Hey, great job on this, I tested it real quick and it works great and is also clear that a lot of thought, experience, and work went into this.
It's pretty impressive and I wonder how did you accomplish variable search? From the looks of it it's like you are crawling script files for all instances where the comparison is done? I am looking for something that would allow me to check objects and all their children. For example:
I have a girl with her variables stored in an associative dictionary. In the variable search, it shows girl.affection, girl.strength, but not girl.luck because that is not used in the code. This was just a rough comparison. As a developer it would come in handy when I want to see some renpy variables (for example, I can write in console "gui.confirm_frame_borders" and I get "renpy.display.imagelike.Borders object at 0x0..." if I write gui.confirm_frame_borders.padding", I get "(60, 60, 60, 60)" which is what I know beforehand, but I have no clue what else lies in gui.confirm_frame_borders.xxxx without going to check the code and that takes some time.
Anyway, great job on this, I can see how it's almost like a cheat engine for renpy.