NumericGazer made v0.1.0 in about 2019, in which MC can only battle with a witch named Dealer. Then them updated it to v0.1.2 with a few new scenes.
Then after a long wait, them released v0.2.0 in about 2021, in which MC can battle with his young sister, and a witch named Herba.
Later them decide to call the v0.1.0 things EPISODE 0, the v0.2.0 things EPISODE 1, and put them together to a game called "UTW_Beginnings 1.0" (or 1.2?) . It got some small updates and version come to v1.6, then them decide to release this game to Steam in 2022, naming "Hero's Journey". And some fixes to make the version to v1.8.
After 2 years, the game got new alpha version called "Gothic Kuro's Room v0.1.0", only 3-4 scenes included, hopefully more coming the next month.
Download v1.8, play EPISODE 0 and EPISODE 1.
Ignore v0.2.0 αVer11.
Download KurosRoom v0.1.0, play some alpha scenes.