Likewise, can't get xray to work. Is there only few select animations where it works?
Nope. Loading the game through the main menu did not fix it. However, relaunching the game did fix the issue.Myriad Thanks for reporting, will look into it. Just wondering, won't loading the save from main menu fix it? As non-bought clothes will get generated upon spawning the character for the first time.
FARKRY Will look into a stuck bug, and ye, it has been reported a few times already, but currently I'm clueless, since it happens "sometimes". Cum stains can be enabled with a cheat (so only EX version for now), but like most of the cheats it will be moved into unique items (accessible in all versions) in a near future. There won't be cumflation and pregnancy won't affect X-Ray, but I'm planning to add wetness and creampie to the x-ray. Cheers!
Myriad Thanks for reporting, will look into it. Just wondering, won't loading the save from main menu fix it? As non-bought clothes will get generated upon spawning the character for the first time.
PDoal h2635483 Will be fixed in v32a. Still looking for a reason why it happens.
I realized to get lewd scenes I would have to lower a variable. I forgot the name. To do that, the only way I found was to buy items from the criminal store. I worked for a week. Each day I finished I was excited that I was one day closer to buying that item. When I got paid and bought it, it wasn't enough of a boost to get any more scenes. I couldn't interact with the guy in the elevator. It seemed that I would have to work for multiple weeks (I'm not sure how many) to get any new scenes. (Maybe it was because I was focused on the permanent buff but I should have used it for the temporary buff I'm not sure). But the feeling was I'd have to click for hours to make any noticeable progress.godlovesyou If I could ask for some feedback, which part of the grind was the most annoying? Regarding Shady Dealer, it was a part of the police station questline, but people didn't seem interested and I totally forgot to implement a workaround. I promise to add it still in v32, so you won't lose access to the important shop.
Going on the subway and rejecting groper's advances is a really, really easy way to grind fame points very quickly.So i've been giving the game a try and... how does one increase Fame? Can't quite figure that one out yet.
So i've been giving the game a try and... how does one increase Fame? Can't quite figure that one out yet.
Ah thanks, didn't know that. So basically buy a $ 50,- ticket for the day right after midnight and ride back and forth all day?Going on the subway and rejecting groper's advances is a really, really easy way to grind fame points very quickly.
Ah, i know where they are, was playing Drifter background. It's doable, all things considered, but when renting the kitchen i believe you can only cook for yourself instead of prepare extra meals so... nothing homecooked i believe.Cooking food and giving it to the hobos in the left house in the slums can give fame.
Thanks. As Drifter (or getting kicked out of your apartment), especially with Junkrat, the amount of clutter in your inventory can add up real fast. And with the only way to get rid of an item being to use it, you end up hoping to RNG makeup sets just in order to get rid of makeup remover for example.Penitensary Many events have some hidden bonuses to stats, even playing on your phone to pass the time has 10% (if I remember correctly) to gain some stats. Always wanted this game to passively boost your stats as you play, but game still has too little content for it to work well.
Regarding cooking, it doesn't matter if it's cooked in your own kitchen or someone's else, so it will work the same way.
And you can't sell stuff... I wanted to add it at some point, but as with 100 other features I've kept postponing it and I'm still not 100% sure how to take care of selling stuff.
does the belly change size? like depening on how far along you are or if its twins? more curiouse than anything really. that system sounds pretty extensivePenitensary Many events have some hidden bonuses to stats, even playing on your phone to pass the time has 10% (if I remember correctly) to gain some stats. Always wanted this game to passively boost your stats as you play, but game still has too little content for it to work well.
Regarding cooking, it doesn't matter if it's cooked in your own kitchen or someone's else, so it will work the same way.
And you can't sell stuff... I wanted to add it at some point, but as with 100 other features I've kept postponing it and I'm still not 100% sure how to take care of selling stuff.
bro111 Pregnancy will get both positive & negative traits and items to customize it, yes. So whether you hate or love pregnancy, you will have some control over it.
That's how more or less pregnancy will work (coming in v33 & v34), but it's still a subject to change:
- Man cums inside Jane. If he has condom - we roll if it broke. If she is taking a birth control - she can't get pregnant. If she takes morning after pill within 24h - she won't get pregnant.
- Jane will have fluctuating fertility over a week, with one day with almost 100% chance to get pregnant. Her fertility day will be random upon character creation, so let's say it's Thursday. So we have a fertility roll, Thursday - 95%, Wednesday & Friday - 65%, Tuesday & Saturday - 35%, Monday & Sunday - 5%.
- I'm thinking about 2 variants - A) you instantly get notification that Jane got pregnant or B) You have to wait 1-3 days (probably 1) until you know that she got pregnant. Variant A) is less annoying, while B) is more realistic.
- So now that she is pregnant, she gets pregnancy debuff level 1 (for now it's speed & energy penalty) that will last 3-7 days.
- After that time she gets level 2 debuff that is more severe and her belly appears (as you could see in some sneakpeaks). It will last 7-10 days.
- Then magical birth event is here (it won't trigger during work etc. to not break anything), she goes to the hospital, black screen appears, there's situation explanation, then she appears in the bed in the maternity room and you get info whether it's a boy or a girl.
- Jane gets a choice what to do with her kid - A) She will keep it and raise it, what will trigger the game end (thinking about New Game+ and Steam achievements in the future). B) She will put it in a "deluxe" orphanage and agree to pay weekly (fame increase). C) She will put it in some free orphanage cutting any responsibilities with it (fame decrease).
- There will be birth count in the stats with info about number of boys & girls.
- Thinking about some bonus (distant future) stuff, like additional dialogues/choices depending on who the father is (e.g. Albert, Kevin etc.) or naming all her kids.
- Jane won't be able to see her children or interact with them. At best I'll add an option to call the orphanage to see how it goes (but it's still undecided).
- Regarding drinking alcohol during pregnancy, well... At one point, it's RPG, if you want her to be that kind of a mother, do whatever you want. But I really despise this kind of women from the bottom of my heart, so I might block drinking during pregnancy. Dunno. Yes, we will don't have getting drunk in the game, but it will be added in the future.
what do you think about possible additional stages of growth if it doesn't require a significant amount of work on new versions of the clothes?mothulu I'm pretty sure that we won't have twinsas for the belly, only 1 belly size, because we need to tweak all existing clothes and then for future clothes & angles again, so lots of work. The 1st pregnancy belly stage will look normally like in non-pregnant state, and the 2nd stage will look like this:
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Whelp, shows what i know about coding XDwhat you described would require way more work than "some"![]()