
Jun 12, 2024
Maybe and surely a stupid question but I’m just discovering this game… Do I understand well that it depends on your choices during the game, that there are 7 different paths ? And those are effectives if you privilege the relathionship with one of the girls ? (Ash, Rachel, Carol, Sara, Nikki, Yuki or Roxy). Does that mean that you can choice one path with one girl and start again the game from scratch with another path with another girl and another story ? Or, depending if you choice to privilege a girl, you will miss a lot with the other girls ? During my first try, I completely lost Roxy and she didn’t appear anymore during the rest of my story game. It was simply an end with her. Therefore, it is not a harem game, correct ?


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
Maybe and surely a stupid question but I’m just discovering this game… Do I understand well that it depends on your choices during the game, that there are 7 different paths ? And those are effectives if you privilege the relathionship with one of the girls ? (Ash, Rachel, Carol, Sara, Nikki, Yuki or Roxy). Does that mean that you can choice one path with one girl and start again the game from scratch with another path with another girl and another story ? Or, depending if you choice to privilege a girl, you will miss a lot with the other girls ? During my first try, I completely lost Roxy and she didn’t appear anymore during the rest of my story game. It was simply an end with her. Therefore, it is not a harem game, correct ?
Yes and no. Yes, those seven listed are the seven official love interests (LIs) of the game. Other girls are side girls, who do not have an official path. You do have the option, therefore, of having seven separate paths, one for each. You can currently, however, have all the girls on a single save, depending on choices made. You may miss the odd scene here and there if you are on a path where you would be required to be in two places at once, but I don't think there are many of these, if any at all (I've not really looked into it, but I don't think there's much, based on the gallery).

Harem is being worked on, and indications from the last update are that it is now going forwards. If that is actually the case, of course, remains to be seen.

As far as paths go, outside of the girls themselves, there are certain key points that open up different avenues. The main example I can think of is when a side girl offers help, and depending on previous choices made, you might have two or three options here as to what she helps you with. At least two of those can have a positive effect on your relationship with the appropriate LI.

Sidenote: Roxy is my favourite in the game, but like you, I missed most of her content in my first playthrough because I made a couple of "wrong" choices.


Jun 12, 2024
Yes and no. Yes, those seven listed are the seven official love interests (LIs) of the game. Other girls are side girls, who do not have an official path. You do have the option, therefore, of having seven separate paths, one for each. You can currently, however, have all the girls on a single save, depending on choices made. You may miss the odd scene here and there if you are on a path where you would be required to be in two places at once, but I don't think there are many of these, if any at all (I've not really looked into it, but I don't think there's much, based on the gallery).

Harem is being worked on, and indications from the last update are that it is now going forwards. If that is actually the case, of course, remains to be seen.

As far as paths go, outside of the girls themselves, there are certain key points that open up different avenues. The main example I can think of is when a side girl offers help, and depending on previous choices made, you might have two or three options here as to what she helps you with. At least two of those can have a positive effect on your relationship with the appropriate LI.

Sidenote: Roxy is my favourite in the game, but like you, I missed most of her content in my first playthrough because I made a couple of "wrong" choices.
Many, many thanks TM for your reply. That’s more clear now for me and how to play this game (which is just a must to play from my perspective). Roxy is missing… Agree with you for her. I will try to be more in her path in a new try with this game if Roxy has a real path in it. BTW, Nikki and Rachel are also in my target.
BTW, I want to congratulate you regarding your threat in « Recommending » . I love it and I’m following you in that purpose.
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Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
Many, many thanks TM for your reply. That’s more clear now for me and how to play this game (which is just a must to play from my perspective). Roxy is missing… Agree with you for her. I will try to be more in her path in a new try with this game if Roxy has a real path in it. BTW, Nikki and Rachel are also in my target.
For me, Roxy and Rachel are the two who are furthest along in their paths, and might also (as a result, of course) have the most content. I missed out on Roxy because I didn't like our first meeting, and lookswise, she's not my usual cup of tea. I therefore didn't chat with her at the first party, and that was that, pretty much. Now, she's my number one because she is just adorable. Making her blush is one of the most wholesome things in the games I've played, almost on a par to the same thing with Athena from Bare Witness.
BTW, I want to congratulate you regarding your threat in « Recommending » . I love it and I’m following you in that purpose.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
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Engaged Member
Jun 17, 2023
Too hard to remember all the names, but I know I'm ahead with Roxy and Sara. I think Carol and Yuki are the other 2, though stuff happened with others.


Feb 29, 2020
Too hard to remember all the names, but I know I'm ahead with Roxy and Sara. I think Carol and Yuki are the other 2, though stuff happened with others.
You can slightly mod the script - run console and track some variables with girls names containing relation levels. This way you will see all important names and levels of their relations with MC.


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
You can slightly mod the script - run console and track some variables with girls names containing relation levels. This way you will see all important names and levels of their relations with MC.
Does that give you anything more/better than the phone in game?


Feb 29, 2020
Does that give you anything more/better than the phone in game?
It is really looking nice but have 2 disadvantages against pure console solution. First we have to patching every new version of the game with this mod and second - it taking a lot of space on the screen when used.
So personally i prefer using console - I know I'm lazy guy - cos it is working with old saves and dont need patching. Save files containing all needed variables to keep console open. But it is looking pretty ugly of course.

My second solution is mod in separate frame over the top of the FHD game main frame. (Cos i'm using my monitor in portrait mode mostly). So this way I have a lot more space for watching all interested variables, events, names etc And this space is not covering game content of course.
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Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
It is really looking nice but have 2 disadvantages against pure console solution. First we have to patching every new version of the game with this mod and second - it taking a lot of space on the screen when used.
So personally i prefer using console - I know I'm lazy guy - cos it is working with old saves and dont need patching. Save files containing all needed variables to keep console open. But it is looking pretty ugly of course.

My second solution is mod if separate frame over the top of the FHD game main frame. (Cos i'm using my monitor in portrait mode mostly). So this way I have a lot more space for watching all interested variables, events, names etc And this space is not covering game content of course.
This isn't a mod, it's just the phone in-game. I think there's a mod I've seen that expands the details in it, but I took this screenshot from an un-modded game, so no patching of it required.


Feb 29, 2020
Yes indeed it is in the game. Your first question fooled me. Frankly speaking i didnt used it before cos my console is open all the time. But i also wasn't too far from the truth - cos if we want move this phone from middle of the game screen toward one of its edges we need to patch original game even if the phone screen is exactly the same.
As I said I'm lazy guy and have short memory for details so i prefer to have stats opened whole time. A like other game - the one made by King B - A Couple Duet of Lust and Love. This one game have one small button dedicated for showing the stats window next to the edge. So i can open the stats for 99% of time and close it just by one click if i want see details at the edge of the main window. It is much more convenient IMHO than phone and has much convenient default location - at the edge instead of middle. BTW i still had to mod it anyway cos i had to add black background to see all numbers clearly on the contrast background cos light game content is not a proper background for white inked numbers.

I have to explain why i was fooled. I'm not native english , so my first impression was you are showing me modded phone and you are asking if this phone is better than original in game. But you asked me about console to compare it to original phone. Frankly speaking i prefer console over the phone cos i can track all variables i want and I can track them and see them permanently. It is very important for me personally cos I dont like opening phone and closing it again and again.

Console and phone are so different solutions each other so i wasn't able to think you are asking me to compare them despite your question was short and simple.
So I assumed the picture below was modded phone but it was original. :oops:
I'm aware 90+ % players would prefer phone over console cos phone looking nice and is ready to use but console needs some skills but as you see i was so lazy i didnt even explored all phone's functions cos I turned on console long time ago to track was i wanted at that time and I was totally satisfied.
I have to admit however phone is much more convenient in cheating mode - I didnt tried playing this game in cheating mode but i will try i guess.

I know I'm biased guy cos i like modding diy different parts of the GUI like history or load/safes, dev menu, additional frames, stat windows etc For that purposes i had to learn python last year and had to learn about renpy as well. Now I'm less keen on simple mods cos I'm trying to develop huge code for analysing paths of different games. For few months i had strange bug in my code which forced the qame to quit if i tried to reload it in dev menu - despite no error were reported. I was so lazy so i didnt investigated what was source of this strange behaviour, and i wasnt carefull enough to discover this bug at early stage after i planted this bug to the code.
But recently i did carefull investigation. I had to cut my code few times to reach the place when the bug is still absent . The next i've found i used bad name for temporary variable , so undetected collision of names probably happened which wasnt reported. So when I changed the name of the bad temporary variable for unique one - the bug dissapeared. So i can develop my huge code further now.
I know I'm still beginner in python but my code is really huge - more than 300k of source file. Now I'm also aware i have to develop two versions of this code for the sake of some differences between python 2.x and 3.x which is used in renpy 8.xx games.
So i didnt uploaded here anything yet despite I've started more than 20 months ago. So after this short presentation It should be clear why I'm really prefering console over the phone.
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Engaged Member
Jun 17, 2023
You can slightly mod the script - run console and track some variables with girls names containing relation levels. This way you will see all important names and levels of their relations with MC.
That's way above my computer skill level.


Feb 29, 2020
It's not so hard.
First you have to find file 00console.rpy in renpy/common/ directory in your main game directory.

and you need to find code in this file like one below:

# Configuration and style initalization.
init -1500 python:

# If true, the console is enabled despite config.developer being False.
config.console = False

Than you have to change config.console variable for True value

config.console = True

Than you have to save this file and run the game again. If you press Shift +"o" combination you enter the console . When you type exit in console window and press enter you can close console window.

If you mod 00console.rpy a bit more you can run it in developer mode as well.

To do that you have to add two more lines to the code:

# Configuration and style initalization.
init -100 python:
config.developer = True
init -1500 python:

When you save it and run game again you can press Shift +'d' keys to enter Developer menu.

You can find more tips on this forum how to use console and how to unpack and decompile archived renpy games distributed in .rpa archives

If you are skilled enough to use this forum so you are skilled enough to do simple mods for yourself for sure.

You can find rpa extractor here:https://f95zone.to/threads/unren-ba...compiler-console-developer-menu-enabler.3083/
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Feb 29, 2020
Yeah, that might as well be in an alien language.
Dont worry - try to download unrenbat first than run it in root game directory when exe game file is located.
Most usefull options are 1 and 2 in this tool.
You dont even have to understand what this tool is exactly doing.
If you use option 1 - the tool will extract all files from rpa archives so this way you get access to all images and animations hidden in rpa archives. So you can browse unpacked images using windows slide show tool for each subdirectory.

Option 2 allow you decompile compiled rpyc files to rpy files which you can edit in notepad if you want.

For simple changes you dont even understant Python at all, all you need is just text editor skill.
For advanced mods, python skills are helpfull if you trying to create them not just copy paste them.

Text editor dont bite you. It is safe. I know beginners are often unaware they need a tool to unpack rpa files.
Some games are distributed unpacked and others are packed in rpa archives.

And python is not hard language to learn at basic level.
If you have just one of renpy games you dont have to install python environment separate for experiments with this language.
You can just use python library distributed with the game you have.
For this one game distributed with renpy 7.xx it is python 2.xx
Some minor differences are between 2.xx and 3.xx versions in Python but it is not impotant at start at all.

You can use developer menu to run your own python code if you mod this menu a bit just adding your own button for running your own script.
Such script can mod part of your game or can do things unrelated to game. All output you can save to text file in your script to execute it faster. So when you run your script just new text file will pop up in root directory of your game.
So you can browse - your output file - by text editor like notepad in windows .

Believe me - you dont need to be programmer to use python this way. All you need is just bit of patience to learn basic skills.
I'm old guy and i've learned python less than 2 years ago despite I'm playing renpy games more than 4 years.
Cos at start I was too leazy to learn python and was confused by errors python sometimes reported.

So first I downloaded unren tool and started running games in developer mode enabled.
Than I watched variables in games in developer mode and the next I wanted to create better browser for variables so i started to learn renpy and python as well.
The next stage of my adventure with Python was to create some short mods in games.
And finally I started to create huge code for analysing renpy games - all their content - text nodes, images, variables, paths etc. And still I'm not a programmer just skilled amateur.
You can download a lot of books for python from torrents for free if you dont want wasting money for paper books.
Just one book would be enough to learn basic skills in python.
Sooner or later most of us will need some basic skill of python in everyday use cos of AI fast growing imho.
If you would like to get a controll over your local AI engine python would be really helpfull for you.

But as I said you dont need to understand Python to do some copy-paste text mods.
It is needed only if you want develop your skills further to create some original parts of code.
Adult games and their hidden content give us some motivation to learn some basic skills faster.
Learning even basic skills without fast reward would be really boring.

So my point is - the faster you start learning some basic skills the sooner you get your reward.
You will learn why some games are cool and others are boring. The devil is in details.
Higher skills would allow you to compile resources from different games to create something new for fun.
For such advanced goals higher skills and advanced tools are required.
In such tasks AI would be helpfull soon I hope.

For basic goals to recognize which developer is really productive and what amount of hidden content is still in the game you like you dont need high skills. Just unren extractor tool and bit of patience would be enough.

The dev of this game is pretty productive. And content is of high quality - I dont mean compression or resolution but facial emotions, shapes, lighting etc.
Some other devs have also some high quality content but mostly are less productive or in many cases abandonnig their projects at early stage cos they cant attract enough supporters.

So if you are aware player you can save a lot of time just by unpack and decompile games to see sooner what hidden content is still inside. This way you can get more times for finding hidden gems here as your reward.
Keep in mind our imagination creating part of the game, so not everything whats look cool at first glance must be cool later.
If you can look inside how many variables are involved and what are triggers for paths or events you can better understand what are your preferences and what kind of games you should try first.
So extractor tool and basic skill can tell you much more about the game than 100s of comments or reading long detailed guide file.
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Jun 12, 2024
Same like Anteron. But I try to be in… Not easy honestly. Nevertheless, I like the explanation. I will maybe try it…


Feb 29, 2020
My programming ability stopped at BASIC on the Commodore 64.
So not bad at all. Python is more powerfull and is easier to use at basic level than BASIC. BASIC was way closer to low level assembler than high level Python. First thing what you need to understand when you are reading Python scripts are meaning of leading spaces - idents and meaning of ':' sign at the end of statement line.
After line ended by ':' parser is expecting next code line will have more leading spaces than previous one.
In other way you get ident error.
At begin I wasnt aware of this convention and ident errors confused me.
But when i started learn basics of python it was soon very clear for me.
These {}, [] and () also have their special meanings in Python - way different than in C++ or in BASIC.
If you will be patient enough you will have a lot of fun in Python cos programming is way easier at high level of abstraction.
If you think writing something usefull is harder in Python than was in BASIC so you are really wrong.

Writing high level things in BASIC was a nightmare - Python is way more convenient but you need to be more patient to learn its capabilities. Time you spend with BASIC was wasted time cos BASIC was really primitive. And this way it forced you to waste even more time to write usefull things. Time spend for Python is like good investment cos you are saving way more time if you can programming right way at high level of abstraction.
So try Python and you will not regret for sure.
Do you really believe it is designed to make programmers life harder ?
It is exactly opposite - a lot things are easier to get with Python.
If you could get a car for free it would be worth to have driver license - wouldnt be ?
You can get Python libraries for free - so all you need is to get some skills in Python like to pass tests and get driver license.
Most people have it cos they know it is usefull thing.
So the same is valid for Python - just less people are aware how usefull it is.
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