Also, I hilariously built a character who's real bad at combat, but *real* good at sex. So my strategy for every fight was just to let myself get pinned and then let the opponent KO themselves. Love it. I can see why my character was such a popular target lol
I was thinking for a while about making a 'bottom' character who's secretly manipulative, but i don't think Hypnotic Gaze works quite the way I need it to, and I havn't tried out the other two powers yet.
In social actions, it raises your dominance and the target's submission, but in combat (and sex) it just seems to drain willpower.
I know in combat that willpower damage translates to lust damage after will hits zero, but...
I kinda wish you could directly influence submission by blasting someone with your hypnotic eyes while their willpower is zero, or maybe just switch from submissive/equal sex to dominant.
I kinda want to make a character who presents as weak and submissive on the surface but then goes on to slowly brainwash whoever is 'dominating' them.
I noticed when, after I lost a challenge to someone and got told to follow them around, whenever they entered a talk with me (which I was no longer allowed to leave or use to invite them to sex) I could still use dominant actions and hypnosis to completely drain their willpower. I even managed to put her in such a submissive mood that she
ordered me to have dominant sex with her.
And even in a submissive sex stance, you can sap the will out of your enemy. It just doesn't seem to
do anything when the sex is over. They don't gain submission or anything.
S it's not really the "Yeah, i lost the fight so i'll be your sex slave, but i'm gonna brainwash the shit out of you while you try to take advantage tho." energy that i'm going for.
Oh well.
Also, what do Tease and Taunt do in combat anyway?
It adds a status effect, but I can't see a description on it.