First I'd like to say that there is a really solid foundation for a game here. I've been poking around in the source, and it's also the best structured code I've seen in a twine game of this size. A lot of games start to collapse under their own complexity after a while, but this one seems like it still has a lot of room to grow. I did have a few misc notes though:
While trying to get girls to accept being a servant, the interface was fairly cryptic about explaining what needed to be improved, and how to improve it. Submission was obvious, but I had to read the source to understand the rest. For everyone else, these are the main formulas involved in them accepting servitude in 2.6:
Relations: 5(submission) + 2(romance) + 2(sexualTension) - 20(rivalry) - 20(enmity) - 10(domination)
Mood: 0.2(submissive) + 0.2(aroused) + 0.1(intimate) - 0.6(dominant) - 0.5(angry) - 0.2(bored)
Drives: - 4(Domination) - 4(Ambition)
IF (sexualTension + romance) > (5(enmity) + 5(rivalry) + 3) THEN
Drives: 4(Pleasure) + 4(Love)
So to get a girl to agree to submission, its best to max her submission, romance, and sexual tension relations (by domming them), then chat her up maxing her submissive, aroused, and intimate moods. I think putting a collar on her also helps. Having a single point of enmity or rivalry makes having her accept almost impossible, regardless of the other factors. I've gotten one to accept who had a single point of domination relation, but it was very difficult. In light of this and some other poking around, I'm going to suggest:
- Provide a means to actively
reduce all relation values. Right now there doesn't seem to be a good way to reduce Domination/Rivalry outside of events and waiting (and waiting takes quite a while). I did find that you can reduce Enmity by choosing "Do nothing" when winning a challenge, but the game could use a tooltip to advertise that it does this.
As an example, currently using Hypnotic Glance in social interaction increases submissive and reduces dominant in the affected. During sex, it will only increase Submission, but it would make sense to also reduce Domination (by a lesser amount, as with the social interaction). Possibly losing willpower/energy while at 0 could lose Domination in addition to gaining Submission, as it indicates a complete abdication of control. Accepting a girl's offer for sex on equal terms should probably reduce Enmity (you're giving her what she wants). Not sure what would reduce Rivalry. Maybe rejecting challenges? Some other challenge-win option?
- It seems like there should be some kind of inverse relationship between submission/domination and friendship/enmity. Maybe also with romance/rivalry. I know you want these to be separate to allow for complicated relationships, but if one is 2+ levels above the other, it seems like it should have a greater effect on daily ST reduction.
- Unrelated to the above, but I did manage to deflower all of the girls in a single run. It would be fun if there was an event for the girls realizing this (especially if you've managed to keep your own virginity). Also I'm kind of surprised that Val has a virginity to take.