AOprinz Damn, it's the first time I'm hearing about my game freezing like that. Are you using some antivirus or 3rd party tools/cracks? Because such stuff most likely need a fix from your side, as some of your programs interfering with my game etc.
psijiic Haha, people usually whine that game is too hard, not too easy

Back in the day it was much harder, now you would need to take multiple negative traits while creating character. In December I'll be adding difficulty settings and some gameplay changes to make it more accessible to newbies & veterans alike. And I like the idea of Jane getting robbed. Cheers!
johnyakuza1 I've been thinking about adding some "fight them off" option after training at the gym or unlocking it via traits etc. as an addition to the pepper spray, but I'm not sure if I'm not too lazy to extend every pepper spray scene with new choice and dialogue

If we end up with 20 pepper spray usable scenes, it's 20 bonus dialogues & choices for that trait as well.
Regarding 2nd comment, I'm glad that you actually read & enjoyed my spam

It was much more chaotic than usual, because I wanted to write it as fast as possible, and I forgot to mention a lot of stuff as well, like your question precisely. UiTC1 will keep getting new sex scenes until around v40-v42 (September-November), depending how ugly and time consuming things get with UiTC2, and then no more content for UiTC1 and we fully focus on UiTC2. Despite re-using old locations and many dialogues, there will be so many changes and additions that it won't feel the same. If I can easily port some UiTC2 features into UiTC1, I will also do it, because why not? And new sex scenes for UiTC1 will also be released for UiTC2, so we will be doing only something that fits both games and that won't require us to re-do it from scratch. The beginning and the end are always the biggest nightmare in the game dev, and then I'll have a 2nd kid in August, so I'm pumping like crazy right now to get as much done, because I'm not sure how things gonna slow from my side once my son is born. Cheers!
Asuka Almost every unique NPC has some content, so Kevin, Bald guys, Jack, Albert, Ben, Rick, Jeff, Kyle, Max, Braun and random stuff like brothel, glory hole, thugs and so on.
huyt504 Saves are always compatible with new updates (unless stated otherwise in the changelog), so you can safely use your v35 save in v36. Just never jump multiple versions with your saves, like from v34 to v36, coz first you need to update it to v35 and save again, then to v36 and save etc. Regarding camera, middle mouse button changes camera behavior, and I have no idea why it wouldn't let you do it otherwise.
McBrerbo I'm not following or joining their conversation, but I'm pretty sure I've seen the guy call him at least an "idiot". Although I don't know what people nowadays consider an insult. I guess it's just me being old...