I say play how you want to play, no shame in being in it for a quick bit of enjoyment. As for Eroge I was more speaking about the stuff that came out in DOS, as well as those that followed those formulas; which in my experience was the majority of eroge, at least ten years ago.Well that would be the case if there where not games like Rance, especially Sengoku Rance, and Kamidori Alchemy Meister, which both are on the "older" side. They have both the VN and the "Sandbox" elements combined with them. At least that is how I see it and it made them both not bad games. A bit more work than just klick, decide and done, but fun. So if people play games from the Japanese Eroge Departement they should at least know of the existence of these games.
But I noticed something, most people tend to just want to fap without doing anything, aside from a few choices that leads them to what they want. At least that is how I see it. Which is sad, since even lewd games should have more than just click, fap and done to them. Otherwise it would all become the same over time and get boring. Its just like with the Trope "living with mother, older and younger sister" that is already on the boring side by now
It's a regional thing, Tea as the British person would enjoy (Hot, usually in small containers) is a vastly different experience in the Southern States of the US (Iced Tea is our preference, containers tend to be larger, often sweetened to the point of being too darned sweet). I was making a joke that if you started using too many Brit colloquialisms, that you may need to run them by someone from the US to translate them into something we would understand more easily.Yep pretty much this (however I didn't understand the last sentence and the spoiler).
I don't say anything against it, sometimes I prefer it that way too. Though if you are speaking from DOS and the first windows platforms I could recount Knights of Xentar (I played it back in 1999) which had a semi-sandbox feeling, though you could describe it as side-quests/free roaming too. Would have to replay it though to see if I remember correctly. I still remember as young boy seeing it for sale on Pearl, back then when a 56k modem was the normI say play how you want to play, no shame in being in it for a quick bit of enjoyment. As for Eroge I was more speaking about the stuff that came out in DOS, as well as those that followed those formulas; which in my experience was the majority of eroge, at least ten years ago.
It's not a linear sandbox (I stated this on my Patreon Page in the Gameplay section), the beggining was of course mounted on rail but only because it's an introduction. The next update will take advantage of the sandbox mechanism.Unusual playing a linear sandbox. Wouldn't it be easy to just make it a vn?
Yeah, I found out after playing more. I deleted the comment.It's not a linear sandbox (I stated this on my Patreon Page in the Gameplay section), the beggining was of course mounted on rail but only because it's an introduction. The next update will take advantage of the sandbox mechanism.
Yup the main language is French, that's why I made the splashscreen to inform that there is an english version in the options, since preferences = préférences in french I thought it would be good enough.The game started up in french which was a surprise and took me a minute to figure out why I wasn't seeing words I recognized.
Can you explain the issue here please? I would like to correct the errors but telling me where there are is not enough to allow me to correct them since there are not careless mistakes but the limits of my own english combined with some softwaresThe English is kind of questionable, after all at one point when the MC woke up in the park basically said "Arf, fell asleep again".
The quest mechanic you are talking about will be added in the next update. I will also add a screenshot tutorial to explain the hud at the beginning.The game also just drops you in without telling you what you need to do at the start. When I first got to the MC's place I thought the notepad in the top left corner would tell me where to go.
The issue regarding the English is that some things just don't seem to be translating well. Why is it arf when it could be something more like oh or damn. Arf is the sound a dog makes so to see the MC saying it from time to time makes one question if he spent most of his time around dogs over humans. Also I noticed that Alice seems to use a lot of French words in the English version. I don't recall anything in the start of the story that tells us where we are in the game world so for all I know it could be somewhere French Now while I do know some French I sadly don't know enough to work out certain things she saids. Also I believe there's one point in her reunion with MC where she seems to have a French word and English word mashed up together but I could be remembering wrong.Yup the main language is French, that's why I made the splashscreen to inform that there is an english version in the options, since preferences = préférences in french I thought it would be good enough.
The next update will contains an interactive splashscreen to let you choose the language before the main menu show up.
Can you explain the issue here please? I would like to correct the errors but telling me where there are is not enough to allow me to correct them since there are not careless mistakes but the limits of my own english combined with some softwares
The quest mechanic you are talking about will be added in the next update. I will also add a screenshot tutorial to explain the hud at the beginning.
Thanks for your feedback and don't worry, constructive criticisms are exactly what I ask!
Yeah, I don't know if he is using a machine translation or not; I don't recall the specific phrases or moments, but there were some that were poorly organised or that felt weird for a native English speaker. I chalk it up to being a work in progress and don't worry about it too much, but I can see how that is an issue for immersion.The issue regarding the English is that some things just don't seem to be translating well. Why is it arf when it could be something more like oh or damn. Arf is the sound a dog makes so to see the MC saying it from time to time makes one question if he spent most of his time around dogs over humans. Also I noticed that Alice seems to use a lot of French words in the English version. I don't recall anything in the start of the story that tells us where we are in the game world so for all I know it could be somewhere French Now while I do know some French I sadly don't know enough to work out certain things she saids. Also I believe there's one point in her reunion with MC where she seems to have a French word and English word mashed up together but I could be remembering wrong.
All in all it's just little details that throw off the immersion into the story. Like I said before it's not that big a deal, just something I thought I should throw out there. If you are struggling with English you might want to see about finding maybe a friend or someone who can help you out with the translation.
Thanks to give her some love!i fucking love alice, all of her xD
on a side note i liked the game a lot and the renders are pretty good, though hate fucking free roams ( thats always a kill joy unless is like Icstor milfy city, that game have proper free roam, hope you can make it more easy in the future like coloring where you have to go to see events etc)
You normally don't need to "grind" more than 3 days/week 2 times (40/120 quota = 50$) to have enough money to reach the current end (which requieres 250$ knowing that you already start with 150$).Story looks interesting, but the grind through the days are boring, so I just quit at the middle of the second week.
Haha, glad to see that I'm not the only one having an overdose of bimbos.I don't specifically remember what compelled me to download and play "Unforeseen Ascent", but it was most likely the absence of grotesquely gargantuan breasts in the banner and preview pics.
You're right, "skipped a few details" is more accurate, I will do what is necessary to improve the translation for the next updates.I don't really have an original critique for you. I would only reiterate that you seek out a bilingual native speaker of (American) English to make the phrases sound more naturally conversational. (One example is with the conversation following Alice crashing into MC on her skateboard: MC says something about, " . . . you skipped a few steps". I initially assumed that meant she graduated from high school early (skipped a few school years), and was entering college as a 15 or 16 year old. Later, I wondered if MC meant that she had "skipped a few details" about why she was attending the same college as he.
Absolutely ! That's the kind of thing that is planned.My only disappointment is with so little story content during the time MC and Alice were in the orphanage. These were the formative years for both characters. I'm interested in more detail about how they came to be there, how their "soul-sibling" relationship developed, interactions with the various adults, etc. Perhaps you'll consider adding some of that type of content through flashbacks in future updates.
Thank you!All in all, a very respectable effort. Thanks for the early offering. I hope there are many people with means who will support you.
Click on the "action movie", that's here you can see all available actions in a location.I feel like an idiot, but I seriously can't figure out how to sleep in this game lol. I just got told I need to study to make money, advanced through the day, and now it's night and I can't figure out anything to do. The dev notes said to visit each girls room, but I don't have any girls rooms. There's only one room in my apartment as far as I can tell, and I don't even know where he sleeps lol. Obviously I'm the only one who can't figure this out since I couldn't find any other people with this issue.