious plot going on that we, as players, are being drip fed and it feels a bit grim, which puts it at odd with the low level character interactions.

    The game's fascinating as you interact with characters, but once you start interacting with the overarching plot it becomes a bit hmm. Maybe this is just because it's early doors but it feels a bit too soap opera-y. Everyone seems to have some secret or other, lot of things not being said and that's FINE.... but if it continues then it may become frustrating. Not to mention the setup seems to be such that with such a large cast, we may find releases not touching upon characters you enjoy, and then it becomes a game you forget and then hope lasts long enough for you to pick it up in 3 years. Certainly a game I'd buy on Steam then forget about until it was cooked.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really cool new game from one of the best authors we have! After delivering on a first masterpiece and finishing it, U4IA is a new challenge that goes above his older work - which wasn't a given, knowing the quality of said work.
    Something I really like in this game as well as in his previous one is that the MC is really a cool dude; you'd like to be his bro.
    This aside, the usual. Cool chicks, various cast, interesting story, nice choices. Really a good one! Try it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Sir Álvaro de Zúñiga

    For now the game have a nice story and very good renders, also the music is perfect.
    (Maybe the MC can use a remake tho).

    i really liked this game so far, can also become greater in my opinion in futures updates.
    The developer of the game is really good in making emotional VN, so give it a try.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really at a loss for words when it comes to this vn.
    First off if you want a quick skim and fap then this isn't for you because this game has quite a bit of dialogue. I will say i do not say this to belittle this game at all because....its worth the play.

    I went into this game wanting to just get to the juicy bits and then wait for the next update if i enjoy it...but that turned out to be a failure on my part because this entire game is the juicy bit. All of the characters are pretty interesting just to talk to and i really mean it. okay okay...the MC..most of his dialogue is gold. He's funny, caring, quick witted, and can be a goofball. I cannot overstate the amount of times I've laughed OUT LOUD at something dumb or funny he said. His interaction with most of the cast only increase how interesting his dialogue is. Of the cast, I have but only a few that I don't enjoy or have an issue with (believe me that is saying something). The characters are so well written that even the guy who you work with is fun to interact with,

    CONS: the only real issues i with this game is that i wish the models were more detailed although they still get the job done(Ava seems to be the most detailed model here). I will admit it sucks that it takes so long to get to sex as well as there being so little sex. Lastly it sucks that there is a buff mommy in this game (of which there are so few of in general) and she is sorta made into a joke (which is done far too much in games and anime), although she is still sweet, lovable, and pretty badass.

    Long story short. if you want well written characters, good dialogue, and a plot then you should play this.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    [Ep2.03p] Review

    Game is somewhat interesting, models are attractive, but many of them kinda blend together, the hottest one possibly tries to kill you, and the story is barely cohesive. Also, the protag-kun looks like his model was designed to be morbidly corpulent and much older.

    The story is paced very abberantly at times, and while it's more cohesive than something like Jodorowsky's Dune, but not by much. There's definitely a lot of mystery-teasing here, but it's just kinda thrown at the player hamfisted to try and get their interest--the shotgun method.

    The game starts with a sex scene, and it's nothing special, though the model is very attractive. Never see her again though. And after the sex, it is implied that she poisons you to death? Or maybe it was a dream? "oOoOoOoOo!" There's a lot of dumb shit like that. But for the rest? seems like a story about a man trying to escape his past and rebuild his life somewhere new.

    I think the biggest problem I have with this game is that aside from its somewhat inarticulate denpa qualities, it's not very original, and honestly pretty derivative.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    -u4ia- [Ep2.01p] [DriftyGames]

    Immersive game with multiple routes of game-play and impactful decision that will change the storyline, love interest, character behavior and stats. Although the gameplay is in the earlier development stage, the multiple routes will alter the same story hundreds of different ways. The impactful choices ensures the player will have am unique experience every play through. I particularly enjoy the limited free-roam, because just like in reality, you don't have the time to pursue ever opportunity. Be a combative asshole. Be a seductive charmer. Be an indifferent stoic. Pursue one love interest, ignore another.

    The renders are in the upper tier of games available to play. The story doesn't drown you with redundant dialog that induces the reader into a deep sleep. I appreciate that the dialog is concise enough to provide relevant information that keeps the story flowing and interesting for the reader. Most importantly I appreciate that the MC is a flawed human that makes mistakes, because that creates realism.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely great. Drifty manages to create a unique atmosphere here again.
    The characters have personalities and their quirks. The game has some very funny moments and skillfully plays with tension and drama.
    The sandbox parts ranges from ok (beach) to well done.
    Even early in game, there are many different ways and deviations from the game that make you want to start over again and explore. The individual storylines are fun and left me curious. Can't wait for next episode .
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Badly implemented free roam,
    Very good dialogues and humor,
    Story is too early to say,
    Not a fan of the MC, he looks like a old man but is only like 19-20. He also keep invading peoples privacy...
    Love interest in this all have wierd haircuts or haircolor or is just ugly, whyyy? The only decent on is teagan

    Early in development, improvements from ch 1 to 2 but its still somewhat of a letdown compared to devs previous game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    so, after a long time of hesitation, i have laid hands on drifty's new game. the look of the MC's takes some getting used to, freeroam and perks selection was already not my favorite in LoF and seems to have more influence here.

    but the story seems to be very interesting, music selection is good and graphically there is nothing to complain about. have only tried a few hours and am a bit ambivalent.:unsure:
    but let's wait a few updates to see if it reaches LoF level.

    definitely something for my watchlist.(y)
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Drama queen. The MC that is. You know this is a game by Driffty. You know there will be drama even if the dev says it wont. But i digress... This is a more gamefied VN don´t know if it works, it´s too soon to tell. The story is also lacking. There are too many overexposed secrets... It´s a soap opera. Porn VN style. I expected more. LoF is the best VN up to that dreaded chapter6. u4ia continues the downhill path from the dev. I´m hoping it picks up, with more pieces it makes more sense and hoping the dev listens the negative feedback and improves on it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    You know how people have a favorite steak place? Or coffee place?

    Well this is that. This dev has a come a long way and their experience shows. This is a game from an experienced Renpy Adult VN dev and you're stopping by cause they're serving up a great Renpy Adult VN.

    The renders are beautiful and the animations are great (cue the sex scenes!). The character designs are solid, though the MC looks a little funny to me.

    The game really stands out because the choices you make in the game really affect the scenes you see and really adds alot of replayability. It makes you come back for more, to experiment and play around .

    Hopefully the dev continues to build on this, but not overextend themselves on this. These features are really difficult to maintain through development and I've seen other games drop focus on this over time.

    There are limits to what you can see and interact with so your choices matter. There are character stats and perks that add to this and can help make each playthrough unique.

    The story seems typical for this genre, with nothing really standing out. It's just ok for now.

    If you're just here to zoom through and hope to see it all at once, this isn't for you. This is one drop by again and again to enjoy.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    When one compares it to Drifty's previous masterpiece, Leap of Faith, this is obviously going to suffer, but I don't think it's really fair to make that comparison yet. After all, this game is really just starting. It may get much better (or potentially get much worse).

    Let's start off with the good: Drifty is really good at writing dialogue and he's very good at making art, particularly when it comes to the beautiful environments. This goes for LoF as well. He's just very good at making renders that "pop". It's lush and somehow my awful low end computer doesn't struggle when loading the images or animations. I have no complaints and nothing but complete praise for this part of the VN. However, the one weakness of this portion of the game is that of all the potential LI's, I didn't feel an instant connection to any one of them. Now, maybe in the next update I will, but in most of the great games that I love, there is almost always a main LI that I feel an instant connection with.

    The real drawback of this game is the freeroam stuff. It took me forever to figure out how to spend the points and sometimes navigation was difficult and it took a bit of effort to get things to highlight. I would just as soon do without free roam in these things.

    Overall, I'll say that so far this a good game with the potential to be great, but also the potential to become really bad. I think Drifty can make it work, but it does need some tweaking in those aspects such as LI characterization and the free roam stuff.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    As an avid fan of Leap of Faith, I was ecstatic to learn about Drifty's new story. From the moment I loaded it up, I was transported back to that familiar world and completely immersed in the experience. The subtle nods to LoF within the story were like inside jokes that only true fans could appreciate, making it all the more special.

    The storytelling in this new adventure is nothing short of phenomenal, and I found myself glued to every word, refusing to skip ahead. While some of the characters may seem ordinary at first, as you dive deeper into their personalities and backstories, you can't help but fall in love with them, just like in real life.

    One of the standout features of this game is the free roam aspect, which allows for exploration and discovery. While it can take a bit of trial and error to uncover all the scenes you want to see, it only adds to the replayability and keeps you coming back for more.

    Overall, this new release is an outstanding addition to the genre and one that I eagerly anticipate. As a proud Patreon supporter, I can confidently say that my investment is more than worth it. Drifty's storytelling continues to captivate and inspire, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us next.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoy games where my choices have a real impact, but unfortunately, many developers struggle to implement them effectively. While the developer of this game clearly worked hard on creating a lot of content for the first episode, much of it is difficult to find or requires multiple playthroughs to unlock. Additionally, the most rewarding content (lewd moments) is often locked behind puzzles, which I found to be an odd design decision.

    If the different playthroughs offered completely unique experiences or if there was a way to skip over repetitive content, I wouldn't mind the puzzle-solving aspect as much. However, it can feel like a chore to try and unlock all of the game's content because of the repetitive free roam events that can't be skipped.

    Despite these issues, the game does offer some interesting mechanics, particularly the time-based free roams where choices matter. I don’t know if this is an original idea, but it’s a design choice that I’ve implemented in my own game. However, it seems like the time mechanic only really matters during the first free roam event, with the rest of them being primarily puzzle-based instead where time is irrelevant. Again, it's a strange design decision.

    The game also features a skill tree, which I thought could have been utilized more effectively to unlock hidden content or other rewards, for instance. Instead, it adds absolutely nothing. I suspect it will become relevant, but one wonders why it wasn't for the first episode. See where I'm going? Yep, strange design choice.

    Despite my criticisms, I have to give this game a 5-star rating for now. The writing is excellent, and I never found myself wanting to skip any of the dialogue (which is rare). The game's progression feels very satisfying, and the artwork (especially the animations) is absolutely top-notch. Even the music was enjoyable enough to keep me from playing on mute, which I usually do with other games, preferring playing my own music on Spotify.

    Lastly, I wasn’t a big fan of most of the girls (they’re all OK, though), but that’s subjective. However, I’m really looking forward to “Sea” her again, she’s absolutely gorgeous and a nice little throwback.

    Overall, while there are areas where the game could be improved, it's a very enjoyable dating sim experience, and dating sims is my favorite AVN genre.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved developers previous game but this one doesnt live up to expectations, the story is alright but the gameplay completely sink the experience along with worse cast of characters.

    - Great storytelling
    - Nice music
    - Good dialogues
    - Renders and animations are decent
    - Story is engaging

    - Not really a fan of this MC, dude looks like a old man and is kinda lame
    - The prologue end was really disturbing.. which killed my vibe for the rest of the playthrough.
    - Theres 12 girls and I cant say I'm really fan of any of them. Either face is ugly or they have stupid haircut or haircolor.. compared to previous cast with lexi, holly, cece. yeah i love you drifty but this will be tough.. sea is alright i guess.
    - The character personality building is a good idea but it's structure is poorly made, took me good 5 minutes to figure out that you need to spend points on talent binders.. thats stupid
    - The free roam is making the game tougher to navigate and I'm not a fan of it honestly, you feel lost most of the time and miss ton of content. Jesus christ
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried this with two completely different character paths and in both occasions I couldn't unlock a single scene other than the one encountered in the intro and that speaks volumes about how horrible the system implemented is, it's way more complexe than the butterfly effect I feel like blinking in this game could accidentaly make your MC blind or set a whole town on fire just because..It's very absurd, the only reason I'm rating it average is because I have played the previous title from this dev and I know he can do better also the Story isn't so bad either, the same applies to the visuals, but from an erotic gaming standpoint I think it's horrible and more of a miss than a hit and will leave many players disappointed because they did not use a walkthrough or a mod to "know" what you should have picked or how many steps they should have taken to get to a bar..I mean if you're 10 seconds slower chances are...Some mother fucker will blow the place up....

    Visually 9/10
    Storytelling 8/10
    Gameplay 1/10
    Sex scenes CantUnlockThemWithoutAWalkthrough/10
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Drifty hits it out of the park, again! This first release is outstanding, already offering more forks in the first chapter than an entire AVN. Outstanding renders and animations, a couple buggy free roams that you can work around (door to restroom/VIP hall sometimes doesn't highlight or work). Great recap at end of playthroughs tossing a bone to explore some more with different builds and decisions. Looks like the foundational work for this VN is solid. Can't wait for more! I'm upping my support.